- Fixes metadata of songs based on data received from Spotify
- Fetches lyrics from Genius
- Fetches metadata from Spotify
- Can format filenames of songs
- Can fetch data for a single song or complete directory
- Create an account and register an application
- Grab Access Token
- Set access token in config file
- Create an account and register an application
- Grab Client ID and client Secret Code
- Set both in config file
$ python addMetadata.py --config
Enter Genius key : <enter genius key>
Enter Spotify Secret token : <enter client secret here>
Enter Spotify Client ID : <enter client id here>
$ git clone https://github.com/yash2696/BeautifyMP3
$ cd BeautifyMP3
$ python setup.py install
(music-tagger) ~/D/music-tagger ❯❯❯ python addMetadata.py -h
usage: addMetadata.py [-h] [-d REPAIR_DIRECTORY] [-s SONG_NAME] [-c] [-n]
____ _ _ __ __ __ ____ _____
| __ ) ___ __ _ _ _| |_(_)/ _|_ _| \/ | _ \___ /
| _ \ / _ \/ _` | | | | __| | |_| | | | |\/| | |_) ||_ \
| |_) | __/ (_| | |_| | |_| | _| |_| | | | | __/___) |
|____/ \___|\__,_|\__,_|\__|_|_| \__, |_| |_|_| |____/
| |
| Edit Metadata of MP3 files based on file name |
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
give path of music files directory
Only fix metadata of the file specified
-c, --config Add API Keys to config
-n, --norename Does not rename files to song title
Specify the Name format used in renaming, Valid
Keywords are: {title}{artist}{album} )
- Add download functionality from youtube
- add support for last.fm and soundcloud if spotify fails
- add support for metrolyrics and other lyrics service if genius api fails
- add support for searching with existing id3 tags if searching with name fails
- somehow find a way to properly synchronize the lyrics with sound if possible
- add support for other file types(aac, flac etc)
Found an issue? Post it in the issue tracker.
Want to add another awesome feature? Fork this repository and add your feature, then send a pull request.
The inspiration for this project is MusicRepair.
Downloading copyright songs is illegal in most of the countries. I made this tool for educational purposes and was created for my python learning process. Please support the artists by buying their music.
The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2017 Yash Agarwal