Show me old version with LocalStorage.
Project is a part of The Odin Project JavaScript learning curriculum. To learn more open the TOP assignment.
A small library app. Books are created as class
objects and stored in a Library array. This project allowed to grow knowledge of object usefulness in JS and using LocalStorage
and BaaS for storing data. Update to Firebase allows users to log in with Google
account to track user-specified library data. Therefore, the gif below is deprecated. Following Firebase options were applied:
- GitHub pages hoisting
- ES6 Modules
- DOM manipulation
- Object Constructors and Classes
- Factorials
- Prototypal Inheritance
- LocalStorage
- BaaS (Firebase)
- Visual Studio Code
- Javascript
- CSS3
- Firebase
- use Firebase instead of LocalStorage
- add transitions for creating a book
- add times read column
- add percentage display bar for pages already read in the book (IA idea)