The RDFData collected within the Open Discovery Project.
See more about that also in the github pages
of the WUMM project and the WUMM Demonstration Site.
- od: is the RDF model.
- odp: - namespace for people
- tc: - namespace for TRIZ concepts
- bibo: - Bibliography (see Books.ttl)
- cc: - Creative Commons
- dc: - Dublin Core basic (see Books.ttl)
- dcterms: - Dublin Core new (see Books.ttl)
- foaf: - Friend of a Friend (see People.ttl)
- ical: - Event Dates (see Conferences)
- owl: - Ontology Web Language
- rdf: - RDF Basics
- rdfs: - RDF Basicss
- skos: - Knowledge description
- swc: - Semantic Web Conference Ontology (see Conferences)
- xsd: - XSchema Data Types
The Turtle file xxx.ttl contains data of the RDF graph. Usually xxx is in plural form or prepended with "The" (as "TheMatrix").
The instances within such an RDF graph are named by naming conventions that are specified elsewhere (to be added). All instances of a certain type have a namespace prefix in common where xxx is usually in singular form.
- Books.ttl - A list of TRIZ-related books.
- Uses terminology as recommended in
- Contains bibliography supplied by V.M.Petrov
- Contains bibliography supplied by D.Zobel
- Contains selected books from the TRIZ Body of Knowledge reference list
- Continuously updated
- Presentations.ttl - Metadata about selected TRIZ related presentations
available in the internet, either as video recording (mainly YouTube) or as
slide deck
- Continuously updated
- References.ttl - Collection of metadata about selected TRIZ publications, referenced in other parts of this RDF Database
- TBK-References.ttl - Literature referenced in the TRIZ Bodies of Knowledge
TBK1 and TBK2
- This has yet to be consolidated in the following directions
- Provide link between different editions and translations of the same source.
- Align this with Books.ttl (we use different URIs but link with rdfs:seeAlso to Books.ttl)
- This has yet to be consolidated in the following directions
- ConferenceSeries.ttl - information about TRIZ Conference Series
- Conferences - directory containing detailed information about selected TRIZ
- This directory is regularly updated. Each RDF-Graph there is referenced by the od:detailedReport predicate in PastConferences.ttl
- PastConferences.ttl - Information about Past TRIZ Conferences, in particular links to the proceedings, if published.
- AllMATRIZCertificates.ttl - All Certificates, extracted from the MATRIZ
- A proof of concept, will not updated any more.
- Certificates-Level45.ttl - Certificates level 4 and 5, extracted from the
MATRIZ Database
- Last update Sept 2021.
- MATRIZ-Certificates.ttl - People in the Database with MATRIZ certificates
level 4 and 5 and other MATRIZ Awards.
- Last update Sept 2021.
- People.ttl - People within the TRIZ Social Network
- Regularly updated from different sources
- WTSP.ttl - Some metadata from the World TRIZ-related Sites
of Toru Nakagawa
- This is a first attempt to join forces with the WUMM project.
This has to be moved and incorporated into the Ontology Project in the directory Ontologies. See also the in that directory.
- TBK1-Concepts.ttl - Concepts in the TRIZ Body of Knowledge (2012 English version) as RDF Data
- TBK2-Concepts.ttl - Concepts in the TRIZ Body of Knowledge (2007 Russian version) as RDF Data
This are modellings of an ontology (basic evolution tree) and several examples of special evolution trees concerning the concept of Evolution Trees developed by N. Shpakovsky.
Main work on this part was done by Tom Strempel in the context of the Leipzig Seminar in the winter semester 2020/21.
- FlowAnalysis/FlowDevelopmentPattern.ttl - Patterns and Examples proposed by A. Lyubomirsky (2006)
- Business-TRIZ/BusinessStandards.ttl - V. Souchkovs Business Standard Solutions
- Business-TRIZ/SouchkovBusinessPrinciples.ttl - Business examples for tc:Separation principle in Souchkov's papers
- Business-TRIZ/BusinessTrends-Wagner.ttl - Business trends from the master thesis of Luisa Wagner