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An ANSI C compiler in ANSI C.

The goal is a self hosting ANSI C (C89/ISO C901) compiler in ANSI C without external dependencies. The main functionality of the frontend is complete. Tree-walking interpretation and WebAssembly codegen backends are planned. The design is as follows.

A character stream is created for each source code file. The physical location (line/column) of each character is stored together with the character as the physical location and logical location of characters may differ during translation (e.g. due to newline splicing).

Tokenization and lexing are performed character-by-character with a pseudo finite state machine. Some whitespace characters are lexed into tokens as they are significant during preprocessing.

Preprocessing is performed on the lexer output. After preprocessing, preprocessing directive tokens and whitespace tokens are removed.

The parser is ad-hoc with a recursive descent core. Top down operator precendence ("Pratt") parsing23 is used for expressions. Naive backtracking is also used in some parts. The parser outputs AST nodes represented as tagged unions. Types are represented by a tree, and are constructed from declaration specifiers and declarators.

Above is the extent of the current implementation. No efforts at optimization have been made. Allocated memory is not freed.


  • Implement all preprocessor directives
  • Lex/parse floating and non-decimal radix literals
  • Symbol table and scoping
  • Evaluate integer constant expressions at compile time
  • Lvalue semantic analysis
  • Type analysis
  • Tree walking interpretation
  • WebAssembly codegen
  • WebAssembly runtime



#define A 10 + 1

int (*fn)(i\
          char **, in\
t (*)[]);
int *(*(*(*foo)(const char))(double)) /* block comment */[3];
static const int **x[5];
struct vec2 {
  int x, y;
} v2 = {0, 1};
typedef enum Colors { Red = 1, Blue, Green } colors;
static int func(int a, int b, volatile int c);
int func(int x) {
  int i = 0, *j, k = 2;
  if (a == b)
    i = A ? 1 : -1;
  else if (1)
    i *= v2.x;

  while (1) {
    i++ + y;

  return 1;


Decl fn: *((Int[128], **Char, *(Int[])) -> Int)
Decl foo: *(Const Char -> *(Double -> *((*Int)[3])))
Decl x: Static (** Const Int)[5]
Decl v2: Struct vec2 { x: Int, y: Int }
`-List (len 2)
  |-Lit: 0
  `-Lit: 1
Decl colors: Typedef Enum Colors { Red = ?, Blue, Green }
Decl func: Static (a: Int, b: Int, c: Volatile Int) -> Int
FnDefn funcx: Int -> Int
  |-Decl i: Int
  | `-Lit: 0
  |-Decl j: *Int
  |-Decl k: Int
  | `-Lit: 2
  | |-InfixExpr: Eq
  | | |-Ident: a
  | | `-Ident: b
  | |-ExprStmt
  | | `-InfixExpr: Assn
  | |   |-Ident: i
  | |   `-InfixExpr: Question
  | |     |-InfixExpr: Plus
  | |     | |-Lit: 10
  | |     | `-Lit: 1
  | |     |-Lit: 1
  | |     `-PrefixExpr: Minus
  | |       `-Lit: 1
  | `-IfStmt
  |   |-Lit: 1
  |   `-ExprStmt
  |     `-InfixExpr: StarAssn
  |       |-Ident: i
  |       `-PostfixExpr: Dot
  |         |-Ident: v2
  |         `-Ident: x
  | |-Lit: 1
  | `-BlockStmt
  |   `-ExprStmt
  |     `-InfixExpr: Plus
  |       |-PostfixExpr: PlusPlus
  |       | |-Ident: i
  |       `-Ident: y
  `-JumpStmt Return
    `-Lit: 1


  1. Based mostly on The C Programming Language 2E (K&R). Actual ISO/ANSI standards are hard to find.

  2. Vaughn Pratt, Top Down Operator Precendence (1973).



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