About | Features | Technologies | Requirements | Starting | License | Author
is a Rust application that enables users to extract data from a
Jenkins server through its native API. It supports retrieving jobs
information as well as builds details.
✔️ Retrieve detailed job information from a Jenkins server;
✔️ Access build details such as console output and injected
environment variables, which may leak sensitive information;
✔️ Asynchronous operations using the Tokio runtime for improved performance.
is built using modern Rust programming practices and leverages the following libraries and technologies:
- Tokio - A runtime for writing asynchronous Rust applications.
- Reqwest - A Rust HTTP client for making requests.
Before starting 🏁, you need to have Git and Rust installed.
# Clone this project
$ git clone https://github.com/y0k4i-1337/jenkenpwn
# Access
$ cd jenkenpwn
# Install dependencies and build project
$ cargo build --release
# Run the project
$ ./target/release/jenkenpwn -h
./target/release/jenkenpwn -h
Jenkins pwning tool FTW
Usage: jenkenpwn [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>
dump Dump jobs and builds data
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-v, --verbose Verbose mode
-i, --insecure Do not verify SSL certificate
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
./target/release/jenkenpwn dump -h
Dump jobs and builds data
Usage: jenkenpwn dump [OPTIONS] <RESOURCE> <URL>
<RESOURCE> Resources to dump [possible values: builds, jobs, views]
<URL> Url of the jenkins server
-u, --username <USERNAME> Username for authentication
-p, --password <PASSWORD> Password for authentication
-r, --recover Recover from server failure, skiping already downloaded builds
-o, --output <OUTPUT> Output directory [default: dumps]
-l, --last Dump only the last build of each job
-j, --jobs <JOBS> Read jobs from a jobs dump file
-h, --help Print help (see more with '--help')
-V, --version Print version
This project is under license from MIT. For more details, see the LICENSE file.
Made with ❤️ by y0k4i