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yzoug's dotfiles

Hello! These are my dotfiles. Here is some of the software I use:

  • sway as a Wayland compositor
  • waybar as a status bar
  • alacritty as a terminal emulator
  • neovim as my editor
  • zsh as my shell
  • tmux as a multiplexer
  • the Tokyo Night colorscheme
  • ArchLinux as my Linux distribution
  • starship as a shell prompt, zoxide as a cd replacement, direnv for environment vars, slurp/grim for screenshots...

Some of these configs are shamelessly stolen on the Internet over the years, other I wrote myself. I sometimes try to credit the source in a comment.


Screenshot desktop 1

Two alacritty terminals in floating mode. fastfetch, starship, zsh-autosuggestions.

Screenshot desktop 2

Three terminals in tiling mode. pipes-rs, neovim.


I use chezmoi to manage these files. Once installed, if you are me, you can configure a new machine by doing:

chezmoi init
chezmoi diff
chezmoi apply -v
chezmoi update -v # for keeping a machine synced with the repo

If you're happy with these configs, you should probably fork this repo and make your changes (remember, no secrets in a git repo, so no secrets in your config files!). Then you can use the commands above to setup your machine(s).