The SuperNURDs' code for our 2023 FRC robot, Doc Ock. Doc Ock's code is written in Java and uses WPILib's command based framework.
- Originally based off of Team 364's BaseFalconSwerve
- Rewritten to follow our own style and structure
- Uses WPILib swerve classes
- Field Centric Control
- Uses navX2 gyro
- Autonomous path following using PathPlanner and PPLib
- Auto balance on charge station
- Uses a very simple two state bang-bang controller to always drive at a slow speed "uphill" and stop when level
- Uses navX2 gyro
- Requires specific rotation of robot
- Only used in autonomous, not teleop
- MK4Is with Falcon 500 Pinions and L2 Gearing purchased from Swerve Drive Specialties
- Uses a state machine to control position
- States are combinations of shoulder and elbow angles
- Transition states may be used to avoid arm collisions
- Each joint position is controlled using Motion Magic
- Cruise velocity is set to very high value and only the acceleration limit value is tuned.
- 2 Falcon 500s - One for the elbow, one for the shoulder
- Mounted at the end of the arm and used to intake game pieces
- Employs a limit switch to determine when a game piece is collected
- Applies a small, constant current when a game piece is collected to prevent it from falling out
- 2 NEO 550s, placed on the left and right of the intake, each with SPARK MAX Motor Controllers
- Deployed when intaking cubes from the floor to help guide them into our intake
- Falcon 500 - Pivot motor
- Controls the angle in which the collector is deployed. Only set to a "stow" or a "collecting" angle.
- NEO 550 with a SPARK MAX Motor Controller - Roller motor
- Controls the speed of the rollers
Vendor Dependency - VS Code Online Install Link - Documentation (if applicable)
- WPILib Command Libraries - Automatically installed with the WPILib Installer
- SuperCORE -
- Kauai Labs (NavX) -
- PathPlanner -
- CTRE Phoenix v5 Framework -
- PhotonLib (PhotonVision) -
- REVLib -