A simple image server by using Node.js!
Linux or macOS, not support Windows.
brew install vips
Building from sources is suggested.
Please follow the documents on libvips officical site. https://www.libvips.org/install.html
Image converting will not available while libvips has not been installed or lacking some format support.
Parsing HTTP request's headers, according to Accepts, response a PNG/JPG/GIF image or WebP/HEIC/AVIF image (if file existed) automaticly.
The server provides a HTTP API to POST an image file with AccessToken. At the same time, you can set whether or not attaching a watermark and converting to WebP format.
All the configs in the config.yml
If you don't want to create a page to upload, you can use cURL, like:
curl -F "image=@IMG_20171122_212957.jpg" http://localhost:18001/?accessToken=000&nomark=0 # nomark=1 if you don't want to attach water mark.
After uploading, server will response:
Field URL means the full URL for fetching image.
git clone https://github.com/yuanguozheng/coderyuan-image-server && cd coderyuan-image-server
Use yarn
or npm install
node tools/codec_test.js
$ node tools/codec_test.js
Test for JPG to HEIC, AVIF and WebP conversion...
WebP converted successfully!
AVIF converted successfully!
HEIC converted successfully!
npm start
If the server has been launched normally, the terminal will get:
[2018-03-09 00:47:01.046] - INFO Resolver service has been started, port: 18000
[2018-03-09 00:47:01.050] - INFO Uploader service has been started, port: 18001
After running server, you can config reverse proxy for nginx to access by your domain!
All supported configurations are save in config.yml
, you can modify it to fit your needs as described in the comments.
Recommended configuration items to modify when using for the first time:
The absolute or relative path for saving or fetching images. Must be changed for your own environment.
The access token for uploading images. For security reasons, you should change it to a random string.
The path for watermark image. Need to change it to your own watermark image.
The URL prefix for fetching images. If you are using nginx to reverse proxy, it should be the same as your domain name.