Hi, this repository is the official implementation of Newton–Cotes Graph Neural Networks: On the Time Evolution of Dynamic Systems, NeurIPS 2023.
1. Installation
conda create -n ncgnn python=3.8 # create a new env
conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio pytorch-cuda -c pytorch -c nvidia # install torch with cuda
conda install networkx, pandas # install other packages
conda install matplotlib, seaborn # install other packages for EqMotion
2. Run NC (GMN) on MD17 (Aspirin)
python -u spatial_graph/main_ncgnn.py --config_by_file \
--model gmn \
--use_extra_data 0 \
--n_step 2 \
--dataset md17 \
--l2_penalty 0 \
3. Run NC+ (GMN)
python -u spatial_graph/main_ncgnn.py --config_by_file \
--model gmn \
--use_extra_data 1 \
--n_step 2 \
--dataset md17 \
--l2_penalty 1 \
4. Run NC (EqMotion) on multi-step prediction
cd EqMotion
# generate nobdy datasets
cd n_body_system/dataset
python generate_dataset.py --n_balls 5 --simulation charged --num-train 50000
python generate_dataset.py --n_balls 5 --simulation springs --num-train 50000
cd ../..
python main_nbody_reasoning.py --ncgnn # run nbody reasoning task
python main_nbody.py --ncgnn # run nobdy prediction task
python main_md17.py --mol aspirin --ncgnn # run MD17 (Aspirin) prediction task
1. N-body
Generate the dataset identical to that used by GMN:
python -u generate_dataset.py --num-train 5000 --seed 43 --n_isolated 3 --n_stick 2 --n_hinge 1 --n_workers 50
Run on the generated dataset:
python -u spatial_graph/main_ncgnn.py --config_by_file \
--model gmn \
--use_extra_data 1 \
--n_step 2 \
--dataset nbody \
--n_isolated 3 --n_stick 2 --n_hinge 1 \
--l2_penalty 1 \
Note that n_isolated, n_stick, and n_hinge should match the generation settings exactly.
2. Full MD17 datasets
The MD17 dataset can be downloaded from MD17. Download the dataset and place the files in spatial_graph/MD17
for single-step prediction and 'EqMotion/md17/dataset' for EqMotion.
3. Motion Capture
The dataset can be downloaded from CMU Motion Capture Database.
Run NCGNN on the motion dataset:
python -u spatial_graph/main_ncgnn.py --config_by_file \
--model gmn \
--use_extra_data 1 \
--n_step 2 \
--dataset motion \
--l2_penalty 1 \
This source code is adaped from the official repository of GMN and EqMotion.
author = {Lingbing Guo and
Weiqing Wang and
Zhuo Chen and
Ningyu Zhang and
Zequn Sun and
Yixuan Lai and
Qiang Zhang and
Huajun Chen},
title = {Newton-Cotes Graph Neural Networks: On the Time Evolution of Dynamic Systems},
booktitle = {NeurIPS},
year = {2023}