A set of Python scripts to upload a file to Transfer.sh and ping a channel on Ntfy with the download link
The transfer.sh instance is down and it seems like it probably has been for a while. This tool now recommends that you use the transfer.whalebone.io instance.
As for sending files to your from a nearby desktop this tool can be obsoleted by KDE Connect which can run over bluetooth. This tool may be useful for sending files from a VM to a phone or from any remote destination to any other remote destination.
Simply run the send_to_phone.py script with the topic on ntfy to publish to and the files to send
[michael@HP Send_to_Phone]$ send_to_phone.py --help
usage: send_to_phone.py [-h] [-c] [-ce EMAIL] [-z] [-cl {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}] [--transfersh TRANSFERSH] [--ntfy NTFY] topic files [files ...]
A utility to upload files to Transfer.sh and then ping Ntfy.sh with the download link
positional arguments:
topic Ntfy topic to publish message to
files Files to upload
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c, --encrypt Encrypt files before uploading
-ce EMAIL, --email EMAIL
Your email as associated with a key in gpg. Does nothing if --encrypt is not passed
-z, --compress Compress files before uploading. Automatically set if more than one filename is passed
-cl {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}, --compressionlevel {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}
Compression level to use. Defaults to 9 if --compress is set, otherwise does nothing
--transfersh TRANSFERSH
Transfer.sh instance to upload file to. Defaults to transfer.whalebone.io
--ntfy NTFY Ntfy instance to send the message to. Defaults to ntfy.sh
To install these scripts to your path, create a directory to serve as the install directory and location of the venv,
for example. Download the scripts to this folder and create a venv, perhaps in /opt/send_to_phone/venv
Create the environment variable $SEND_TO_PHONE_INSTALL_DIR
in the usual way to point to this location.
Then, create the files transfer
, ntfy
, and send_to_phone
somewhere in your $PATH
with the contents respectively:
$install_dir/venv/bin/python $install_dir/transfer.py "$@"
$install_dir/venv/bin/python $install_dir/ntfy.py "$@"
$install_dir/venv/bin/python $install_dir/send_to_phone.py "$@"
If you use KDE you can add a ServiceMenu so that the action will appear in some context menus.
Create the file $HOME/.local/share/kservices5/ServiceMenus/share_to_phone.desktop
with the contents:
[Desktop Entry]
[Desktop Action send_to_phone]
Name=Send files to Phone
Exec=dbusRef=`kdialog --progressbar "Uploading files"` && send_to_phone $NTFY_CHANNEL %F && qdbus $dbusRef close
with your chosen Ntfy channel
Create a batch script in the location of your venv with the contents:
pushd C:\path\to\install\folder
.\venv\Scripts\python.exe .\send_to_phone.py $NTFY_CHANNEL %*
and then create a shortcut to this file at %AppData%\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo\Phone
To send files from your phone to your computer a Tasker profile using the Autoshare plugin can probably be set up, but I have not yet purchased it
Adding this to your Ntfy config file at /etc/ntfy/client.yml
or ~/.config/ntfy/client.yml
will send a notification
via notify-send
each time a notification is received:
command: 'notify-send --app-name=Ntfy::"$topic" --icon=terminal "${title:-No title}" "${message:-No message}"'
The Ntfy Android app will allow you to receive Ntfy notifications on your device. Available from the Play Store or F-Droid
To automatically download and unarchive the files use the following Tasker project which will wait for Ntfy notifications from the Ntfy Android app and then automatically download and (sometimes) decompress the files
This project requires Termux, gpg installed via Termux, the Termux:Tasker plugin and requires that you create the file
in the Termux home directory with the contents:
gpg -o $2 --decrypt $1
Alternatively, simply run this following script within Termux to setup everything for you