An advanced chat plugin for survival/anarchy servers.
This plugin was created to be a recreation of ChatCo from the ground up. A lot of chat plugins usually don't get any updates anymore or have been abandoned by the developers.
NeroChat will always get updates and contributions are welcome!
NeroChat is a fork of PistonChat from PistonMaster aimed at fixing old bugs and adding new features such as anti-spam, message filtering with REGEX, public chat formatting support and more.
Original code:
- Green Text
- Private Messaging
- Auto Complete when you click on a players name just like on the server
- Ignore Commands
- Lots of features that 2b2t's chat plugin has.
- Regex Filter + Silent Mode
- Auto Format
- Caps Filter
- AntiSpam
- Configure that does not reset with plugin updates and multi-language support (credits:
This project is in active development, so if you have any feature requests or issues please submit them here on GitHub. PRs are welcome, too.
Add your server in a pull request,
Standard configuration for review
# Language #
# The default language to be used if auto-lang is off or no matching language file was found.
default-language: en_us
# Enable / Disable locale based messages.
auto-language: true
# General #
# Enable / Disable bstats metrics. Please don't turn it off, if it is not difficult.
bstats-metrics: true
# Enable/disable the display of the player's nickname color.
display-nickname-color: true
plugin-prefix: '[&2NeroChat&r] &6'
# Defines the sender's name when sending messages from the server console.
console-name: '[console]'
# Change the format of messages in public chat.
chat-format: <%player%&r>
# The size of the ignore list in pages. It is not recommended to set more than 5.
ignore-list-size: 9
# Prefixes #
# To use these you need to add the respective permission.
# EXAMPLE: Prefixes.BLUE -> nerochat.chatcolor.BLUE
BOLD: '**'
GREEN: '>'
# Audit #
enable: false
logging: false
notify-player: true
silent-mode: true
case-sensitive: false
# Prevents any message that starts with "This is a" and ends with "banned message"
- ^This is a(.*)banned message
enable: false
logging: false
notify-player: true
silent-mode: true
case-sensitive: false
# Prevents any message that starts with "This is a" and ends with "banned message"
- ^This is a(.*)banned message
# Automatically puts a period at the end of a sentence and a capital letter at the beginning of a sentence.
enable: false
# If there are these characters at the end of the sentence, the plugin will not automatically put a period.
end-sentence-chars: .?!
auto-caps: true
auto-dot: true
auto-dot: true
auto-caps: true
# Automatic message formatting with a large number of capital letters.
enable: false
percentage: 50.0
Color codes and prefixes can be disabled by replacing the contents with / e.g. GREEN: / Usage of color codes and prefixes can be restricted by using permissions. You can customize the appearance of whispers.
The Software is provided "as is" and without warranties of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement. In no event shall the Authors or copyright owners be liable for any claims, damages or other liability, whether in an action in contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the Software or the use or other dealings in the Software.