Amanda Website gives information about Amanda, the latest updates to the project, links to documentation, binaries and information on how to contribute. The site is developed using the Hugo framework (
Download and Install Hugo (
The amanda website is built using a static site generator. The content for the website is written in markdown which is then compiled into a static webpage with the help of Hugo framework. The following points gives the information about the general layout of the site sources:
- To edit the content of the site edit the markdown files under content directory
- To change the styling of the site edit custom.css under static/css directory
- To change the layout of the site edit the files under layout folder
To know more about the theme used for the site refer or the README file under themes/hugo-theme-learn/ directory.
To run the site locally:
- Open terminal or command prompt
- change to the directory with the source files
- Run "hugo server" command. This will start a local server and render the site
To build the site
- Open terminal or command prompt
- change to the directory with the source files
- Run "hugo" command. This will generate a public folder with the compiled files
To deploy the site push the contents of the public folder to the gh-pages branch of this repository. This will automatically deploy the new changes