add fullscreen
added the ability to set Chromium flags from the app settings
save and restore windows state
add window state
add the Recently Closed Tabs menu item
rewrite the code related with generating the desktop menu to a new API
update ThemesCreator: export, import, edit themes
add context menu for the main and the community tabs
implement community tab
rewrite create new file
implement multiple windows
Rework frontend. Delete React, Mobx, Webpack, node-sass and etc. And add RollUp and Svelte
Bug Fixes:
main pipeline
display themes list after first sync
transparent bg color on the Chrome GPU page
reload main tab after signin
toggle fullscreen mode
restart the app after change a few options
disable the loading indicator for the GPU tab
redirect after finish authorization
hot reload plugins after add it
update theme rules
set tab loading
apply theme's colors
bugs with window control
plugin API and hot reload plugins
open a poject under another user
add more authed users
chromeGpu page
open devTools for tabs and close tab from menu
update panel amd Figm UI scale
open devTools for window
close the new file tab after switch to file browser through a main menu item
handle messages for messageHandler in webBinding
set tab focus
open link on the community tab
focus on the file browser from the community tab and focus on the community tab from the file browser
tab focus after close the new file tab
sort tabs after open another tab
open Community Tab
setTitle for Community Tab
change theme for all windows
open settings popup inside a window
circular dependency in menu
focus on window while launch second instance
color palette styles
docker files
apply current theme after page reload
apply a theme for tabs
srollbar style in the file browser page view
load themes
load default theme for the main UI if themes is disabled
docker files
move font manager on nodeJS side
init settings if file exists with partial data
error when try restore empty tab list
mic access. #317
export files. #203
remove a tab object from the svelte store after the close tab from context menu
copy a project url, and reload a tab
save and restore tabs after open a window
clicks on the toolbar in ZoomView
reset the color palette to default
height of the empty dropdown
display tutorial
Call rerender of the BrowserView after open the Settings at first time
prod preload script paths
update color palette apply rules
icon color on tool bar for themes
remove double scroll bar in the settings body
apply default theme while app start
apply CreatorTheme's theme while start the app
click handler for the ButtonTool component
Button click event in the Settings body component
disabled text color for Figma UI popups
popup box shadow
the name and the author text fields in ThemeCreator
calc panel height after change of the panel scale
sync themes
change zoom for the ZoomView component
toggling the main menu
Fix build-id conflicts with other packages ( #310) )
Local plugins are reset on application exit. #296
Other Changes:
fix get git tag
fix get git tag in script
foramt Error in logs
update default settings
update the handlePageCommand and add the showFlashMessage
remove widget menu item
replace deprecated protocol.registerHttpProtocol on protocol.handle
enable Vulkan, OpenGL, WebGPU
Bump Electron to 27.0.4
update readme
update icon
remove old files
Bump Electron to 27.0.3
main menu
clean up code
remove unnecessary import and property
remove a few logs
Bump Electron to 24.8.2
fix docker files
move svelte-dnd-action dependency inside the project
update docker files
update snapcraft file
update roolup renderer config
update import of the package.json
update rollup renderer config
Bump Electron to 22.3.5
update README
update apply theme rules
Bump figma-linux-rust-binding to 0.2.9
Bump figma-linux-rust-binding 0.2.8
mode the setUsingMicrophone and the setIsInVoiceCall methods inside the WindowManager
add validate on theme exists
update style of the toolbar in theme previewer
update apply theme rules
reset theme if the removed theme was the current
Implement the copy and paste colors in the ThemeCreator
add the reset to template button in the ThemeCreator's popup menu
add a tutorial fir the ThemeCreator previewer
change key for toggle the ThemeCreator mask
update validate logic
remove scroll bar for common settings body
mplement validators for the name and the author fields in ThemeCreator
change logic of toggling of the previewers
add a flag for use the old previewer in ThemeCreator
set user select to none for the body settings
update palette rules
change logic of the settings body components
change zoom factor in ThemeCreator preview by mouse wheel
add mask for the ThemeCreator preview
Add array of webview in the previewer
Implement Figma UI theme previwer
Sync themes each time when the app starts
save in the app settings state of DropDown component on the Themes page
remove old file of the old ThemeCreator
remove the CreatorTheme's BrowserView
implement remove of the CreatorTheme's theme
implement reset CreatorTheme's theme to default theme
implement edit of the CreatorTheme's theme
implement disabled property for the Button component
implement load ThemeCreator's themes in settings and add theme to the ThemeCreator's themes
remove unused svelte component FromTemplate
made up popup menu for the ThemeCreator
update name of css variables for font size
update the Text component
update the List component
Add popup base component
Add new icons for popup menu
imlement upload a color palette from a theme to the ThemeCreator
Add flag canEdit for themes
plans to add buttons in ThemeCreator header
update theme tumbl in theme list
fix apply and save General settings and themes
close settings UI by click on area beyond modal
Add the padding property for Grid component
update grid for the theme list
styles for tab body in the ThemeCreator UI
replace Flex on Grid for theme list
replace Flex on Grid for list of template in the ThemeCreator UI
Made up the theme creator UI
output themes on the themes settings view
Implement dropdown container
Made up the general settings UI
Add checkbox input
Implement input components
update styles
Add the margin porperty for the button component
update TabView type, add second component
Implement the TabView for Settings UI body
Start creating the settings UI. Refactoring of button components
change event
update logic of main menu button
update main menu button
update button's code
update logic of home button
Add hover and active styles for a button component
Execute rerender of a BroserView by set tab bounds
implement highlighting of an active tab
focus on main tab after open any project
tab swapping by mouse
replace svelte-dnd-action on my fork repository
complete work for tab behavior
update cursor style while dragging a tab
remove auto open in dev move of dev tools for tabs
remove unnecessary ipc handler
move newProject, closeTab, setTabFocus handler in the WindowManager class
move the openTabMenu handler to the WindowsManager
cleaned up the code a bit
move the setFocusToMainTab handler to WindowsManager class
You can’t perform that action at this time.