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new figure 1 function
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SamuelBrand1 committed Jul 17, 2024
1 parent 717f586 commit d314b71
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Showing 2 changed files with 200 additions and 8 deletions.
25 changes: 19 additions & 6 deletions pipeline/scripts/create_figure1.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
## Script to make figure 1
## Script to make figure 1 and alternate latent models for SI
using Pkg
Pkg.activate(joinpath(@__DIR__(), ".."))

Expand All @@ -19,8 +19,6 @@ truth_df = mapreduce(vcat, truth_data_files) do filename
make_truthdata_dataframe(filename, D, pipelines)

## Make mainfigure plots

# Define scenario titles and reference times for figure 1
scenario_dict = Dict(
"measures_outbreak" => (title = "Outbreak with measures", T = 28),
Expand All @@ -29,7 +27,22 @@ scenario_dict = Dict(
"rough_endemic" => (title = "Rough endemic", T = 35)

fig1 = figureone(truth_df, analysis_df, scenario_dict)
target_dict = Dict(
"log_I_t" => (title = "log(Incidence)", ylims = (3.5, 6)),
"rt" => (title = "Exp. growth rate", ylims = (-0.1, 0.1)),
"Rt" => (title = "Reproductive number", ylims = (-0.1, 3))

latent_model_dict = Dict(
"wkly_rw" => (title = "Random walk",),
"wkly_ar" => (title = "AR(1)",),
"wkly_diff_ar" => (title = "Diff. AR(1)",)

## `wkly_ar` is the default latent model which we show as figure 1, others are for SI

## Save the figure
save(plotsdir("figure1.png"), fig1)
_ = map(latent_model_dict |> keys |> collect) do latent_model
fig = figureone(
truth_df, analysis_df, latent_model, scenario_dict, target_dict, latent_model_dict)
save(plotsdir("figure1_$(latent_model).png"), fig)
183 changes: 181 additions & 2 deletions pipeline/src/mainplots/figureone.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -110,7 +110,8 @@ function _figure_one_scenario_truth_data(truth_df, scenario; true_gi_choice)

Generate figure 1 showing the analysis and truth data for different scenarios.
Generate a version figure 1 showing the analysis and truth data for different scenarios _and_
different latent process models.
## Arguments
- `truth_df`: DataFrame containing the truth data.
Expand All @@ -127,7 +128,7 @@ Generate figure 1 showing the analysis and truth data for different scenarios.
- `fig`: Figure object containing the generated figure.
function figureone(
function figureone_with_latent_model(
truth_df, analysis_df, scenario_dict; fig_kws = (; size = (1000, 2000)),
true_gi_choice = 10.0, used_gi_choice = 10.0, legend_title = "Process type")
# Perform checks on the dataframes
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -163,3 +164,181 @@ function figureone(

return fig

Internal method for creating a model panel plot for Figure One.
This function takes in various parameters to filter the `analysis_df` DataFrame and create a model panel plot for Figure One.
The filtered DataFrame is used to generate the plot using the `model_plotting_data` variable.
The plot includes process values, color-coded by the infection generating process,
and credible intervals defined by `lower_sym` and `upper_sym`.
## Arguments
- `analysis_df`: The DataFrame containing the analysis data.
- `scenario`: The scenario to filter the DataFrame.
- `target`: The target to filter the DataFrame.
- `latentmodel`: The latent model to filter the DataFrame.
- `reference_time`: The reference time to filter the DataFrame.
- `true_gi_choice`: The true GI mean value to filter the DataFrame.
- `used_gi_choice`: The used GI mean value to filter the DataFrame.
- `lower_sym`: The symbol representing the lower confidence interval (default: `:q_025`).
- `upper_sym`: The symbol representing the upper confidence interval (default: `:q_975`).
## Returns
- `plt_model`: The model panel plot.
function _figure_one_model_panel(
analysis_df, scenario, target, latentmodel; reference_time, true_gi_choice,
used_gi_choice, lower_sym = :q_025, upper_sym = :q_975)
model_plotting_data = analysis_df |>
df -> @subset(df, :True_GI_Mean.==true_gi_choice) |>
df -> @subset(df, :Used_GI_Mean.==used_gi_choice) |>
df -> @subset(df, :Reference_Time.==reference_time) |>
df -> @subset(df, :Scenario.==scenario) |>
df -> @subset(df, :Target.==target) |>
df -> @subset(df,
:Latent_Model.==latentmodel) |>

plt_model = model_plotting_data *
mapping(:target_times => "T", :q_5 => "Process values",
color = :IGP_Model => "Infection generating process") *
mapping(lower = lower_sym, upper = upper_sym) * visual(LinesFill)

return plt_model

Internal method for creating a truth data panel plot for a given scenario and
target using the provided truth data.
## Arguments
- `truth_df`: DataFrame containing the truth data.
- `scenario`: Scenario to plot.
- `target`: Target to plot.
- `true_gi_choice`: True GI choice to filter the data.
## Returns
- `plt_truth`: Plot object representing the truth data panel.
function _figure_one_truth_data_panel(truth_df, scenario, target; true_gi_choice)
truth_plotting_data = truth_df |>
df -> @subset(df, :True_GI_Mean.==true_gi_choice) |>
df -> @subset(df, :Scenario.==scenario) |>
df -> @subset(df, :Target.==target) |> data
plt_truth = truth_plotting_data *
:target_times => "T", :target_values => "values", color = :IGP_Model) *
return plt_truth

Create figure one with multiple panels showing the analysis results and truth data for different scenarios and targets.
# Arguments
- `truth_df::DataFrame`: The truth data as a DataFrame.
- `analysis_df::DataFrame`: The analysis data as a DataFrame.
- `latent_model::AbstractString`: The latent model to use for the infection generating process.
- `scenario_dict::Dict{AbstractString, Scenario}`: A dictionary mapping scenario names to Scenario objects.
- `target_dict::Dict{AbstractString, Target}`: A dictionary mapping target names to Target objects.
- `latent_model_dict::Dict{AbstractString, LatentModel}`: A dictionary mapping latent model names to LatentModel objects.
# Optional Arguments
- `fig_kws::NamedTuple`: Keyword arguments for the Figure object.
- `true_gi_choice::Float64`: The true value of the infection generating process.
- `used_gi_choice::Float64`: The value of the infection generating process used in the analysis.
- `legend_title::AbstractString`: The title of the legend.
- `targets::Vector{AbstractString}`: The names of the targets to include in the figure.
- `scenarios::Vector{AbstractString}`: The names of the scenarios to include in the figure.
# Returns
- `fig::Figure`: The figure object containing the panels.
# Example
This assumes that the user already has the necessary dataframes `truth_df` and `analysis_df` loaded.
using EpiAwarePipeline
# Define scenario titles and reference times for figure 1
scenario_dict = Dict(
"measures_outbreak" => (title = "Outbreak with measures", T = 28),
"smooth_outbreak" => (title = "Outbreak no measures", T = 35),
"smooth_endemic" => (title = "Smooth endemic", T = 35),
"rough_endemic" => (title = "Rough endemic", T = 35)
target_dict = Dict(
"log_I_t" => (title = "log(Incidence)", ylims = (3.5, 6)),
"rt" => (title = "Exp. growth rate", ylims = (-0.1, 0.1)),
"Rt" => (title = "Reproductive number", ylims = (-0.1, 3))
latent_model_dict = Dict(
"wkly_rw" => (title = "Random walk",),
"wkly_ar" => (title = "AR(1)",),
"wkly_diff_ar" => (title = "Diff. AR(1)",)
fig1 = figureone(
truth_df, analysis_df, "wkly_ar", scenario_dict, target_dict, latent_model_dict)
function figureone(
truth_df, analysis_df, latent_model, scenario_dict, target_dict,
latent_model_dict; fig_kws = (; size = (1000, 1000)),
true_gi_choice = 10.0, used_gi_choice = 10.0,
legend_title = "Infection generating\n process",
targets = ["log_I_t", "rt", "Rt"],
scenarios = [
"measures_outbreak", "smooth_outbreak", "smooth_endemic", "rough_endemic"])
# Perform checks on the dataframes
EpiAwarePipeline._figure_one_dataframe_checks(truth_df, analysis_df, scenario_dict)
latent_models = analysis_df.Latent_Model |> unique
@assert latent_model in latent_models "The latent model is not in the analysis data"
@assert latent_model in keys(latent_model_dict) "The latent model is not in the latent_model_dict dictionary"
@assert all([target in keys(target_dict) for target in targets]) "Not all targets are in the target dictionary"
@assert all([scenario in keys(scenario_dict) for scenario in scenarios]) "Not all scenarios are in the scenario dictionary"

# Treat the truth data as a Latent model option
truth_df[!, "IGP_Model"] .= "Truth data"

plt_truth_mat = [_figure_one_truth_data_panel(
truth_df, scenario, target; true_gi_choice)
for scenario in keys(scenario_dict), target in targets]

plt_analysis_mat = [_figure_one_model_panel(
analysis_df, scenario, target, latent_model;
reference_time = scenario_dict[scenario].T,
true_gi_choice, used_gi_choice)
for scenario in keys(scenario_dict), target in targets]

fig = Figure(; fig_kws...)
leg = nothing
for (i, scenario) in enumerate(scenarios)
for (j, target) in enumerate(targets)
sf = fig[i, j]
ag = draw!(
sf, plt_analysis_mat[i, j] + plt_truth_mat[i, j],
axis = (; limits = (nothing, target_dict[target].ylims)))
leg = AlgebraOfGraphics.compute_legend(ag)
i == 1 &&
Label(sf[0, 1], target_dict[target].title, fontsize = 22, font = :bold)
j == 3 && Label(sf[1, 2], scenario_dict[scenario].title,
fontsize = 18, font = :bold, rotation = -pi / 2)

Label(fig[:, 0], "Process values", fontsize = 28, font = :bold, rotation = pi / 2)
Label(fig[3, 4],
"Latent model\n for infection\n generating\n process:\n$(latent_model_dict[latent_model].title)",
fontsize = 18,
font = :bold)
_leg = (leg[1], leg[2], [legend_title])
Legend(fig[2, 4], _leg...)

return fig

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