I should come up with a catchier name...
A completely automated script to set up your VRChat content creation pipeline!
Automatically installs Blender and Unity 5.6.3p1 if needed
Downloads the latest VRChat SDK and places it in the default Unity Projects folder, ready for use
Did I mention that this is completely automatic?
Open the Command Prompt/PowerShell as an Administrator (just press Win+X, then A).
Copy-paste this into the prompt you just opened:
PowerShell; Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; Invoke-Expression ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Pyroglyph/vrchat-dev-install/master/vrchat-dev-install.ps1'))
- The script will download and run. You don't need to do anything else!
Auto-create a VRChat project with the SDK pre-installed
Check to see if Blender and/or Unity is already installed
Progress bars for (some) downloads, because it's not fun to look at a console with no output :/
This script downloads these files from the internet:
Latest Blender Installer (from Chocolatey) : ~90MB
Unity 5.6.3p1 Installer (from Unity) : ~600MB
Latest VRChat SDK Package (from VRChat) : ~10MB
If you are on a metered connection, be careful!