Needleman–Wunsch algorithm implementation in Lua.
Sequence Comparison: The package enables the comparison of two sequences (seq1 and seq2) by considering all possible alignments and choosing the best one.
Scoring System: The scoring system is customisable with match, mismatch, and gap parameters, allowing users to define the reward for matched characters and penalties for mismatches and gaps.
Matrix Generation and Population: It creates a dynamic programming matrix of sequence lengths and populates it accordingly based on optimal alignment values.
Traceback Functionality: It includes a traceback procedure which identifies the optimal path through the matrix, producing the final alignment of the input sequences.
Efficient Evaluation: It utilises a max function to determine the maximum score between match, mismatch, and gap; this feature guarantees the efficiency of the sequence alignment process.
Install the nwunsch
package in your Lua
project by installing it with the following command:
luarocks install nwunsch
local nwunsch = require("nwunsch")
-- Use the package functions
local match = 2
local mismatch = -1
local gap = -2
local score, align1, align2 = nwunsch.NeedlemanWunsch(seq1, seq2, match, mismatch, gap)
print("Alignment score:", score)
print("Alignment 1:", align1)
print("Alignment 2:", align2)
Use Case: Execute the
sample code in the examples directory.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
(c) 2024 Finbarrs Oketunji.
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