A java version of mysql service broker referring to the one from cloudfoundry. It is ported to be able to running with Kubernetes Service Catalog.
The MySQL Service Broker is actually running in tomcat either as standalone server, or can be deployed into Kubernetes as well.
To build the project
./gradlew build
The build command creates jar file with embedded tomcat container.
java -jar build/libs/cf-mysql-java-broker-0.1.0.jar
The pre-built servic broker jar file can be found in pre-build
By default,
- the tomcat server is listening at port
- requires local mysql server root user password to be
as default
The above configuration can be changed by modifying the file under resources\application.yml
Routes | Method | Description |
/v2/catalog | GET | Service and its plan details by this broker |
/v2/service_instances/:id | PUT | create a dedicated database for this service |
/v2/service_instances/:id | DELETE | delete previously created database for this service |
/v2/service_instances/:id/service_bindings/:id | PUT | create user and grant privilege for the database associated with service. |
/v2/service_instances/:id/service_bindings/:id | DELETE | delete the user created previously for this binding. |
This document outlines the basic steps to register mysql service broker to Kubernetes service catalog by walking through a short demo.
- kubernetes 1.7 +
- helm / tiller 2.7.0 +
Please refer to Kubernetes service catalog installation document service-catalog
NOTE: when helm install
service catalog by using its charts artifact, the "port 30443 already been taken" error probably is met. That maybe because the port has been used by kube-proxy process. In that case, please change to use another port like 31443, for service catalog api server's service nodePort. It can be configured under charts/catalog/values.yaml, if using service-catalog charts
There is also a workthrough document of registering a dummy service broker to Kubernetes service catalog. Go through it to understand and verify how K8S service catalog works. walkthrough
Environment requirement: Need java installed.
- First setup the mysql server.
[root@~]# apt install mysql-server
comment the bind-address in mysql config file:
[root@~]# cat /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf | grep bind
#bind-address =
and the mysql root password must be =[-P0o9i8
And need to create a database named test by CREATE DATABASE test;
- Startup the service broker
The mysql-java-broker server is flexible to startup in differnent ways according to user's scenarios. It can be started and run as a standalone server, or be deployed to and run in Kubernetes cluster just like a ordinary service.
2.1 Compile service broker server or find an existed one in 'pre-build' folder and execute
[root@~]# ./gradelw build
[root@~]# cd build/libs
[root@~]# java -jar cf-mysql-java-broker-0.1.0.jar
The default port was 9000, we can use http://<host_ip>:9000/v2/catalog to check if the server was ready.
2.2 Deploy service broker in Kubernetes as a service
Please refer to mysql-java-broker charts for deployment approach. After the broker running in Kubernetes, it can be cluster internally accessed via service url like "http://mysql-java-broker-mysql-java-broker.mysql-java-broker.svc.cluster.local". Actually, a clusterservicebroker object will be created to connect the broker at the time of registering to service catalog. The clusterservicebroker object artifact looks like below.
apiVersion: servicecatalog.k8s.io/v1beta1
kind: ClusterServiceBroker
name: k8s-mysql-java-broker
url: http://mysql-java-broker-mysql-java-broker.mysql-java-broker.svc.cluster.local
A MySQL service broker resource must be created first. The service broker resource will be registered to Kubernetes service catalog automatically after that.
[root@~]# kubectl create -f demo/standaloneMySQLSB.yaml
Check the broker status
[root@~]# kubectl get clusterservicebroker standalone-mysql-broker -o yaml
Sample output looks like:
apiVersion: servicecatalog.k8s.io/v1beta1
kind: ClusterServiceBroker
creationTimestamp: 2017-11-06T09:20:38Z
- kubernetes-incubator/service-catalog
generation: 1
name: standalone-mysql-broker
resourceVersion: "411"
selfLink: /apis/servicecatalog.k8s.io/v1beta1/clusterservicebrokers/standalone-mysql-broker
uid: c0e07ae0-c2d3-11e7-b157-0a58ac100508
relistBehavior: Duration
relistDuration: 15m0s
relistRequests: 0
- lastTransitionTime: 2017-11-07T09:20:39Z
message: Successfully fetched catalog entries from broker.
reason: FetchedCatalog
status: "True"
type: Ready
reconciledGeneration: 1
After service broker resource created, the connection between service catalog and broker server will be created.
In service catalog, check the new added service classes offered by mysql service broker:
[root@~]# kubectl get clusterserviceclasses -o yaml
Sample output looks like:
apiVersion: v1
- apiVersion: servicecatalog.k8s.io/v1beta1
kind: ClusterServiceClass
creationTimestamp: 2017-11-06T09:20:38Z
name: 3101b971-1044-4816-a7ac-9ded2e028079
namespace: ""
resourceVersion: "154"
selfLink: /apis/servicecatalog.k8s.io/v1beta1/clusterserviceclasses/3101b971-1044-4816-a7ac-9ded2e028079
uid: c0fe568d-c2d3-11e7-b157-0a58ac100508
bindable: true
clusterServiceBrokerName: standalone-mysql-broker
description: MySQL service for application development and testing
externalID: 3101b971-1044-4816-a7ac-9ded2e028079
blurb: MySQL service for application development and testing
imageUrl: null
name: null
externalName: p-mysql
planUpdatable: false
- mysql
- relational
removedFromBrokerCatalog: false
In kubernetes, namespaces
are used to isolate different users' resources from others. For service broker, users can create service instances in their own namespace, so that others can not touch it without authorization of that namespace.
[root@~]# kubectl create namespace test-ns
[root@~]# kubectl create -f demo/standaloneMySQLSI.yaml
Note: Assign service instance in specific namespace by updating the yaml file. Otherwise, the instance will be exposed to default namespace.
Check the instance status after creataion.
[root@~]# kubectl get serviceinstance standalone-mysql-instance -n test-ns -o yaml
Sample output looks like:
apiVersion: servicecatalog.k8s.io/v1beta1
kind: ServiceInstance
creationTimestamp: 2017-11-06T09:51:36Z
- kubernetes-incubator/service-catalog
generation: 1
name: standalone-mysql-instance
namespace: test-ns
resourceVersion: "68"
selfLink: /apis/servicecatalog.k8s.io/v1beta1/namespaces/test-ns/serviceinstances/standalone-mysql-instance
uid: 1442ca94-c2d8-11e7-b157-0a58ac100508
clusterServiceClassExternalName: p-mysql
name: 3101b971-1044-4816-a7ac-9ded2e028079
clusterServicePlanExternalName: 5mb
name: 2451fa22-df16-4c10-ba6e-1f682d3dcdc9
externalID: f9ecf74e-0712-4f04-a4d5-d84eb6de0ea5
param-1: value-1
updateRequests: 0
asyncOpInProgress: false
- lastTransitionTime: 2017-11-06T09:51:36Z
message: The instance was provisioned successfully
reason: ProvisionedSuccessfully
status: "True"
type: Ready
deprovisionStatus: Required
clusterServicePlanExternalName: 5mb
parameterChecksum: e6f89e73eff47fec7606886dbe0ffe5d61a7ee529af03b7fc17041ae27d7580d
param-1: value-1
orphanMitigationInProgress: false
reconciledGeneration: 1
Create Instance will send PUT request to service broker server and broker server will handle to create the database with cf name perfix in mysql server.
Then Create a mysql service binding, which is used by application to connect to mysql service instance . Note:
- Like service instance, service binding can also be assigned in specific namespace by updating its yaml file. Otherwise, the binding will be exposed to default namespace.
- To simplify the demo, update mysql password validation policy to low level to accept password only with length validation. Connect to mysql, and execute
mysql> set global validate_password_policy=0;
[root@~]# kubectl create -f demo/standaloneMySQLSBinding.yaml
Check the binding status
[root@~]# kubectl get servicebindings -n test-ns
Sample output looks like:
standalone-mysql-binding 1d
[root@~]# kubectl get servicebinding standalone-mysql-binding8 -n test-ns -o yaml
Sample output looks like:
apiVersion: servicecatalog.k8s.io/v1beta1
kind: ServiceBinding
creationTimestamp: 2017-11-07T09:21:13Z
- kubernetes-incubator/service-catalog
generation: 1
name: standalone-mysql-binding
namespace: test-ns
resourceVersion: "414"
selfLink: /apis/servicecatalog.k8s.io/v1beta1/namespaces/test-ns/servicebindings/standalone-mysql-binding
uid: ffefb63b-c39c-11e7-9323-0a58ac100508
externalID: 92e81144-8b24-4760-8863-797155a0368a
name: standalone-mysql-instance
secretName: mysql-secret
- lastTransitionTime: 2017-11-07T09:21:13Z
message: Injected bind result
reason: InjectedBindResult
status: "True"
type: Ready
externalProperties: {}
orphanMitigationInProgress: false
reconciledGeneration: 1
Bind Instance will send PUT request to broker server and broker server will create the username and password and grant the privileged for the db user and return the credentials to service catalog which used to create the kubernetes secret.
So After the binging success, the kubernetes secret will be created.
After the binding success, the kubernetes secret will be created under the same namespaces as service binding. Secret is the more eligent and secure way to transfer credential information. Please refer to kubernetes doc to learn how to config and use Secret.
[root@~]# kubectl get secret -n test-ns
Sample output looks like:
mysql-secret Opaque 4 1d
[root@~]# kubectl get secret mysql-secret -n test-ns -o yaml
Sample output looks like:
apiVersion: v1
database: Y2ZfZjllY2Y3NGVfMDcxMl80ZjA0X2E0ZDVfZDg0ZWI2ZGUwZWE1
password: ZjQxZTBjYzktYzI3Mi00NDg1LWJiNjEtNmEzYzEzODk2ZDc3
uri: bXlzcWw6Ly9sb2NhbGhvc3QvdGVzdA==
username: N2E0ODY2NGQ0OWM5ZWQ5NQ==
kind: Secret
creationTimestamp: 2017-11-07T09:21:13Z
name: mysql-secret
namespace: test-ns
- apiVersion: servicecatalog.k8s.io/v1beta1
blockOwnerDeletion: true
controller: true
kind: ServiceBinding
name: standalone-mysql-binding
uid: ffefb63b-c39c-11e7-9323-0a58ac100508
resourceVersion: "1552248"
selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/test-ns/secrets/mysql-secret8
uid: 0034bfcb-c39d-11e7-b848-00163e0abefa
type: Opaque
Prepare test pod yaml file like demo/usemysql.yaml
"apiVersion": "v1",
"kind": "Pod",
"metadata": {
"name": "usemysqlpod",
"namespace": "test-ns"
"spec": {
"hostNetwork": true,
"containers": [{
"name": "usemysqlpod",
"image": "mysql:5.7",
"volumeMounts": [{
"name": "foo",
"mountPath": "/etc/foo",
"readOnly": true
"command": ["/bin/sh"],
"args": ["-c", "while true; do sleep 100; done"]
"volumes": [{
"name": "foo",
"secret": {
"secretName": "mysql-secret"
Create the pod resource
[root@~]# kubectl create -f demo/usemysql.yaml
[root@~]# kubectl get pods --namespace test-ns
Sample output looks like:
usemysqlpod 1/1 Running 0 1m
[root@~]# kubectl exec -it usemysqlpod bash --namespace test-ns
root@usemysqlpod:/# cat /etc/foo/database
root@usemysqlpod:/# cat /etc/foo/username
root@usemysqlpod:/# cat /etc/foo/password
root@usemysqlpod:/# cat /etc/foo/uri
Then use mysql client to try to connect
mysql -ua9d8618ed37a38ea -p07c5e9a5-bd12-4bac-b6be-6f651903ba5f -h
mysql> show databases;
| Database |
| information_schema |
| cf_93a4eef9_5893_4198_a822_44f4eac0ae3f |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
The connect success and can show my databases which created by broker server.