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deltamolfar edited this page Oct 14, 2024 · 12 revisions


The trigger system is replaced with the event system for the most part.
You may view this page if you need to make use of interval and timer. Otherwise, we strongly advice you to see the events page instead!

Table of Contents


E2 works on a trigger based system and once the E2 gets triggered by anything, the whole code will be executed, at once, "instantaneous".

In short, this means you cannot "delay" code or make the E2 "pause" or "sleep" and attempting to "wait" for events with a while loop will cause the E2 to crash. Instead you will have to save whatever data you need using @persist and schedule a timer to continue later.

Another effect is that all code will get executed, so even code you might not want to.
For this reason it is a good idea to have no code outside a if(<trigger check>).
I like using if(<trigger1>){<code1>} elseif(<trigger2>){<code2>} ... to make sure only one block of code runs, but this is by no means required.

Below is an example using 3 different trigger types:

  • first(), triggered when spawning the E2
  • Input (~InputName), by default any change in a wire input will execute the E2
  • Timers (clk("timer_name")), which are scheduled manually with timer(Name, Delay)
@name TriggerExample
@inputs Start Delay
@output Done
@persist Counter # Keep this variable between executions
if( first() ) {
  print( "E2 was spawned!" )
elseif( ~Start ) {
  print( "Start input changed value!")
  if( Start ) {
	Counter = Delay
	stoptimer( "decrease_counter" ) # Stop any existing timers, to combat button-spam
	timer( "decrease_counter", 1000 ) # Schedule a execution in 1000ms (=1s)
elseif( clk( "decrease_counter" ) ) {
  print( "Triggered by timer with name decrease_counter" )
  if( Counter > 0) {
	timer( "decrease_counter", 1000 ) # Schedule another execution
  else { # Counter <= 0
	print("Time's up!")
	Done = 1
	timer( "reset_output", 500 ) # Schedule a different timer in 0.5s
elseif( clk("reset_output") ) {
  print( "Triggered by timer with name reset_output" )
  Done = 0

More Examples

There are many more trigger types, each corresponding to special events, so you do not need constantly running code to detect those.

Here are the most commonly used ones:


@name Chat
if( first() ) {
  runOnChat(1) # activate chat trigger
elseif( chatClk() ) { # just chatClk() returns 1 when someone wrote something in chat
  print( lastSpoke():name() + " wrote in chat: " + lastSaid())

Once activated with runOnChat(1), the E2 will be activated any time someone writes something to chat.

The function chatClk() checks if the current execution was trigged by a chat message.

Using chatClk( Player ) allows you to check if that certain Player sent that message.
This is commonly used as if( chatClk( owner() ) ), to make the E2 only react to commands by the owner()

The functions lastSpoke() and lastSaid() allow you to get the sender and content of the message.

For more on how to implement chat commands see: E2: Chat Commands


@name Dupe
if( first() ) {
  print( "Spawned with Toolgun" )
elseif( duped() ) {
  print( "Spawned by duplicator" )

duped() is triggered whenever a E2 is not spawning with the E2 tool, but by any duplicator tool. This is usually used as if( first() | duped() ) to correctly initialize after a dupe or if( duped() ) { reset() } to completely reset and emulate a "fresh spawn"

Note: Advanced Duplicator (both 1 and 2) will additionally trigger for dupefinished() when it is done with spawning everything.


@name Tick
@inputs On
@outputs Dice
if( ~On ) {
  runOnTick( On ) # If On Input changed, enable/disable the tick-trigger
elseif( tickClk() ) {
  Dice = randint( 1, 6 ) # Output a random number every tick

Like Chat, the Tick-trigger has to be enabled manually. It will execute the E2 once every gametick (Default: every 15ms, 66.6x per second). You cannot interact with the world faster, so this is usually used to poll inputs, generate outputs or whenever you want something constantly running, such as physics interactions

See also E2: Detect events in the world


Since E2 runs on the server, whenever you want it to read one of your files it has to be sent to the server first, which takes time. Once the file is uploaded completely the file trigger executes, assuming you activated runOnFile.

@name Persistent Highscore
@inputs Score
@outputs Highscore
if( first() | duped() ) {
  Highscore=-1 # mark as invalid
  timer("tryLoad", 0) # try loading the next tick
elseif( clk("tryLoad") )
  if( fileCanLoad() ) {
    fileLoad("highscore.txt") # Upload data/e2files/highscore.txt
  else {
    timer("tryLoad", 500) # try again in 500ms
elseif( fileClk("highscore.txt") ) { # File trigger
  runOnFile(0) # no longer needed, we got our result
  if( fileStatus()==_FILE_OK ) {
    Highscore = fileRead():toNumber() # Read number and output it
  else {
    error("File load failed with error code: "+fileStatus())
elseif( ~Score ) { # Input trigger
  if( Highscore!=-1 & Score>Highscore ){ # Highscore loaded already and the new score is higher
    Highscore = Score
    print("New Highscore: "+Highscore)
    if( fileCanWrite() ) {
      fileWrite("highscore.txt", Highscore:toString() ) # directly save new value to file
    else {
      print("Could not save score!") # retrying later would be much better, similar to tryLoad above

You might have noticed that we use a timer to load the file. This is because some features in E2 (like accessing files or http, creating holograms or props and find functions) are throttled, so you might have to wait some time between calling them. If the check (here fileCanRead()) fails, we just try again and again (with a brief delay) until it works, as shown above with the tryLoad timer.
Note that writing to file is done with just the single fileWrite function and needs no special trigger, since you do not have results you need to wait on.

FileList and Http triggers have pretty much the same structure.


runOnKeys lets you listen for key (and mouse) events from a specific player. Note that this triggers on press and release of the key, so you want to check if keyClk(TargetEntity) is 1 (press) or -1 (release).

You can use the following code (by Divran) as starting point to figure out the key/bind names you are interested in and then either use them in the runOnKeys filter array, and/or check the value of keyClkPressed() if you want to distinguish between different keys.

if (first()) {
    runOnKeys(owner(),1) #alternatively runOnKeys(owner(),1,array("w","a","s","d")) to filter
} elseif (keyClk()) {
    local Ply = keyClk() # player who pressed the key
    local Pressed = keyClk(Ply) # 1 = key was pressed, -1 = key was released
    local Key = keyClkPressed() # the key that was pressed

    # Alternately you can also get the pressed bind.
    # local PressedBind = keyClkPressedBind()

    if (Pressed == 1) {
        print("Player",Ply,"pressed key",Key)
    } elseif (Pressed == -1) {
        print("Player",Ply,"released key",Key)

Note that not everyone may be using the same keyboard layout or control setup as you, so you may want to use binds instead of keys.
They also work in the filter.

If you want to listen to all players, you can do runOnKeys(players(), 1, OptionalFilterArray) to enable it for all current players. If you want it to listen to players that join later, you want to use runOnJoin to enable it as soon as they join.


Apart from first(), duped(), Inputs, Timers, Chat and Tick there exist many other triggers that you may or may not run into. You can search the E2 Helper for "runOn" or "clk" to find most of them.

Here is a quick rundown of lesser used triggers:

  • Last: allows you to do one last run when deleting the E2
  • FileList: Works similar to File, but gets a list of directory contents
  • Http: Works similar to File, but downloads data from a given URL
  • (Data)Signals: Used for wireless communication between E2s

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