The purpose of this application is to provide a website for listing natural disasters and providing witness reports of those disasters, including:
- earthquakes
- floods
- wildfires
- tornadoes
- hurricanes
- tsunamis
- landslides
- avalanches
- volcano eruptions
Currently, there is no front-end for this application. There is a back-end and database for the application hosted on Heroku. The third-party authorization service Auth0 is used to allow log-in. Any user may view disasters and witness reports for any disaster. Users with the role of "disaster-reporter" can also post witness reports of disasters and edit (i.e. patch) witness reports of disasters. Finally, users with the role of "disaster-admin" can do all things that disaster-reporters can do but can also get a list of all users, post a new disaster listing, edit a disaster listing, and delete a disaster report.
The login page can be found here. Upon creating an account and logging in, the user is directed here.
The schema describing the data models and helper functions to manipulate objects of those models are defined
. For complete details, please refer to that file. Below are some important points:
- The database currently consists of three tables: Disaster, Observer, and WitnessReport.
- The Disaster table is meant to add natural disasters to the system, which would then be available for reports by witnesses of disasters (those with the role disaster-reporter).
- The Observer table is meant to list basic information for users who have been registered as disaster-reporters and therefore who are able to write witness reports of natural disasters.
- The WitnessReport table represents the data included by an Observer object when providing an account of a Disaster object.
- The WitnessReport table includes two foreign keys: one for the id of the associated disaster (about which the witness report is written) and one for the id of the associated observer (who writes the report).
If you wish to work within a virtual environment to keep your dependencies for each project separate and organized, instructions for setting up a virual enviornment for your platform can be found in the python docs.
All dependencies are listed in requirements.txt
and can be installed with the following command, which should be run in the top-level of this project's directory:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Note the use of Python 3.7. If you do not have this version of Python installed, follow instructions to install the latest version of python for your platform in the python docs.
Flask is a lightweight backend microservices framework. Flask is required to handle requests and responses.
SQLAlchemy is the Python SQL toolkit and ORM (object relational mapping) I used to handle the database. Most of the logic is set up in
. -
Flask-CORS is the extension I used to handle cross origin requests, which I expect to eventually require when supporting a front-end.
As mentioned above, the application's database is handled by heroku; however, for local development, you must set up a postgresql database. Follow the steps below:
Assuming that you have postgres installed and the psql command line tool, create the database to use for development with:
psql -U <user> createdb sample-capstoneDB
is replaced by a user account for psql. You may be prompted for the corresponding password for this user. This will create the database. -
To obtain all necessary environment variables, run one of the following commands, depending on your operating system:
- MacOS, Linux:
- Windows:
- MacOS, Linux:
Make the initial migration by running the following commands:
python3 db init python3 db migrate python3 db upgrade
To add sample data to the database for ad hoc testing, first update the last line of
SELECT * FROM disasters" sample-capstoneDB postgres
SELECT * FROM disasters" sample-capstoneDB <user>
where <user>
is the name of the user used to create the database sample-capstoneDB
above. (If the username used is postgres
, then you do not have to change anything.)
Next run the following command, which will load the contents of
to the sample-capstoneDB
Note: You will require the CLIENT_SECRET
environment variables. For security reasons, these are not provided here. For access, please e-mail me at the e-mail listed for my GitHub profile.
If you have set up the local database as described above in the "Database Set Up" section, then you next need tokens for the disaster administrator role and the disaster reporter role. These can be obtained by navigating to this endpoint and
- creating your own account with a password and contacting me to enable you as one of the two roles described above
- following these steps for the three kinds of users (warning - as the passwords used are being provided, do not upload sensitive information to this application):
- create your own account at the above endpoint for a regular user
- log in as with password azAZ09!@ for a disaster reporter role
- log in as with password azAZ09!@ for a disaster admin role
In the above three cases of the second option, upon logging in you will be re-directed from Auth0 to the application, which will include a bearer token in the URL. Take the value of the token for the disaster admin account and set that value for the TOKEN
variable in
. Similarly, take the value of the token for the disaster reporter account and set that value for the REPORTER_TOKEN
Having set the tokens, perform the following steps:
Run the appropriate command, depending on your operating system:
For Linux and MacOS users:
For Windows Users:
For personal users who have been given access to
(via e-mail or myself), next run:source
flask run
to begin the local server on localhost port 5000.
You can verify that the server is running properly by opening another terminal window and running the command
curl -X GET http://localhost:5000/api
This should return the message "Hello!!!!!".
All tests are present in
. These tests include both tests for the correctness of the endpoints and tests for authorization. To run them successfully follow these steps:
Follow the instructions in the "Running The Local Server" section above to obtain tokens for the roles and set them in
. -
Run the following command to set the environment variables from
Create a test postgresql database called
with a user account using the following command:createdb -U <user> test-capstoneDB
is replaced by your user account. You will likely be prompted for the password for that user account. -
Set the environment variable
for the<user>
used above to create the test database with the following command:For MacOS- and Linux-based systems, use the following command:
export MY_PG_USER=<user>
For Windows-based syteems, use the following command:
set MY_PG_USER=<user>
is replaced by the user name used to create the test database. -
Set the environment variable
for the password of the<user>
used above to create the database with the following command:For MacOS- and Linux-based systems, use the following command:
export MY_PG_PWD=<pwd>
For Windows-based syteems, use the following command:
set MY_PG_PWD=<pwd>
is the password of the user used to create the test database. -
Run the following command to now run all tests:
python3 -b
option suppresses print statements from the code, for example, system messages upon errors.)You should see results similar to these:
- This project can be run locally as described above using the base URL
. - It is also hosted remotely through Heroku, for which the base URL is
. For endpoints which require authentication, the corresponding authentication token can be set. With cURL, this can be done by appending the string'--header "Authorization: bearer '
followed by the bearer token value.
Errors are returned as JSON objects in the following format:
"success": false,
"error": 400,
"message": "The request was malformed."
The API returns five error types when requests fail:
- 400: malformed request
- 401: authorization issue
- 403: authorization incorrect permission
- 404: resource not found
- 422: unprocessable
The following endpoints are supported by the server, discussed in detail below:
- GET '/api/disasters'
- GET '/api/disasters/<disaster_id>'
- GET '/api/observers'
- POST '/api/disasters'
- POST '/api/observers'
- POST '/api/witnessreports'
- PATCH '/api/disasters'
- PATCH '/api/witnessreports'
- DELETE '/api/witnessreports/<witness_report_id>'
GET '/api/disasters'
A GET endpoint to get all disasters or disasters by disaster type. This endpoint takes an optional parameter 'disaster_type' for the disaster_type. If no disaster_type parameter is provided, then the data for all disasters is returned. If the disaster_type parameter is provided but is not one of the recognized enums, a 404 error is raised.
Role: None required
Request arguments: None
Query parameters: optional
number -
Returns: This endpoint does not return any of the witness reports associated with a specific disaster. For each disaster, the data in the disaster table is returned along with a random comment and the author of that comment from a witness of the disaster (if any) and some descriptive data about the disaster reports per disaster (namely, the number of reports, the first observance, the last observance, and the number of people affected).
curl -X GET
{ "disasters":[ { "average_severity":null, "disaster_type":"avalanche", "first_observance":null, "id":4, "informal_name":"The Big Avalanche", "is_ongoing":false, "last_observance":null, "location":[ 28.632662, 83.833038 ], "num_reports":0, "official_name":"Avalanche-202012110821", "people_affected":null, "random_comment":null, "random_observer":null, "random_observer_url":null }, { "average_severity":3.0, "disaster_type":"tsunami", "first_observance":"Wed, 31 Jul 2019 13:01:47 GMT", "id":2, "informal_name":"The Terrible Tsunami", "is_ongoing":false, "last_observance":"Wed, 31 Jul 2019 13:01:47 GMT", "location":[ 8.1, 130.5 ], "num_reports":1, "official_name":"Tsunami-1", "people_affected":1300, "random_comment":"The disaster is quite bad", "random_observer":"disaster_recorder", "random_observer_url":"" } ], "total_disasters":2 }
GET '/api/disasters/<disaster_id>'
A GET endpoint to get the details of a single disaster, including:
- id (int)
- informal_name (str)
- official_name (str)
- disaster_type (enum str)
- is_ongoing (bool)
- location (list of pair of floats)
- people_affected (maximum over all reports if there exist reports, otherwise None)
- average_severity (float)
- first_observance (datetime str)
- last_observance (datetime str)
- num_reports (int; if no reports exist, it is 0)
- reports (list)
The reports property contains a list of individual witness reports, each including: - id (int) - observer_id (int) - event_datetime (datetime str) - severity (int) - image_url (str) - comment (str) - people_affected (int) - location (list of pair of floats) - username (str) - user_photograph_url (str)
Role: None required
Request arguments: None
Query parameters: optional
number -
curl -X GET
{ "average_severity":3.0, "disaster_type":"tsunami", "first_observance":"Wed, 31 Jul 2019 13:01:47 GMT", "id":2, "informal_name":"The Terrible Tsunami", "is_ongoing":false, "last_observance":"Wed, 31 Jul 2019 13:01:47 GMT", "location":[ 8.1, 130.5 ], "num_reports":1, "official_name":"Tsunami-1", "people_affected":1300, "reports":[ { "comment":"The disaster is quite bad", "event_datetime":"Wed, 31 Jul 2019 13:01:47 GMT", "id":2, "image_url":"", "location":[ 23.4, -10.3 ], "observer_id":1, "people_affected":1300, "severity":3, "user_photograph_url":"", "username":"disaster_recorder" } ] }
GET '/api/observers'
A GET endpoint to retrieve a page of the set of observers, including the observers' ids, usernames, and the URLs of their user photographs. The page can be specified as a query parameter and if none is provided, it will be assumed to be 1. The use of an invalid page (i.e. a non-positive page) will cause a status 422 error to be returned.
Role: disaster-admin
Query parameters: optional
number -
Sample (
omitted because of length):curl -X GET --header "Authorization: bearer <token>"
{ "observers":[ { "id":1, "photograph_url":"", "username":"disaster_recorder" }, { "id":2, "photograph_url":"", "username":"test_disaster_observer" } ] }
POST '/api/disasters'
A POST endpoint to insert a disaster into the database. The body for the request is a dictionary with the following keys:
- informal_name (str)
- official_name (str, required, must be unique)
- disaster_type (str, disaster enum)
- is_ongoing (bool, default True)
- location_latitude (float, required)
- location_longitude (float, required)
If the request's disaster data does not meet the conditions of requirement described above, a 400 status code error is returned.
Role: disaster-admin, disaster-reporter
Sample (
omitted because of length):curl -X POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "Accept: application/vnd.heroku+json; version=3" --data '{"informal_name": "The Medium Avalanche", "official_name": "Avalanche-202012140936", "disaster_type": "AVALANCHE", "is_ongoing": false, "location_latitude": 28.632662, "location_longitude": 83.833038 }' --header "Authorization: bearer <token>"
{ "id": 8 }
POST '/observers'
A POST endpoint to insert a user into the database. THe body for the request is a dictionary with the following keys:
- username (
, required, unique) - photograph_url (
If the request's data does not meet the conditions of requirement described above, then a 400 status code error is returned.
- username (
Role: None required
curl -X POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "Accept: application/vnd.heroku+json; version=3" --data '{"username": "another_disaster_observer", "photograph_url": ""}'
{ "id": 3 }
POST '/api/witnessreports'
A POST endpoint to insert a witness's report into the database. The body for the request is a dictionary with the following keys:
- disaster_id (int, required)
- observer_id (int, required)
- event_datetime (datetime str, required)
- severity (int)
- image_url (str)
- comment (str)
- people_affected (int, default = 0)
- location_latitude (float)
- location_longitude (float)
If the request's data does not meet the conditions of requirement described above, then a 400 status code error is returned.
Sample (
omitted because of length):curl -X POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "Accept: application/vnd.heroku+json; version=3" --data '{"disaster_id": 8, "observer_id": 2, "event_datetime": "2019-08-01 05:41:14-04", "image_url": "", "comment": "The waves are enormous and causing a lot of damage.", "people_affected": 15000, "location_latitude": 50.8, "location_longitude": 65.2}' --header "Authorization: bearer <token>"
{ "id": 5 }
PATCH '/api/disasters'
A PATCH endpoint to update a disaster. The body of the request is a dictionary with the following keys, all of which are optional except for id:
- id (int)
- informal_name (str)
- official_name (str)
- disaster_type (str)
- is_ongoing (str)
- location_latitude (str)
- location_longitude (str)
If no
is provided, then a 400 status code error is returned. If an id is provided but it does not match that of any disaster in the database, a 404 status code error is returned. Otherwise, if there are any malformed parts of the update data dictionary, then a 422 error is thrown. -
Role: disaster-admin
Sample (
omitted due to length):curl -X PATCH --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "Accept: application/vnd.heroku+json; version=3" --data '{"id": 4, "informal_name": "The Very Terrible Avalanche", "location_latitude": 8.1, "location_longitude": 130.5}' --header "Authorization: bearer <token>"
{ "disaster_type": "avalanche", "id": 4, "informal_name": "The Very Terrible Avalanche", "is_ongoing": false, "location": [8.1,130.5], "official_name": "Avalanche-202012110821" }
PATCH '/api/witnessreports'
A PATCH endpoint to update a witness report of disaster. The body of the request is a dictionary with the following keys, all of which are optional except for id (all fields except for id represent fields which are being changed):
- id (int, required)
- event_datetime (datetime str)
- severity (int)
- image_url (str)
- comment (str)
- people_affected (int)
- location_latitude (str)
- location_longitude (str)
If no id is provided, then a 400 status code error is returned. If an id is provided but it does not match that of any witness report in the database, a 404 status code error is returned. Otherwise, if there are any malformed parts of the update data dictionary, then a 422 error is thrown.
Role: disaster-reporter, disaster-admin
Sample (
omitted due to length):curl -X PATCH --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "Accept: application/vnd.heroku+json; version=3" --data '{"id": 2, "severity": 9, "event_datetime": "2019-08-02 07:20:11-04", "people_affected": 16000}' --header "Authorization: bearer <token>"
{ "comment": "The disaster is quite bad", "disaster_id": 2, "event_datetime": "Fri, 02 Aug 2019 11:20:11 GMT", "id": 2, "image_url": "", "location":[ 23.4, -10.3 ], "observer_id": 1, "people_affected": 16000, "severity": 9 }
DELETE '/api/witnessreports'
- A DELETE endpoint for deleting a witness report. If the listed id does not exist among witness reports, a 400 status error is returned.
- Role: disaster-admin
- Sample (
omitted due to length):curl -X DELETE --header "Authorization: bearer <token>"
- Result:
{ "delete": "5", "success": true }