The Hibet translates with all dictionaries from tibetan-dictionary project. It consume both Wylie transliteration and tibetan script from input.
- Hibet uses about 40 dictionaries to translate Tibetan words to English or Tibetan.
- If translations have Tibetan texts it printed as wylie.
Install stack
Install hibet
git clone cd ./hibet stack install hibet
cabal new-install exe:hibet --overwrite-policy=always
$ hibet -h
Hibet is command line translator from Tibet to English language.
Usage: hibet [-v|--version] [[-s|--select DICT_ID] | COMMAND]
Available options:
-h,--help Show this help text
-v,--version Show Hibet's version
-s,--select DICT_ID Select id of dictionary
Available commands:
shell Start the translate shell
om Print Om to a terminal
show Show names or meta of dictionaries
debug Debug hibet
$ hibet show -h
Usage: hibet show COMMAND
Show names or meta of dictionaries
Available options:
-h,--help Show this help text
Available commands:
names Show dictionary titles
meta Show dictionary descriptions
$ hibet shell -h
Usage: hibet shell [-s|--select DICT_ID]
Start the translate shell
Available options:
-h,--help Show this help text
-s,--select DICT_ID Select id of dictionary
Input hibet shell
in terminal. And then write your query
using Wylie (mo) or Tibet script (མོ་):
$ hibet shell -s{7,16}
Which a tibetan word to translate?
> mo
7. Rangjung Yeshe
the girl
lady, female, woman. 2) divination, prophecy
1) auspicious, mo divination/ prophesy [R]; 2) feminine particle, female,
woman, she [R]; 3) terminative after MA; 4) noun forming particle [R]; 5)
is [don ci mo: what is the meaning]
16. Ives Waldo
1) auspicious, mo divination [mo rgyag mkhan gyis mo ma btab gong du bden
pa bdar khul gyis mi la mgo skor gtong ba; 2) femine showing particle
[bya mo]; 3) terminative after MA; 4) noun forming particle [ring mo,
chen mo,//ltad mo,//nub mo]. 1) auspicious, mo divination/ prophesy [R];
2) feminine particle, female, woman, she [R]; 3) terminative after MA; 4)
noun forming particle [R]; 5) is [don ci mo: what is the meaning]. 1)
auspicious, mo divination/ prophesy; 2) feminine particle, female, woman,
she; 3) terminative after MA; 4) noun forming particle; 5) is
or use arrows of keyboard.
Contributions are welcoming!