wke 是一个基于 WebKit 精简的浏览器引擎,原项目地址 https://github.com/BlzFans/wke。原作者已停止更新,本人出于技术研究的目的 fork 过来,业余时间继续维护,既学习 WebKit 的相关技术,也实验将 web 技术用于桌面UI。如果你对本项目感兴趣,欢迎请关注并随时提出你的宝贵意见。如果你也是一名 WebKit 的研究者、开发者,也欢迎你通过本项目来分享你宝贵的经验。
若你有任何与项目相关的问题或建议,请联系本人邮箱 cexer@qq.com,或者加入QQ群 178168957 和大家一起讨论。
Web and Flash Embedded in 3D games, based on WebKit
Building wke
VS2005: 1 Install Visual Studio 2005 SP1 2 Install the Windows SDK 6.0 3 Open the vs2005/wke.sln solution file in Visual Studio and build the solution. This can take from 30 minutes to 1 hours. More likely 40 minutes.
VS2008: 1 Install Visual Studio 2008 SP1 2 Install the Windows SDK 6.0 or newer 3 Open the vs2008/wke.sln solution file in Visual Studio and build the solution. This can take from 30 minutes to 1 hours. More likely 40 minutes.
Run wke The wkeBrowser.exe executable can be found at demo/bin/wkeBrowser.exe
Common Build Errors:
Cygwin exception::handle: Exception: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION
Close the Visual Studio, then relaunch and rebuild. This usually fixes the problem.