Releases: xsduan/unity-hierarchy-folders
Releases · xsduan/unity-hierarchy-folders
Stripping options
This release adds more kinds of customization of how the folders are stripped
- You can choose between simply deleting the folder to the hierarchy on build, and when you're in play mode you have the option to do nothing or leave them as separators for debugging purposes.
- You can choose to apply stripping to prefabs as well during play and build. When play or build mode is finished, the structure will be reset to what it was before. (Top level objects will be ignored.)
- Some performance issues when reloading the domain were addressed.
Minor bug fix
- #12 - RectTransform will no longer throw a warning.
- 2018.x will not try to render icons and cause errors anymore.
Hierarchy Icons
The hierarchy now has icons, and you can customize the colors. Wee!
Initial Release