Recent Chrome versions (70 and up) introduced
which essentially nullify this project and the need for an extension. You can
simply acquire a screen stream with something like this:
navigator.mediaDevices.getDisplayMedia({ audio: false, video: true })
.then(stream => video.srcObject = stream)
A working demo can be found here.
This project has been merged into in case something doesn't work have a look over there.
This demo app shows you how to use a Chrome extension to access the
API in your web-application.
(If you're writing a WebRTC app with screen sharing, and want to avoid sending
users to chrome://flags
For the Demo to work, you will need to install the extension
- Go to chrome://extensions
- Check "Developer mode"
- Click "Load unpacked extension..."
- In the dialog choose the
folder from the repository
NOTE: your ID will differ, that's fine though.
The index.html
file contains a "Share screen" button, an empty <video>
and loads some javascript (app.js
). Think of these two files as our
The extension consists of 4 files:
- background.js
- content-script.js
- manifest.json
- icon.png // not important
holds the main logic of the extension
or in our case, has access to the desktopCapture
API. We get access to
this API when we ask for permission in manifest.json
"permissions": [
The background page ("background.js" - chrome generates the related html for us) runs in the extension process and is therefore isolated from our application environment. Meaning that we don't have a direct way to talk to our application. That's why we have the content-script.
If your extension needs to interact with web pages, then it needs a content script. A content script is some JavaScript that executes in the context of a page that's been loaded into the browser.
The content-script does not have access to variables or functions defined on our page, but it has access to the DOM.
In order to call navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia
in app.js, we need a
which we get from our background page.
We have to pass messages through the chain below (left to right):
app.js | |content-script.js | |background.js | desktopCapture API
------------------| |------------------| |--------------------|
window.postMessage|------->|port.postMessage |----->|port.onMessage------+
| window | | port | get|*streamID*
getUserMedia |<------ |window.postMessage|<-----|port.postMessage<---+
Lets run through the chain:
When the user clicks on "Share Screen", we post a message to window, because...
window.postMessage({ type: 'SS_UI_REQUEST', text: 'start' }, '*');
the content-script has access to the DOM.
window.addEventListener('message', event => {
if ( === 'SS_UI_REQUEST') {
}, false);
the content-script can also talk to the background page
var port = chrome.runtime.connect(;
the background page is listening on that port,
port.onMessage.addListener(function (msg) {
if(msg.type === 'SS_UI_REQUEST') {
requestScreenSharing(port, msg);
gets access to the stream, and sends a message containing the
chromeMediaSourceId (streamID
) back to the port (the content-script)
function requestScreenSharing(port, msg) {
desktopMediaRequestId =
streamId => {
msg.type = 'SS_DIALOG_SUCCESS';
msg.streamId = streamId;
the content-script posts it back to app.js
port.onMessage.addListener(msg => {
window.postMessage(msg, '*');
where we finally call navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia
with the streamID
if ( && ( === 'SS_DIALOG_SUCCESS')) {
function startScreenStreamFrom(streamId) {
audio: false,
video: {
mandatory: {
chromeMediaSource: 'desktop',
chromeMediaSourceId: streamId
.then(stream => {
videoElement = document.getElementById('video');
videoElement.srcObject = stream;
Please note that the code examples in this README are edited for brevity, complete code is in the corresponding files.
This part was inspired by fippo from &yet.
When the extension is installed, the content-script will not be injected automatically by Chrome.
The good news is that background.js
will be exectued and we can use it to manually inject the
in our open pages (tabs):
The relevant code can be found in background.js
and looks something like:
chrome.tabs.executeScript(, { file: 'js/content-script.js' }, () => {
console.log('Injected content-script.');
Please note: For this to work, you have to adjust manifest.json
by adding "tabs"
to the permissions section.