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HowTo: Publish new version

Hans Morbach edited this page May 22, 2024 · 3 revisions

How to publish a new version to

The following steps should be done shortly before release to avoid merge conflicts

1. Create a release branch

  • From master, create a new branch titled release/* where you replace the * with the next version number of the plugin (e.g. release/2.9.2 )

2. Update changelog

  • Open up the milestone for the version that you are about to release and use the linked issues and pull requests to create the changelog for the next version
  • Update the changelog in the readme.txt file, do not forget to add the date of the release

3. Update release version

  • In the newly created branch, update the readme.txt with the new version number under "Stable Tag"
  • Also update commonsbooking.php and change "Version" in the header of the file as well as further down the value in the constant COMMONSBOOKING_VERSION

4. Translations

  • Make sure, that 100% of the strings are translated into German, you can use the little green checkmark to see the result of the checks
  • The entry "E2E Tests / i18n-coverage (push)" should show "100%"
  • If there are strings missing, push them on the release branch and check again for 100% coverage

5. Pre-Release testing

The release/* branch will automatically create a zip file of the plugin as it will appear on

  • Click on the little green checkmark and view the details of the "Build zip from release branch" action, under "Summary" you can download a zip of the built plugin as an artifact
  • Upload the zip file to your staging environment and check if everything is working as expected

6. Release

  • When everything is in order, create a new release in GitHub and point it to the release branch

  • Name the tag just like the version you are going to publish (e.g. 2.9.2). Do NOT prepend a v to the versioning (e.g. v.2.9.2). The tag on must match what is present in the readme.txt image

  • Publish the release and the release action will pick up from there

  • Confirm the release on using the link in the email


  • Merge the release/* branch that you just created back into master using a pull request
  • Close the existing milestone for the version you just released
  • Create a new milestone with the next upcoming minor version