A new shell command is added. The command tests if scheduler and task pool works by creating tasks.
There are two types of tasks you can create.
* Type 1 writes arbitrary character to the corner
* Type 2 shows pinwheel spinning at the bottom of screen
When you create those tasks, you can see that shell and the tasks works concurrently.
As I said in 18-1, you can slow the task switching by executing settimer
I found some function names are inconsistent, and some functions belong to where they should not be.
In the original code, List.c was implemented in wrong way, so number of items can be zero although there are still items in list.
Memory Layout up to CH16
start(inclusive) ~ end(exclusive)
0x00000 ~ 0x00400 (Interrupt Vector Table for real mode)
0x07C00 ~ 0x07E00 (Bootloader)
0x07E00 ~ 0x10000 (Stack for real mode and protected mode)
0x10000 ~ ... (32 bit code of OS; EntryPoint.S + Main.c + ...)
0x20000 ~ 0x20004 (number of memory map entries)
0x20004 ~ ... (memory map entires)
0xA0000 ~ ... (video memory for graphic mode)
0xB8000 ~ ... (video memory for text mode)
0x100000(1MB) ~ 0x142000 (IA-32 mode page table tree structure, 264KB)
0x142000 ~ 0x142010 (GDTR, 16 bytes)
0x142010 ~ 0x142038 (GDT, 40 bytes = 3 * 8 bytes + 1 * 16 bytes)
0x142038 ~ 0x1420A0 (TSS, 104 bytes = 1 * 104 bytes)
0x1420A0 ~ 0x1420B0 (IDTR, 16 bytes)
0x1420B0 ~ 0x1426F0 (IDT, 1600 bytes = 100 * 16 bytes)
0x200000(2MB) ~ ...
- 64 bit code of OS; EntryPoint.S + Main.c + task stack + task manager + ...
0x600000(6MB) ~ 0x700000(7MB) (Stack for long mode kernel)
0x700000(7MB) ~ 0x800000(8MB) (IST1 stack area)
0x800000(8MB) ~ 0x83A000 (Task Pool, 232 KB)
0x83A000 ~ 0x103A000 (Task Stack Pool, 8MB = 8192 * 1024)