This repository is for studying how operating system works. You can find my summary note in markdown format and source code. From the first chapter to the last chapter, you can test from just a simple bootloader to the complex GUI desktop environment 64 bits multi-core operating system.
The code I write here is based on a book, "Structures and Principles of 64 bit multi-core OS" written by a Korean author. You can find original MINT64OS code in this repository. Unlike the original code, I added English comments, so you can understand how it works. Also I modified code and added more features so it works in real and modern PC without problem
- describe how to address original showmatrix code problem
- describe how to address general protection exception caused in original code
- describe how to use debugging feature in QEMU and VScode
add Hard Disk driver and implement a simple file system(fat32)
add functions offered by stdio.h and unistd.h
add RAM disk and cache feature to improve hard disk speed
extract CPU info and activate more than one cores (multi core)
implement a simple GUI desktop environment
add mouse driver (PS/2)
divide user level memory regions from kernel level memory regions
add a simple audio driver
add ext2 file system
make the bootloader in C language with assembly
Instead of concatenating bootloader with kernel binary, let linker link both automatically.
Currently, Bootloader does too many things, use chain loading and let Kernel code load OS-related binary to memory
implement a network layer up to TCP/IP
make a simple http server
Instead of using BIOS, use UEFI
support ARM instruction set
add USB driver and usb mouse driver
# First make sure that you are running linux in your computer natively
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
# programs for development environment
sudo apt install nasm gcc binutils make git
# x86_64 emulator
# It seems like it supports x86, but x64 is also supported
sudo apt install qemu-system-x86
# clone this repository
git clone ''
- install QEMU for Windows from
- install Docker for Windows from
- run Ubuntu container that has shared volume between Windows and Ubuntu
- install nasm, gcc, binutils, and make in the container
- clone this repository to shared volume
# go to a chapter directory where you want to compile
# compile
make all
# run operating system in emulator
make run
# clean
make clean
# Inside Docker container
# go to a chapter directory where you want to compile
# compile
make all
# open Powershell whose current directory is this repository directory
qemu-system-x86_64.exe -m 64 -fda .\Disk.img -rtc base=localtime -M pc
# Before running, it is necessary to install the OS to floppy disk, so
# go to a chapter that you like
# By default, image is made to work under 2.88MB floppy disk. Let it work
# under 1.44MB floppy disk
make FLOPPY=144 all
# If you are running Windows, download dd command for Windows and copy OS
# Image to a directory where dd command is
# For Linux (floppy disk dev name can be different. But usually is it fd0)
sudo dd if=./Disk.img of=/dev/fd0 bs=1440k count=1
# For Windows
.\dd.exe of="\\.\a:" if=Disk.img bs=1440k count=1
# Go to CMOS (BIOS setting)
# If your BIOS is using UEFI, change it to legacy first and then
# change your bootloader order so BIOS reads MBR from floppy disk first
# In my case, I have a Acer Laptop made in 2018. Its BIOS allows to
# emulate USB Floppy Drive as old Floppy Drive, so I changed UEFI to legacy
# mode, connected USB-FDD, and tested my image
from CH15_sub1, PC can boot OS from USB or HDD.
# go to a chapter directory where you want to compile
# compile
make all
# run operating system in emulator
make run
# clean
make clean
# Inside Docker container
# go to a chapter directory where you want to compile
# compile
make all
# open Powershell whose current directory is this repository directory
qemu-system-x86_64.exe -m 64 -hda .\Disk.img -rtc base=localtime -M pc
make all
# If you are running Windows, download dd command for Windows and copy OS
# Image to a directory where dd command is
sudo dd if=./Disk.img of=/dev/[your usb or hdd]
# For Windows
.\dd.exe of=[usb or hdd drive letter] if=Disk.img
# Go to CMOS (BIOS setting)
# If your BIOS is using UEFI, change it to legacy first and then
# change your bootloader order so BIOS reads MBR from usb or hdd first
# In my case, I have a Acer Laptop made in 2018. Its BIOS allows to
# emulate USB HDD Drive as Hard Disk Drive, so I changed UEFI to legacy
# mode, connected USB-HDD, and tested my image
Each Chapter directory
Summary directory that contains note I wrote after reading a chapter
Other directories are source code for OS. Directory name is self-explanatory
- Makefile that compiles source code in the directory
Makefile that instructs Makefile in each directory and concatenates complied binaries in each directory
describe how to make bootloader that prints a string and execute infinite loop
- print a message by using BIOS service
- compile Bootloader.asm to a binary
Makefile in root directory
- copy the Bootloader.bin in 00.Bootloader directory into root directory and change the name to Disk.img
- has stack so it can call functions
- has print function in cdecl convention
- reads OS from floppy disk, load at 0x10000 and execute it
- has preprocessor directives so Bootloader can copy OS from 1.44 or 2.88 floppy disk
- accept Floppy option from root Makefile and pass it to assembly compiler
- a simple OS to check if bootloader load OS successfully
- print numbers 1024 times to the screen. 1024 is size of sectors that this OS takes
- compile VirtualOS.asm to a binary file
Makefile in root directory
concatenate Bootloader.bin and VirtualOS.bin
add option Floppy so you can test the image file with real computer
- Floppy=144 means the created image is for 1.44MB floppy disk
- Floppy=288 means the created image is for 2.88MB floppy disk (default)
describe how to switch from real mode to protected mode
describe segment descriptor and GDT(global descriptor table) which is required before switching
describe some of features that CR0 controls: cache and FPU
- a file that contains code switching from Real mode to Protected Mode
- print success menage after successfully switching to Protected Mode
Makefile in root directory
- remove VirtualOS part
- concatenate Bootloader.bin and EntryPoint.bin when making OS image file
describe how to concatenate EntryPoint.s and code written in C
- Memory Layout conflict
- what is Linker and how to use Linker script
describe modified Makefile that automatically add code dependencies, so you can write multiple c codes without adding dependencies to Makefile manually
- TOTALSECTORCOUNT constant, so ImageMaker can modify the value, and bootloader can successfully load the whole os image to memory
- jump to where C code is: 0x10200
- First code written in C
01.Kernel32/[Makefile, binary_i386.x]
- Makefile file and linker script that compiles code to 32 bit kernel
- utility program that concatenates Bootloader.bin and 32 bit kernel binary.
- this program automatically modifies TOTALSECTORCOUNT part of Bootloader.bin, so you can add multiple c code without modifying Bootloader.asm manually
describe what is A20 Gate and how to activate it
- has code to activate A20 Gate
- has code to check if system has 64MB memory
describe paging, a memory management feature
explains how to prepare to use the feature
01.Kernel32/[Page.h, Page.c]
- has code to initialize IA-32e mode page tree data structure
describe how to switch from protected mode to long mode
01.Kernel32/Source/[ModeSwitch.asm, ModeSwitch.h]
- reads cpuid and check if current CPU supports long mode
- mount all prepared data structures to registers and switch long mode on and jump to code at 0x200000(2MB)
- a new constant, KERNEL32SECTORCOUNT which helps 32 bit Kernel to copy 64 bit Kernel to memory at 0x200000
- copy Kernel64 binary to 0x200000 and call function in ModeSwitch.asm
02.Kernel64/Source/[EntryPoint.s, Main.c]
- first code written in C for long mode
02.Kernel64/Makefile and 01.Kernel64/binary_amd64
- Makefile file and linker script that compiles code to 64 bit kernel
- this program is modified to add 64 bit binary to image file
- modify KERNEL32SECTORCOUNT in Bootloader.asm
describe Port I/O
describe PS/2 Controller, keyboard, scan code, and ascii code
describe IA-32e mode calling convention
02.Kernel64/Source/[Keyboard.h, Keyboard.c]
- has functions that handle PS/2 Controller
02.Kernel64/Source/[AssemblyUtility.asm, AssemblyUtility.h]
- has functions that read and write through Port I/O
- allow C code to utilize Port I/O
- read key from keyboard and print it to monitor
- add .bss and .data section to image file because Keyboard.c has data in these sections
describe interrupt and exception
describe TSS/IDT/IST data structures for interrupt/exception handling
describe new memory-related utility functions
02.Kernel64/Source/[Descriptor.h, Descriptor.c]
- has MINT64OS specific GDT/IDT initializing functions
02.Kernel64/Source/[AssemblyUtility.asm, AssemblyUtility.h]
- has functions that load GDTR, TSS, and IDTR to registers
- replace GDTR with new one in 64 bit kernel data area
- if user hit zero on keyboard, zero division exception occurs
02.Kernel64/Source/Utility[.c, .h]
- has memory-related utility functions: kMemCmp, kMemSet, kMemcpy
describe PIC that manages interrupts from device and how to use it
describe more about context switch which is base of multi-tasking
ISR.[asm, h]
- interrupt functions that store and restore context for code in flow and interrupt handler code
- gate descriptors reference functions in ISR.asm which calls interrupt handler in C
02.Kernel64/Source/[AssemblyUtility.asm, AssemblyUtility.h]
- has functions that enable and disable interrupt feature of CPU
- has function that reads Rflags
- initialize PIC and print what interrupt happens at the top right corner
describe generic type circular array queue
apply the queue as keyboard buffer, so code does not access controller every time it needs character
describe why interrupt and context switch can be problematic when a object is shared between codes or processes
02.Kernel64/Source/Queue.[c, h]
- has implementation of generic type circular array queue
02.Kernel64/Source/Keyboard.[c, h]
utilizes keyboard queue buffer
blocks interrupts while working with queue or PS/2 controller to prevent handlers from polluting the shared objects
- get scan code from controller and put it to keyboard queue
- use different method that gets key from keyboard buffer
describe C style variable argument list
describe how to implement string-related functions
- printf, vsprintf, sprintf, atoi, itoa, strlen
describe how shell is working
02.Kernel64/Source/Console.[c, h]
- has console related functions
02.Kernel64/Source/ConsoleShell.[c, h]
- has shell function and commands for shell
02.Kernel64/Source/Utility.[c, h]
- has string and memory related functions
- use function in Console.c instead of kPrintString
- use function in Console.c instead of kPrintString
- execute a simple shell
Ch15_sub1 (extra explanation and code not in the book)
describes how to boot OS from USB or HDD instead of Floppy Disk
describes how to get available memory in the right way
- use BIOS service that returns memory map
has additional shell commands
to execute in QEMU use
instead of-fda
ask BIOS to get drive information about CHS
have partition entry in MBR section so some BIOSes can boot from USB without problem
Floppy macro is discarded
- ask BIOS memory map and save it to 0x20000 so OS can check total ram memory
02.Kernel64/Source/Utility.[c, h]
- calculate total ram size by reading memory map
02.Kernel64/Source/ConsoleShell.[h, c]
three commands
memorymap that reads memorymap
access that tries to write and read memory at specific address
banner that prints MINT64OS text in big size by combining small letters
Makefile in root directory and 00.Bootloader/Makefile
- Floppy env variable is discarded
describes PIT, RTC, and TSC which are related to time
02.Kernel64/Sources/PIT.[h, c]
- add functions that uses programable interval timer
02.Kernel64/Sources/AssemblyUtility.[h, asm]
- add function that read time stamp counter
02.Kernel64/Sources/RTC.[h, c]
- add functions that read current date and time
02.Kernel64/Sources/ConsoleShell.[h, c]
- add shell commands that utilizes above files
describe concept of multitasking, task and context switch
implement a very simple task structure which will be utilized in multitasking preemptive system
02.Kernel64/Sources/Task.[h, c]
- implement simple task structure that stores cpu registers
02.Kernel64/Sources/AssemblyUtility.[h, asm]
- add context switch function which cannot be implemented in C language
02.Kernel64/Sources/ConsoleShell.[h, c]
- add a shell command that creates a test task and switch context from shell to the task
describe Round-Robin scheduling, a preemptive scheduling
describe Linked List, a data structure that is used for scheduler
describe why context switching in interrupt context should be implemented in different way
have shell command that tests multitasking
02.Kernel64/Source/List.[h, c]
- implement Linked List which is utilized in Round-Robin task scheduler
02.Kernel64/Source/Task.[h, c]
implement more sophisticated Task Pool which can have up to 1024 tasks
implement Round-Robin Scheduler
02.Kernel64/Source/InterruptHandler.[h, c]
- call scheduler when PIT interrupt happens and switch context if cpu time of current task is expired
- has intermediate function that calls PIT interrupt handler
02.Kernel64/Source/Utility.[h. c]
- has PIT interrupt counter which is incremented by one when PIt interrupt handler is called
02.Kernel64/Source/ConsoleShell.[h, c]
- has command shell that test scheduler and task creation
describe multi-level priority queue scheduling.
describe IDLE task which halts CPU and retrieves resources allocated ended tasks
describe how to use bochs, a (x86) PC emulator which can be used as a debugger
02.Kernel64/Source/AssemblyUtility.[h, c]
- add function that stop CPU reading next instruction until interrupt happens
02.Kernel64/Source/Task.[h, c]
implement multi-level priority queue scheduling algorithm
add IDLE task
02.Kernel64/Source/Main.[h, c]
- start IDLE task
- deploy global variables defined outside of functions to .bss section(pool manager and scheduler are defined as global variables to make debugging easier)
02.Kernel64/Source/ConsoleShell.[h, c]
- has shell commands that are related to priority queues and idle task
- contains example of my bochs setting files
describe synchronization problem.
describe difference between mutex and semaphore and how to implement mutex
02.Kernel64/Source/AssemblyUtility.[h, c]
- add function that compares and sets value in one assembly instruction
02.Kernel64/Source/Synchronization.[h, c]
- implement mutex mechanism
- use mutex object to scheduler
- use mutex object to keyboard queue
02.Kernel64/Source/ConsoleShell.[h, c]
- add command that tests mutex mechanism
describe how to implement thread.
describe how to automatically kill a process or thread at the end of task
- change type of kIdleTask, so it runs as kernel thread
02.Kernel64/Source/Task.[h, c]
- implement thread feature
- automatically kill a process or thread when a task is finished
02.Kernel64/Source/ConsoleShell.[h, c]
- has a command that test if threads work without problem
- has a fun command that print string as in a movie Matrix
02.Kernel64/Source/Utility.[h, c]
- has kSleep function that works like sleep function in
- has kSleep function that works like sleep function in
describe about FPU
describe how to implement floating number calculation by using FPU
- modify CR0 and CR4 to enable FPU instructions
02.Kernel64/Source/AssemblyUtility.[h, c]
- add C language wrapper functions that expose FPU instructions
02.Kernel64/Source/Task.[h, c]
- add FPU context to TCB structure
- add code that handles FPU to scheduler
02.Kernel64/Source/InterruptHandler.[h, c]
- add Device Not Available Exception handler that initialize FPU or switch FPU context
- has intermediate function that calls Device Not Available interrupt handler
- add a format string, %f which can print floating-point numbers
02.Kernel64/Source/Console.[h, c]
- add a format string, %f which can print floating-point numbers
02.Kernel64/Source/ConsoleShell.[h, c]
- add shell command that tests FPU context switch and FPU instructions
describe about dynamic memory and buddy block algorithm
describe how to implement buddy block algorithm for dynamic memory allocation
02.Kernel64/Source/DynamicMemory.[h, c]
- implement buddy block algorithm
- add dynamic memory allocation feature to kernel
02.Kernel64/Source/ConsoleShell.[h, c]
- add shell command that tests dynamic memory allocation
describe how to implement PATA disk driver
describe ATA specification and registers in ATA disks
02.Kernel64/Source/AssemblyUtility.[h, asm]
- implement I/O port functions that reads or writes 2 bytes
02.Kernel64/Source/HardDisk.[h, c]
- implement PATA disk driver
- add hard disk interrupts
02.Kernel64/Source/InterruptHandler.[h, c]
- add hard disk interrupts
- initialize HDD manager
02.Kernel64/Source/ConsoleShell.[h, c]
- add hard disk related commands
describe how to use gdb (debugger) in vscode and qemu
Makefile in root directory
- add command for running qemu with gdb server
01.Kernel32/Makefile, 02.Kernel32/Makefile
compiler and linker generate object files and elf file that contains debuging symbols
Makefile extract binary file from the elf file
01.Kernel32/elf_i386.x, 02.Kernel64/elf_amd64.x
- A linker script that instructs the linker to generate an elf file with debugging information.
- add configuration for debugging in vscode IDE
describe how to implement MINT filesystem
describe how to create and delete a file in the filesystem
02.Kernel/Filesystem.[c, h]
- Add code to mount IDE primary slave disk with MINT filesystem
- initialize file system
02.Kernel64/Source/ConsoleShell.[h, c]
- add filesystem related commands
implement a simple PCI driver that reads and writes to PCI configuration space before implementing USB host controller driver
02.Kernel64/Source/PCI.[c, h]
add functions to read and write PCI configuration space
add functions to read which memory addresses are used by PCI devices
02.Kernel64/Source/ConsoleShell.[h, c]
- add command to find USB host controllers installed in the computer.
implement the stdio function.
found a serious problem with the hdd driver, but failed to fix the problems. In the next chapter, hdd driver will be replaced with ram disk.