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Quint Guvernator edited this page Mar 21, 2016 · 3 revisions

Several projects are currently ongoing in the Small Hall Makerspace. Here is a sampling:

E/N: This page taken from the official site.

W&M Society of Physics Students

The Society of Physics Students exists to promote fellowship and community between physics undergraduates.

W&M Robotics Club

The W&M aims to develop personal creativity and problem solving capabilities through designing and building robots, to engage in the study of STEM education through the same means, and to conduct this study in a cooperative environment to represent the school in robotics competitions

Contact: robotics at-sign

W&M Model Rocketry Club

The Model Rocketry Club will be to provide students with an opportunity for hands-on-experience in designing, building, and launching model rockets. Rocketry is an excellent tool for learning about diverse concepts including physics, geoscience, project management, artistic design, and shop techniques. There are aslo many competitions and projects in this field both regionally and nationally for the collegiate level, and these would provide additional incentive and excitement to learn about the principles and construction of model rockets.

Contact: modelrocketry at-sign

W&M Innoviation Design Studio

The Jim and Bobbie Ukrop Innovation & Design Studio is a space in which a wide variety of students, young and young-at-heart, can come together to learn and practice a new set of skills and a different mindset. We are especially focused on skills that enable and promote innovation through collaboration, and the mindset we aspire to is best described as a growth-mindset, focused on learning how to identify and solve big problems, and pursue great opportunities.

Contact: idstudio at-sign

W&M Design Thinking Club

Want to get involved with other students interested in creative thinking, innovation and design? Check out the William & Mary Design Thinking Club - a cross-campus club that offers events and networking (and a pretty cool membership to hang out with, too).

Contact: wmdesignthinkingclub on Facebook

W&M TribeHacks

TribeHacks was the first collegiate hackathon hosted at the College of William & Mary on March 29-30, 2014. A hackathon is an opportunity for innovative students to come together and bring their software ideas to life. In as little as 24 hours, students working either individually or in a team as large as four can create applications on whatever platform they desire, all within the confines of our lovely Swem Library.

A partnership between TribeHacks and the Small Hall Makerspace lead to significant outside investments through corporate sponsorship (credit to Joe Soultanis).

Contact: tribehacks at-sign

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