Another wiretap in DHT network.
If deployed properly, DHTDigger could capture as many DHT messages as it can, and queue them in Redis. Another torrent worker will process all queued messages by downloading and parsing torrents. All metadata parsed from torrents will be stored in another Redis queue for further processing (ie. feeding one BT search engine or data mining task).
- wiretap
- torrent_worker
Configuration file sits in confiuration folder, replace all [placeholder] with your real environment info. One sample is config.yml.example.
Both of them can be started by running shell script under bin folder,
To make sure the whole system running well without our attendence, it's suggest to use monitoring tools (like monit). Here's one example used in my Ubuntu 14.04 with Monit Version 5.6.
check process dhtdigger with pidfile /path/to/my/pid/file
start program = "/path/to/my/"
stop program = "/bin/cat /path/to/my/pid/file | xargs /bin/kill"
group dhtdigger
###License MIT