This repository contains a description of a BarrettHand 280 mounted on a Staubli TX60L arm. It uses the BarretHand description barrett_model repo that can be found at and the staubli repo found at
Currently, the Staubli model is actually the RX60L, but they seem to be more or less identical kinematically.
The offset from the BarrettHand to the Staubli can be configured by creating a new xacro file containing the hand_xyz_offset and hand_rpy_offset properties as described in the demonstration config/arm_to_hand_calib.xacro
The main xacro file can be found in robots/staubli_bhand.xacro
The mount apparatus (which currently consists of an ATI load cell and the mounting device provided by Barrett Technologies) is described in urdf/barrett_hand_mount.urdf.xacro using simple geometry.