[ORG 0x00]
[BITS 16]
mov ax, 0x1000
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
cli ; ignore interrupt until interrupt handler is set
lgdt [GDTR]
; PG=0, CD=1, NW=0, AM=0, WP=0, NE=0, ET=1, EM=0, MP=1, PE=1
; CD means cache disable
; PE is protection enable
; EM, ET, MP, PE are FPU-related fields and they are set
; although their feature is not used in IA-32 mode. they will
; be explained in detail later. Don't worry about the fields now
mov eax, 0x4000003B
mov cr0, eax
; 0x08 is offset to the code segment descriptor from GDT
; PROTECTEDMODE - $$ + 0x10000 is offset to the code from
; segment
jmp dword 0x08: (PROTECTEDMODE - $$ + 0x10000)
[BITS 32]
; set code and data segment
mov ax, 0x10 ; 0x10 = offset to data segment descriptor from gdt
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax ; it is not required to set es, fs, and gs
mov fs, ax
mov gs, ax
; set stack segment
; because bootloader is not used anymore stack is from 0x0C700 ~ 0xFFFE0
mov ss, ax ; data segment is also used as stack segment
mov esp, 0xFFFE
mov ebp, 0xFFFE
;; print message
; printMessage(success_message, 2, 0)
push (SWITCHSUCCESSMESSAGE - $$ + 0x10000)
push 2
push 0
add esp, 12 ; 4 bytes (Protected Mode) * 3
jmp $
; function signature in C: PrintMessage(iX, iY, pcString)
; follow cdecl calling convention
; function for Protected Mode
; set env for current function: new stack, empty regs
; all values will be restored at the end
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
push esi
push edi
push eax
push ecx
push edx
; end of setting env
; calculate video address for x and y coordinates
; y coordinate
mov eax, dword [ebp + 12] ; short iY
mov esi, 160 ; 80 * 2 (row * char size of text mode)
mul esi ; iY * 160
mov edi, eax
; x coordinate
mov eax, dword [ebp + 8] ; short iX
mov esi, 2 ; 2 (char size of text mode)
mul esi ; iX * 2
add edi, eax ; edi == iY * 160 + iX * 2
mov esi, dword [ebp + 16] ; char* pcString
mov cl, byte [esi]
; if string ends with 0, then get out of the loop
; I defined every string to ends with 0
cmp cl, 0
; Unlike print function in real code
; 0xB0000 is directly added to effective
; address
mov byte [edi + 0xB8000], cl
add edi, 2
add esi, 1
; pop in the reverse order of push because stack is Last-In, First-out
pop edx
pop ecx
pop eax
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebp
ret ; go back to calling address
; enforce data after this instruction on memory address that is multiply of 8
align 8, db 0
; Because GDTR 6 bytes data structure, add 2 bytes to align memory layout
dw 0x0000
; GDTR data structure
dw GDTEND - GDT - 1 ; GDTR size starts from 0 which count as 1 descriptor
dd (GDT - $$ + 0x10000) ; this entry.S starts at 0x10000
; first descriptor must be null descriptor
dw 0x0000
dw 0x0000
db 0x0000
db 0x00
db 0x00
db 0x00
; descriptor for CS
; BASE: 0x00000000
; P=1, DPL=0, Code Segment, Execute/Read
; G=1, D=1, L=0
dw 0xFFFF ; Limit (16:0]
dw 0x0000 ; Base (32:16)
db 0x00 ; Base (40:32]
db 0x9A ; P/DPL/S/Type (48:40]
db 0xCF ; G/D/L/LIMIT (56:48]
db 0x00 ; BASE (64:56]
; descriptor for DS, SS
; BASE: 0x00000000
; P=1, DPL=0, Data Segment, Read/Write
; G=1, B=1, L=0
dw 0xFFFF ; Limit (16:0]
dw 0x0000 ; Base (32:16)
db 0x00 ; Base (40:32]
db 0x92 ; P/DPL/S/Type (48:40]
db 0xCF ; G/D/L/LIMIT (56:48]
db 0x00 ; BASE (64:56]
;; Collection of data
; success message for Switching to Protected Mode
SWITCHSUCCESSMESSAGE: db "Switch To Protected Mode Success~!!", 0
; Because the EntryPoint.s code is less than 512 bytes, add padding
; to make its size 512 bytes
times 512 - ($ - $$) db 0x00
align 8, db 0
enforces data after this instruction on memory address that is multiply of 8
The EntryPoint.S is code for switching from Real Mode to Protected Mode. Other 32 bits code except switching will be in different file in 00.Kernel32
EntryPoint.S is written to work at addr 0x10000. and its code is concatenated after bootloader.asm
Memory Layout up to CH06
- start(inclusive) ~ end(exclusive)
- 0x00000 ~ 0x00400 (Interrupt Vector Table)
- 0x07C00 ~ 0x07E00 (Bootloader)
- 0x07E00 ~ 0x10000 (Stack)
- 0x10000 ~ 0x10200 (32 bits Operating System; currently only EntryPoint.S)
- 0xA0000 ~ ... (video memory for graphic mode)
- 0xB8000 ~ ... (video memory for text mode)