- rev 2 2014-03-10
- a object oriented framework to calculate the propagation of gaussian beams
- provides 2 Classes:
- GaussianBeam - to calculate the beam parameters
- LensSystem - to calculate the propagation using the ABCD formalism
beam = GaussianBeam( wavelength, mode, arg )
- wavelength is the wavelength in nm
- mode is either 'q' or 'rw', which means you can define your beam by the complex beam parameters or a pair of radius of curvature and waist (both given in meters)
- examples:
- b1 = GaussianBeam( 633e-9, 'q', 0 + .45j )
- b2 = GaussianBeam( 1064-9, 'rw', [30, 2e-3])
from the input parameters, the following physical values are calculated automatically:
- GaussianBeam.q - the complex parameter q
- GaussianBeam.r - the radius of curvature (phase)
- GaussianBeam.w - the beam waist
- GaussianBeam.divergence - the divergence in the far field
furthermore, the beam wavelength is stored GaussianBeam.wavelength
for convenience, all parameters can be printed out by GaussianBeam.print_params()
- initializes an empty lens system (wavelength in nm)
add_beam(mode, params):
- adds a gaussian bean at z=0
- mode is either 'rw' or 'q'
add_element( Type, zpos, params ):
- adds an element to the system.
- Type can be
- 'lens' (params = [focal length])
- 'curvedmirror' (params = [Radius of curvature])
- zpos is the z position of the element
- params is a list of params (e.g. [f] for a simple lens)
- calculates the beam up to zend with points as the number or points
- returns : [ w,r,d,z,q ], where
- w is the list of waists(z)
- r is the list of beam curvatures
- d is the list of divergences
- z is the list of z values
- q is the list of q values
- calculates the propagation matrix up to z
- returns a copy of the lens system (without beams)
- print positions of elements
__get_list_order get the order of the elements in the lens system
__matrix_lens( f ) returns the ABCD matrix of a lens with focal length f
__matrix_free_space( L, n) returns the ABCD matrix of a free space propagation (length L, refractive index n)
__matrix_curved_mirror(self, R) returns the ABCD matrix of a curved mirror with radius R
__matrix_multiplication( A, B ) perform matrix multiplication of A and B