Library to realize the zabbix-sender on ESP8266-Arduino
(Windows and default arduino setting)
cd %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Arduino\libraries
git clone
Google it
See sample_ESP8266ZabbixSender/sample_ESP8266ZabbixSender.ino
ESP8266ZabbixSender zSender;
zSender.Init(IPAddress(192, 168, 35, 14), 10051, "IOTBOARD_00"); // Init zabbix server address, port, and hostname of item
zSender.ClearItem(); // clear item list
zSender.AddItem("air.temp", 29.62); // add item such as air temperture
zSender.AddItem("air.hum", 70.60); // add item such as air humidity
if (zSender.Send() == EXIT_FAILURE){ // send packet
// error handling
Refer to the following repository for more information.