Releases: zalando/zalenium
This is the last Zalenium release
From now on, we will spend our time just replying to new issues and answering questions at the Zalenium Slack channel.
Unfortunately, no new maintainers were found and this project won't be developed anymore.
The most relevant features from Zalenium are being/will be implemented in the upstream Grid 4.x, keep an eye on You could migrate to this project in the near future.
We want to truly thank all of our users for making this a great project, helping us spread the word and improve the testing community ❤️ This project was made for the community and by the community!
Release details
Zalenium running with Selenium 3.141.59
Bug fixes:
- Changed fileName in RemoteLogDashboard uploafFile object to use testFileNameTemplate - thanks @anuradha24!
- [Fixing issue] #1156 (c33b808) - @diemol!
New features:
Note: This release has bug fixes and a feature which are relevant to a few users. If you find any issues with this version, please fall back to one of the previous releases.
Zalenium running with Selenium 3.141.59
New features and bug fixes:
Zalenium running with Selenium 3.141.59
New features and bug fixes:
Zalenium running with Selenium 3.141.59
New features and bug fixes:
- Add environment variables into pod template to support Virtual Node with AKS - thanks @idubnori!
- Fix role.yaml link in - thanks @ortex!
- feature(): enable folderNames in name template - thanks @alfonso-presa!
- Updating CoC email to - @diemol
- feature(): enables using external selenium session id in test template - thanks @alfonso-presa!
Zalenium running with Selenium 3.141.59
New features and bug fixes:
- allows SELENIUM_NODE_HOST to be set by environment variable - thanks @jpaolini!
- Add condition to skip executing the script - thanks @yosserO!
- Initial implemenation of custom error pages - thanks @TobiX!
- Using new BS API endpoint - @diemol
- Update container base image to remediate HIGH CVE vulnerabilities - thanks @idubnori!
Zalenium running with Selenium 3.141.59
New features and bug fixes:
- Fix get hostname dns load (#1048) - thanks @jlamaille!
- Add documentation for hostAliases - thanks @Menta2L!
- allow the modification of the hosts file inside a container - thanks @Menta2L!
- Update docker swarm documentation - thanks @tstern!
- Rewrite condition to exec ./ in considering none sudo - thanks @tstern!
- Add symlink for /usr/bin/docker in Dockerfile - thanks @tstern!
- Change probes URL to the /status page (#1024) - thanks @baflQA!
- fixed index file (#1025) - thanks @sharkymcdongles!
- Issue-1019 Update helm chart zip files to release version 3.141.59t (#1020) - thanks @ramapalani!
- Add empty default value for podSecurityContext and containerSecurityContext (#1016) - thanks @pschuermann & @KierranM!
Zalenium running with Selenium 3.141.59
New features and bug fixes:
- feat: add container security context support (#995) - thanks @arnaud-deprez!
- Ability to customize nginx client_max_body_size (#997) - thanks @lcharlois-neotys!
- Documenting service annotations. (#999) - thanks @axozoid!
- Fix typo in docs (#1002) - thanks @pgeraghty!
- Add grid status servlet (#1003) - thanks @jlamaille!
- Filter by active sessions (#1004) - thanks @jlamaille!
- allow adding annotations to the hub (#1006) - thanks @pschuermann!
- Logo image added in docs (#1013) - thanks @nikhil-lambda!
- Convert test-build to string to ensure it works with numbers (#1008) - thanks @pschuermann!
Zalenium running with Selenium 3.141.59
New features and bug fixes:
- Adding support for LambdaTest - thanks @nikhil-lambda and @kanhaiya15!
Zalenium running with Selenium 3.141.59
New features and bug fixes: