SaltStack Docker & Admin Web UI
- This image is to build saltstack master with docker
- Included web admin UI (SaltGUI: )
- current version is "2019.2"
- User Authentication is used with Linux-PAM.
- the user is 'salt'. and default password is 'salt123'. or you can set it with environment value 'SALT_SHARED_SECRET'
docker run -d \
--name salt \
--hostname salt \
-p 8000:8000 \
-p 4505:4505 \
-p 4506:4506 \
-v `pwd`/pki:/etc/salt/pki/master \
-v `pwd`/var:/var/cache/salt \
-v `pwd`/log:/var/log/salt \
-e SALT_SHARED_SECRET='supersecret' \
- Volumes to mount
- /etc/salt/pki/master
- /var/cache/salt
- /var/log/salt
- In order to make volumes available to the salt user in the container, assign the group id 450 to the directory before it mounting it on the container.