Provides RFC 4122 (UUID) and RFC 9562 (UUIDREV) compliant GUID generators for .NET platform.
RFC 4122 defines the following five versions of UUID:
- Version 1: The time-based version, contains a 60-bit timestamp and a 12-bit MAC address.
- Version 2: DCE Security version, contains a 28-bit timestamp, a 12-bit MAC address and a 32-bit local ID.
- Version 3: The name-based version, using MD5 hashing to compute the hash of the namespace and name.
- Version 4: The randomly or pseudo-randomly generated version, equivalent to
in .NET. - Version 5: The name-based version, using SHA-1 hashing to compute the hash of the namespace and name.
There is also a special Nil UUID whose bytes are all 0x00
s, which is equivalent to Guid.Empty
in .NET.
RFC 9562 defines the following three versions of UUID:
- Version 6: The reordered time-based version, field-compatible with Version 1 except that the timestamp is reordered to big-endian order.
- Version 7: The Unix Epoch time-based version, contains a 48-bit timestamp and a 74-bit random number, field-compatible with ULID.
- Version 8: Reserved for custom UUID formats, fields except the variant and version are user-defined.
There is also a special Max UUID whose bytes are all 0xff
s, which has no equivalent implementation in .NET (provided in this project).
The GUID Generator Library project is located at XstarS.GuidGenerators.
using XNetEx.Guids;
using XNetEx.Guids.Generators;
// time-based GUID generation.
var guidV1 = GuidGenerator.Version1.NewGuid();
// 3944a871-aa14-11ed-8791-a9a9a46de54f
// name-based GUID generation.
var guidV5 = GuidGenerator.Version5.NewGuid(GuidNamespaces.Dns, "");
// 6fca3dd2-d61d-58de-9363-1574b382ea68
// Unix time-based GUID generation.
var guidV7 = GuidGenerator.Version7.NewGuid();
// 018640c6-0dc9-7189-a644-31acdba4cabc
using XNetEx.Guids;
using XNetEx.Guids.Generators;
// generate time-based GUID generation.
var guidV1 = GuidGenerator.OfVersion(1).NewGuid();
// 3944a871-aa14-11ed-8791-a9a9a46de54f
// generate name-based GUID.
var guidV5 = GuidGenerator.OfVersion(5).NewGuid(GuidNamespaces.Dns, "");
// 6fca3dd2-d61d-58de-9363-1574b382ea68
// generate Unix time-based GUID.
var guidV7 = GuidGenerator.OfVersion(7).NewGuid();
// 018640c6-0dc9-7189-a644-31acdba4cabc
Optional support and requires configuration to enable:
using System;
using System.IO;
using XNetEx.Guids.Generators;
// listen state storage exceptions.
GuidGenerator.StateStorageException += (sender, e) =>
if ((e.OperationType != FileAccess.Read) ||
(e.Exception is not FileNotFoundException))
// set storage file path and load state.
var loadResult = GuidGenerator.SetStateStorageFile("state.bin");
using System;
using XNetEx.Guids;
// build time-based GUID.
var guidV6 = Guid.Empty
.ReplaceTimestamp(new DateTime(0x08BEFFD14FDBF810, DateTimeKind.Utc))
.ReplaceNodeId(new byte[] { 0x00, 0xc0, 0x4f, 0xd4, 0x30, 0xc8 });
// 1d19dad6-ba7b-6810-80b4-00c04fd430c8
// build Unix time-based GUID.
var guidV7 = Guid.NewGuid()
.ReplaceTimestamp(new DateTime(0x08D9F638A666EB00, DateTimeKind.Utc));
// 017f22e2-79b0-774a-8e21-a60c1ca56e82
The F# GUID Module project is located at XstarS.GuidModule.
Core module: XNetEx.FSharp.Core.Guid
Provides RFC 4122 (UUID) and RFC 9562 (UUIDREV) compliant GUID operations for F#. The orders of input parameters are adjusted to match F# pipeline patterns.
open System
open XNetEx.FSharp.Core
// load generator state from file.
let loadResult = Guid.loadState "state.bin"
// generate time-based GUID.
let guidV1 = Guid.newV1 () // 3944a871-aa14-11ed-8791-a9a9a46de54f
// generate randomized GUID.
let guidV4 = Guid.newV4 () // 0658f02d-45a4-4c25-b9d0-8ddbda3c3e08
// generate Unix time-based GUID.
let guidV7 = Guid.newV7 () // 018640c6-0dc9-7189-a644-31acdba4cabc
// generate name-based GUID.
let guidV3 = Guid.newV3S Guid.nsDns ""
// 7f4771a0-1982-373d-928f-d31140a51652
let guidV5 = "" |> Guid.newV5S Guid.nsDns
// 6fca3dd2-d61d-58de-9363-1574b382ea68
// build time-based GUID.
let guid6 = Guid.empty
|> Guid.replaceVariant Guid.Variant.Rfc4122
|> Guid.replaceVersion Guid.Version.Version6
|> Guid.replaceTime DateTime.UtcNow
|> Guid.replaceClockSeq 0x0123s
|> Guid.replaceNodeId (Array.init 6 (((+) 1) >> byte))
// 1edaa178-dec2-6054-8123-010203040506
// build Unix time-based GUID.
let guid7 = Guid.newV4 ()
|> Guid.replaceVersion Guid.Version.Version7
|> Guid.replaceTime DateTime.UtcNow
// 018640db-de47-7ab9-bf00-6119a1033265
open XNetEx.FSharp.Core
// GUID parsing and formatting.
let guid1 = Guid.parse "6ba7b810-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8"
let guid2 = "{6ba7b810-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8}"
|> Guid.parseExact "B"
printfn "%s" (guid2 |> Guid.format "X")
// GUID construction and deconstruction.
let guid3 = Guid.ofFields
0x00112233 0x4455s 0x6677s (0x88uy, 0x99uy)
(0xAAuy, 0xBBuy, 0xCCuy, 0xDDuy, 0xEEuy, 0xFFuy)
let guid3Fields = guid3 |> Guid.toFields
let guid4 = byte
[| 0x00; 0x11; 0x22; 0x33; 0x44; 0x55; 0x66; 0x77
0x88; 0x99; 0xAA; 0xBB; 0xCC; 0xDD; 0xEE; 0xFF |]
|> Guid.ofBytesUuid
let guid4Bytes = Guid.toBytes guid4
assert (guid3 = guid4)
let guid5 = byte
[| 0x33; 0x22; 0x11; 0x00; 0x55; 0x44; 0x77; 0x66
0x88; 0x99; 0xAA; 0xBB; 0xCC; 0xDD; 0xEE; 0xFF |]
|> Guid.ofBytes
let guid5Bytes = Guid.toBytesUuid guid5
assert (guid3 = guid5)
The GUID Generator Command Line Tool project is located at XstarS.GuidGen.CLI.
The following commands are executed after renaming the command line tool to
> GuidGen -?
Generate RFC 4122/9562 compliant GUIDs.
Usage: GuidGen[.exe] [-V1|-V4|-V1R] [-Cn]
GuidGen[.exe] -V2 Domain [SiteID]
GuidGen[.exe] -V3|-V5 :NS|GuidNS [Name]
GuidGen[.exe] -V6|-V7|-V8|-V6P|-V6R [-Cn]
GuidGen[.exe] -V8N Hash :NS|GuidNS [Name]
GuidGen[.exe] -?|-H|-Help
-V1 Generate time-based GUID.
-V2 Generate DCE Security GUID.
-V3 Generate name-based GUID by MD5 hashing.
-V4 Generate pseudo-random GUID (default).
-V5 Generate name-based GUID by SHA1 hashing.
-V6 Generate reordered time-based GUID.
-V7 Generate Unix Epoch time-based GUID.
-V8 Generate custom GUID (example impl).
-V1R Generate time-based GUID (random node ID).
-V6P Generate reordered time-based GUID
(IEEE 802 MAC address node ID).
-V6R Generate reordered time-based GUID
(non-volatile random node ID).
-V8N Generate custom GUID (name-based).
-Cn Generate n GUIDs of the current version.
Domain Specify a DCE Security domain,
which can be Person, Group or Org.
SiteID Specify a user-defined local ID
for DCE Security domain Org (required).
:NS Specify a well-known GUID namespace,
which can be :DNS, :URL, :OID or :X500.
GuidNS Specify a user-defined GUID namespace.
Name Specify the name to generate GUID,
or empty to read from standard input.
Hash Specify a well-known hash algorithm,
which can be SHA256, SHA384, SHA512,
SHA3-256, SHA3-384, SHA3-512,
SHAKE128 or SHAKE256.
Show the current help message.
> GuidGen
> GuidGen -V4 -C3
> GuidGen -V5 :DNS
> echo | GuidGen -V5 :DNS
> GuidGen -V5 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 ""
> GuidGen -V7
BenchmarkDotNet v0.13.10, Windows 11 (10.0.22631.2861/23H2/2023Update/SunValley3)
AMD Ryzen 7 5800H with Radeon Graphics, 1 CPU, 16 logical and 8 physical cores
.NET SDK 8.0.100
[Host] : .NET 8.0.0 (, X64 RyuJIT AVX2
DefaultJob : .NET 8.0.0 (, X64 RyuJIT AVX2
Method | GuidCount | Mean | StdDev | Ratio | Allocated |
GuidNewGuid |
1 | 39.4991 ns | 0.6056 ns | 1.00 | - |
EmptyGenerate |
1 | 0.9068 ns | 0.0223 ns | 0.02 | - |
GuidV1Generate |
1 | 105.6470 ns | 0.4313 ns | 2.68 | - |
GuidV2Generate |
1 | 100.1834 ns | 0.0721 ns | 2.53 | - |
GuidV3Generate |
1 | 185.6253 ns | 1.6967 ns | 4.70 | - |
GuidV4Generate |
1 | 40.4183 ns | 0.4285 ns | 1.02 | - |
GuidV5Generate |
1 | 175.3653 ns | 2.4101 ns | 4.44 | - |
GuidV6Generate |
1 | 110.8020 ns | 0.0918 ns | 2.80 | - |
GuidV7Generate |
1 | 87.1959 ns | 0.7277 ns | 2.20 | - |
GuidV8Generate |
1 | 74.7173 ns | 0.5928 ns | 1.89 | - |
MaxValueGenerate |
1 | 0.8104 ns | 0.0097 ns | 0.02 | - |
GuidNewGuid |
1000 | 37,335.7751 ns | 399.4522 ns | 1.000 | - |
EmptyGenerate |
1000 | 232.4035 ns | 1.6808 ns | 0.006 | - |
GuidV1Generate |
1000 | 105,798.8867 ns | 683.9275 ns | 2.834 | 2 B |
GuidV2Generate |
1000 | 106,502.6782 ns | 966.0136 ns | 2.853 | 3 B |
GuidV3Generate |
1000 | 179,090.1237 ns | 993.3070 ns | 4.797 | - |
GuidV4Generate |
1000 | 37,113.4318 ns | 231.3545 ns | 0.994 | - |
GuidV5Generate |
1000 | 174,083.2118 ns | 1,143.8121 ns | 4.665 | - |
GuidV6Generate |
1000 | 112,414.4548 ns | 220.5529 ns | 3.011 | - |
GuidV7Generate |
1000 | 87,046.6785 ns | 537.9173 ns | 2.332 | - |
GuidV8Generate |
1000 | 69,643.5563 ns | 793.0038 ns | 1.866 | - |
MaxValueGenerate |
1000 | 233.2742 ns | 1.6917 ns | 0.006 | - |