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DianeXceed edited this page Jun 20, 2017 · 2 revisions


Only available in the Plus Edition

Derives from System.Windows.Window

Represents a window possessing all of the basic features of a normal window whose elements can all be styled.


Property Description
CloseButtonStyle Gets or sets the style used for the Close button.
CloseButtonVisibility Gets or sets the visibility of the Close button.
MaximiseButtonStyle Gets or sets the style used for the Maximize button.
MinimizeButtonStyle Gets or sets the style used for the Minimize button.
RestoreButtonStyle Gets or sets the style used for the Restore button.
TitleForeground Gets or sets the title foreground.
TitleShadowBrush Gets or sets the brush used for the title's shadow.
WindowBackground Gets or sets the window background.
WindowBorderBrush Gets or sets the chrome’s border.
WindowOpacity Gets or sets the value for the chrome’s opacity.
WindoeBorderThickness Gets or sets the thickness for the chrome’s outer border thickness.
WindowInactiveBackground Gets or sets the Brush used for the chrome when the StyleableWindow is inactive (in background).
WindowStyleOverride Gets or sets the style used to display the StyleableWindow.
WindowThickness Gets or sets the thickness of the chrome’s border.


Event Description
HeaderMouseLeftButtonClicked Raised when the header is clicked using the left mouse button.
HeaderMouseLeftButtonDoubleClicked Raised when the header is double-clicked with the left mouse button.
HeaderMouseRightButtonClicked Raised when the header is clicked using the right mouse button.
HeaderIconClicked Raised when the header icon is clicked.
HeaderIconDoubleClicked Raised when the header icon is double-clicked.
CloseButtonClicked Raised when the Close button is clicked.
MaximizeButtonClicked Raised when the Maximize button is clicked.
MinimizeButtonClicked Raised when the Minimize button is clicked.
WindowResizeThumbDrag Raised when the window resize thumb is dragged.
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