Used to generate surrogate tokens that can be safely used to configure developer tools. This can be paired with an oauth proxy like oauth2proxy.
docker run --rm -ti -v $(pwd):/opt/nakedjwts \
-p 5000:5000 \
naked-jwt-docker-image:latest \
--client-id <IPD_CLIENT_ID> \
--client-secret <IPD_CLIENT_SECRET> \
--surrogate-audience nexus \
--surrogate-issuer=http://localhost:5000 \
--id-authorize-url=<IPD_TENANT_IF_AZURE>/oauth2/authorize \
--id-token-url=<IPD_TENANT_IF_AZURE>/oauth2/token \
--http-port 5000 \
docker run --rm -ti -v $(pwd):/opt/nakedjwts \
--entrypoint /usr/local/bin/nakedjwts \
naked-jwt-docker-image:latest \
issue --surrogate-issuer=http://localhost:5000 \
--surrogate-audience=nexus \
--email-claim \
--name-claim gitlab-deployer
- Install the
utility in order to change the runtime date without affecting the OS. - Run a test oidc provider like keycloak
TZ=UTC /usr/local/opt/libfaketime/bin/faketime '2000-12-31 12:00:00' \
go run cmd/nakedjwts/main.go serve \
--timezone "Australia/Sydney" \
--client-id test-client --client-secret 86d9ec3e-0af7-401c-b2ea-579a7dbdbf9f \
--surrogate-audience nexus --surrogate-issuer=http://localhost:5001 \
--id-authorize-url= \
--id-token-url= \
--http-port 5001 \
TZ=UTC /usr/local/opt/libfaketime/bin/faketime '2000-12-31 13:00:00' \
go run cmd/nakedjwts/main.go serve \
--timezone "Australia/Sydney" \
--client-id test-client --client-secret 86d9ec3e-0af7-401c-b2ea-579a7dbdbf9f \
--surrogate-audience nexus --surrogate-issuer=http://localhost:5001 \
--id-authorize-url= \
--id-token-url= \
--http-port 5001 \