I have been following the evolution of the Android platform since its first version release, and have been working professionally with it since its version 3.0 (Honeycomb). I have large experience with Android SDK development using Java and Kotlin language, libraries such as Jetpack, Dagger2, Retrofit, Glide, Firebase, RxJava, coroutines + Flow, Google Maps, Mockk, Espresso, Compose, Clean and MVVM architecture and others.
Software Developer and Technical Leader with solid knowledge of tools, platforms and frameworks for Mobile and Web solutions development, such as Tomcat, HTML5, backend integration, Javascript, NodeJS, Spring, Gradle, Git, NextJS, MySQL, PostgreSQL, CircleCI, Sonarqube and others.
Worked in the past with Java language, J2EE, MongoDB, Redis Flutter, OpenOffice SDK, iReport, jFreeChart, Telegram Bot, Facebook SDK, Heroku services, Grails, Angular, Amazon Web Services, Arduino platform, Android Things and Progressive Web App.