Releases: Figma-Linux/figma-linux
Releases · Figma-Linux/figma-linux
Figma Linux 0.11.5
v0.11.5 Publish v0.11.5 release
Figma Linux 0.11.4
Figma Linux 0.11.3
Bug Fixes:
- open any url from tab's BrowserView. #359
- import a plugin from manifest.json. #358
- visible font selection field. #356
- use default settings if can not parse settings.json file. #357
- validate file path for extension file. #352
Other Changes:
- Bump Electron from 27.2.0 to 27.2.2
- Bump Electron from 27.0.4 to 27.2.0
- set default values for dev ports
Figma Linux 0.11.2
Bug Fixes:
- update files for build on launchpad
Other Changes:
- update build ppa script
Figma Linux 0.11.1
Figma Linux 0.11.0
- add fullscreen
- added the ability to set Chromium flags from the app settings
- save and restore windows state
- add window state
- add the Recently Closed Tabs menu item
- rewrite the code related with generating the desktop menu to a new API
- update ThemesCreator: export, import, edit themes
- add context menu for the main and the community tabs
- implement community tab
- rewrite create new file
- implement multiple windows
- Rework frontend. Delete React, Mobx, Webpack, node-sass and etc. And add RollUp and Svelte
Bug Fixes:
- main pipeline
- display themes list after first sync
- transparent bg color on the Chrome GPU page
- reload main tab after signin
- toggle fullscreen mode
- restart the app after change a few options
- disable the loading indicator for the GPU tab
- redirect after finish authorization
- hot reload plugins after add it
- update theme rules
- set tab loading
- apply theme's colors
- bugs with window control
- plugin API and hot reload plugins
- open a poject under another user
- add more authed users
- chromeGpu page
- open devTools for tabs and close tab from menu
- update panel amd Figm UI scale
- open devTools for window
- close the new file tab after switch to file browser through a main menu item
- handle messages for messageHandler in webBinding
- set tab focus
- open link on the community tab
- focus on the file browser from the community tab and focus on the community tab from the file browser
- tab focus after close the new file tab
- sort tabs after open another tab
- open Community Tab
- setTitle for Community Tab
- change theme for all windows
- open settings popup inside a window
- circular dependency in menu
- focus on window while launch second instance
- color palette styles
- docker files
- apply current theme after page reload
- apply a theme for tabs
- srollbar style in the file browser page view
- load themes
- load default theme for the main UI if themes is disabled
- docker files
- move font manager on nodeJS side
- init settings if file exists with partial data
- error when try restore empty tab list
- mic access. #317
- export files. #203
- remove a tab object from the svelte store after the close tab from context menu
- copy a project url, and reload a tab
- save and restore tabs after open a window
- clicks on the toolbar in ZoomView
- reset the color palette to default
- height of the empty dropdown
- display tutorial
- Call rerender of the BrowserView after open the Settings at first time
- prod preload script paths
- update color palette apply rules
- icon color on tool bar for themes
- remove double scroll bar in the settings body
- apply default theme while app start
- apply CreatorTheme's theme while start the app
- click handler for the ButtonTool component
- Button click event in the Settings body component
- disabled text color for Figma UI popups
- popup box shadow
- the name and the author text fields in ThemeCreator
- calc panel height after change of the panel scale
- sync themes
- change zoom for the ZoomView component
- toggling the main menu
- Fix build-id conflicts with other packages ( #310))
- Local plugins are reset on application exit. #296
Other Changes:
- fix get git tag
- fix get git tag in script
- foramt Error in logs
- update default settings
- update the handlePageCommand and add the showFlashMessage
- remove widget menu item
- replace deprecated protocol.registerHttpProtocol on protocol.handle
- enable Vulkan, OpenGL, WebGPU
- Bump Electron to 27.0.4
- update readme
- update icon
- remove old files
- Logger
- Bump Electron to 27.0.3
- main menu
- clean up code
- fix
- remove unnecessary import and property
- remove a few logs
- Bump Electron to 24.8.2
- fix docker files
- move svelte-dnd-action dependency inside the project
- update docker files
- update snapcraft file
- update roolup renderer config
- update import of the package.json
- update rollup renderer config
- Bump Electron to 22.3.5
- update README
- update apply theme rules
- Bump figma-linux-rust-binding to 0.2.9
- Bump figma-linux-rust-binding 0.2.8
- mode the setUsingMicrophone and the setIsInVoiceCall methods inside the WindowManager
- add validate on theme exists
- update style of the toolbar in theme previewer
- update apply theme rules
- reset theme if the removed theme was the current
- Implement the copy and paste colors in the ThemeCreator
- add the reset to template button in the ThemeCreator's popup menu
- add a tutorial fir the ThemeCreator previewer
- change key for toggle the ThemeCreator mask
- update validate logic
- remove scroll bar for common settings body
- mplement validators for the name and the author fields in ThemeCreator
- change logic of toggling of the previewers
- add a flag for use the old previewer in ThemeCreator
- set user select to none for the body settings
- update palette rules
- change logic of the settings body components
- change zoom factor in ThemeCreator preview by mouse wheel
- add mask for the ThemeCreator preview
- Add array of webview in the previewer
- Implement Figma UI theme previwer
- Sync themes each time when the app starts
- save in the app settings state of DropDown component on the Themes page
- remove old file of the old ThemeCreator
- remove the CreatorTheme's BrowserView
- implement remove of the CreatorTheme's theme
- implement reset CreatorTheme's theme to default theme
- implement edit of the CreatorTheme's theme
- implement disabled property for the Button component
- implement load ThemeCreator's themes in settings and add theme to the ThemeCreator's themes
- remove unused svelte component FromTemplate
- made up popup menu for the ThemeCreator
- update name of css variables for font size
- update the Text component
- update the List component
- Add popup base component
- Add new icons for popup menu
- imlement upload a color palette from a theme to the ThemeCreator
- Add flag canEdit for themes
- plans to add buttons in ThemeCreator header
- update theme tumbl in theme list
- fix apply and save General settings and themes
- close settings UI by click on area beyond modal
- Add the padding property for Grid component
- update grid for the theme list
- styles for tab body in the ThemeCreator UI
- replace Flex on Grid for theme list
- replace Flex on Grid for list of template in the ThemeCreator UI
- Made up the theme creator UI
- output themes on the themes settings view
- Implement dropdown container
- Made up the general settings UI
- Add checkbox input
- Implement input components
- update styles
- Add the margin porperty for the button component
- update TabView type, add second component
- Implement the TabView for Settings UI body
- Start creating the settings UI. Refactoring of button components
- change event
- update logic of main menu button
- update main menu button
- update button's code
- update logic of home button
- Add hover and active styles for a button component
- Execute rerender of a BroserView by set tab bounds
- implement highlighting of an active tab
- focus on main tab after open any project
- tab swapping by mouse
- replace svelte-dnd-action on my fork repository
- complete work for tab behavior
- update cursor style while dragging a tab
- remove auto open in dev move of dev tools for tabs
- remove unnecessary ipc handler
- move newProject, closeTab, setTabFocus handler in the WindowManager class
- move the openTabMenu handler to the WindowsManager
- cleaned up the code a bit
- move the setFocusToMainTab handler to WindowsManager class
Figma Linux 0.10.0
- Add checkbox for enbale/disable figma-linux themes
Bug Fixes:
- Update icons for deb package for LaunchPad
- Fixes theme manager rules for better display themes colors
- Fixes missing home toolbar bg color
- Fixes tab sizing for user interactions and adds focus to new tabs. (#269)
Other Changes:
- remove unnecessary libm library
- Bump Electron version from 13.6.3 to 13.6.9
- replace scss on css
- Remove the old libstdc++ library
Figma Linux 0.9.6
Bug Fixes:
- tab sizing for user interactions and adds focus to new tabs
Other Changes:
- Bump Electron version from 13.6.3 to 13.6.9
- replace scss on css
- Remove the old libstdc++ library
Figma Linux 0.9.5
Bug Fixes:
- No visibility of top navbar editing icons & selected element. #266