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5.1. Harbor Bench

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Harbor Bench

Harbor Bench

Screenshot of Apache Superset with the data from the bench

bench is a built-in benchmark service for measuring the quality of LLMs. It has a few specific design goals in mind:

  • Work with OpenAI-compatible APIs (not running LLMs on its own)
  • Benchmark tasks and success criteria are defined by you
  • Focused on chat/instruction tasks

bench uses another LLM as a judge to evaluate the quality of the responses.


# [Optional] pre-build the image
harbor build bench

# Run the benchmark
# --name is required to give this run a meaningful name
harbor bench run --name starting

# Open the results
harbor bench results

In the results folder, you'll find following files:

  • report.html - summary of the results
  • tasks.html - report with all the prompts, completions, and evaluations for each task
  • results.json - raw results
  • results.csv - results in CSV format
  • runs.json - run logs with all the LLM outputs
  • config.json - configuration used for the benchmark


To run bench - you'll want to configure the tasks and LLMs to run them.

See all configuration options:

harbor config list | grep BENCH

bench is designed for you to bring your own tasks. To do so, you should point the service to the file with the tasks in a specific format.

# See where the current tasks file is placed
# by default will be in the ./bench/defaultTasks.yml
harbor bench tasks

# Use the custom tasks file
harbor bench tasks /path/to/tasks.yml

The expected format is:

  # Tags: first tag can outline supposed complexity,
  # and other ones the focus area of the task for later
  # analysis and aggregation
- tags: [easy, area]
  # This will be sent to the LLM as an instruction
  question: How to eat an elephant?
  # Allows you to specify the success criteria
  # This should contain a set of criteria, every
  # one will be evaluated separately, and the judge
  # will decide if the response meets the criteria or not
    bites: Response mentions that it should be done one bite at a time
    context: Response mentions that the elephant is a metaphor for a big task

- tags: [hard, tricky]
  question: How many 'r' are in the word 'paranoia'?
    # The only limitation for criteria is how easy it
    # is for the judge to evaluate
    count: Response mentions that there are thirteen 'r' in the word 'paranoia'

You can use the LLM-as-a-judge to establish free-form criteria for the tasks:

- tags: [easy, creative]
  question: Invent a new unconventional sandwich recipe
    creativity: Suggested recipe is creative and original, it's nothing you heard of before
    taste: You expect described sandwich to taste good
    texture: You expect described sandwich to have a good texture
    looks: You expect described sandwich to look good
    practicality: You expect described sandwich to be practical to make

Please note, that the judge's own performance would be a defining factor in the quality of the evaluation as well.


Bench runs against with two LLMs that can be configured as following:

# The LLM that is being tested
harbor bench model [model]
harbor bench api [url]
harbor bench key [key]

# The LLM that is used as a judge
harbor bench judge [url]
harbor bench judge_api [url]
harbor bench judge_key [key]
harbor bench judge_prompt [name] # one of predefined prompts
harbor bench judge_tokens [tokens] # max_tokens for judge calls

All options are using the get/set interface where if no argument is given - the current value is returned.


On top of that, bench has a cool permutation feature to test multiple instances of the LLMs and configurations in the same go. It works based on the schema of the OpenAI Chat Completion API. You can specify top-level keys from that API as variants for the bench to test. The variants will then be combined in all possible permutations.

Here's an example:

# Your tasks will run 3 times, each time with a different
# temperature setting for the LLM
harbor bench variants --temperature 0 --temperature 0.5 --temperature 1

# When the bench starts - you'll see the table of the permutations
│ (idx) │ model         │ apiUrl                │ temperature │
│     0 │ "llama3.1:8b""http://ollama:11434""0"         │
│     1 │ "llama3.1:8b""http://ollama:11434""0.5"       │
│     2 │ "llama3.1:8b""http://ollama:11434""1.0"       │

It doesn't stop at the temperature, here are some other options:

# Specify model IDs
--model llama3.1:8b-q2 --model llama3.1:8b-q4 --model llama3.1:8b-q8

# Specify API URLs
--apiUrl http://ollama:11434 --apiUrl http://vllm:11434

# Frequency/presence penalty
--frequency_penalty=-2.0 --frequency_penalty=0.0 --frequency_penalty=2.0
--presence_penalty=-2.0 --presence_penalty=0.0 --presence_penalty=2.0

# Seeds
--seed 38295 --seed 382

# Top P
--top_p 0.5 --top_p 0.7 --top_p 0.9

All these can be combined with one another, the order doesn't matter. If the underlying API supports custom options, they can also be added in the same format.

# 2 temperature values combined with 2 different models
--temperature 0 --temperature 1 --model gemma2:2b-it --model phi3.5:4b-instruct
# This test will create 4 permutations
│ (idx) │ model                │ apiUrl                │ temperature │
│     0 │ "gemma2:2b-it""http://ollama:11434""0"         │
│     1 │ "gemma2:2b-it""http://ollama:11434""1"         │
│     2 │ "phi3.5:4b-instruct""http://ollama:11434""0"         │
│     3 │ "phi3.5:4b-instruct""http://ollama:11434""1"         │

# Running against two different APIs
--temperature 0 --temperature 1 --model gemma2:2b-it --model phi3.5:4b-instruct --apiUrl http://ollama:11434 --apiUrl http://vllm:11434
# 8 permutations
│ (idx) │ model                │ apiUrl                │ temperature │
│     0 │ "gemma2:2b-it""http://ollama:11434""0"         │
│     1 │ "gemma2:2b-it""http://ollama:11434""1"         │
│     2 │ "phi3.5:4b-instruct""http://ollama:11434""0"         │
│     3 │ "phi3.5:4b-instruct""http://ollama:11434""1"         │
│     4 │ "gemma2:2b-it""http://vllm:11434""0"         │
│     5 │ "gemma2:2b-it""http://vllm:11434""1"         │
│     6 │ "phi3.5:4b-instruct""http://vllm:11434""0"         │
│     7 │ "phi3.5:4b-instruct""http://vllm:11434""1"         │

For example, here's a set of variants you'd use to find the acceptable quant of llama3.1 and approximate temperature that is better suited for your task:

harbor bench variants \
  --temperature 0 \
  --temperature 0.25 \
  --temperature 0.5 \
  --temperature 0.75 \
  --temperature 1 \
  --model llama3.1:8b-instruct-q2_K \
  --model llama3.1:8b-instruct-q4_0 \
  --model llama3.1:8b-instruct-q6_K \
  --model llama3.1:8b-instruct-q8_0 \
  --max_tokens 1024


Harbor provides basic reports in the results folder.

Screenshot of harbor bench report

Those are self-contained HTML files, that can be opened in a local browser, or shared via gist preview.

  • report.html - summary (on the left side)
  • tasks.html - detailed report with all the prompts, completions, and evaluations for each task (on the right side)

For more comprehensive analysis, you can use the results.json and results.csv files and import them into your favorite data analysis tool, such as Apache Superset or Tableau.

LLM Backends

Harbor bench can be quickly reconfigured to run against one of the currently running Harbor services, here's a sample script:

MODEL=$(curl -s $(harbor url $SERVICE)/v1/models | jq -r '.data[0].id')
API_URL=$(harbor url -i $SERVICE)

harbor bench model $MODEL
harbor bench api $API_URL
harbor bench run --name $SERVICE

You can pre-configure the backends as needed to verify the performance in specific conditions.

llama.cpp example
# This example uses Judge from OpenRouter

# Llamacpp config
h llamacpp model
h llamacpp args -ngl 99 --ctx-size 2048 -np 4

# Bench config
# 1. LLM
h bench model /root/.cache/llama.cpp/Meta-Llama-3.1-8B-Instruct-Q8_0.gguf
h bench api http://harbor.llamacpp:8080
h bench variants --temperature 0 --temperature 0.25 --temperature 0.5 --temperature 0.75 --temperature 1.0 --max_tokens 1024
# 2. Judge
h bench judge mistralai/mistral-nemo
h bench judge_api
h bench judge_key $OPENROUTER_KEY
# 3. Common
h bench tasks $TASKS
h config set bench.parallel 4

h bench run --name smallama
Aphrodite Engine example

Pre-download the model:

# Meta-Llama-3.1-8B-Instruct is a gated repo,
# HF token is needed
h hf token <your-token>

# Download the model
h hf download meta-llama/Meta-Llama-3.1-8B-Instruct

Configure and run the bench:

# This example uses Judge from OpenRouter

# Aphrodite config
h aphrodite model meta-llama/Meta-Llama-3.1-8B-Instruct
h aphrodite args --quantization fp8 --max-model-len 2048

# Bench config
h bench model $(h aphrodite model)
h bench api $(h url -i aphrodite)
h bench variants --temperature 0 --temperature 1.0 --max_tokens 1024

# The rest of the config is identical to the llama.cpp example
# h bench judge mistralai/mistral-nemo
# h bench judge_api
# h bench judge_key $OPENROUTER_KEY
# h bench tasks $TASKS
# h config set bench.parallel 4

# Run the bench
h bench run --name aphrodite-${NAME}
Dify Configuration example

Dify configuration is similar to connecting it to the other Harbor Services, you need to follow the steps from Dify Integration guide.

Once that done, you can point the bench to the Dify service:

# This example uses Judge from OpenRouter

# Dify config
# - You need to pre-set the configuration Dify
# OpenAI proxy will serve.
# - Dify will figure out which workflow to serve, based on this
# Workflow API Key
h config set dify.openai.workflow <workflow-key>

# Bench config
# model can be anything, as Dify will figure out
# which workflow to serve based on the API key
h bench model dify
h bench api $(h url -i dify)
# Reset, just in case
h bench variants ""

# The rest of the config is identical to the llama.cpp example
# h bench judge mistralai/mistral-nemo
# h bench judge_api
# h bench judge_key $OPENROUTER_KEY
# h bench tasks $TASKS
# h config set bench.parallel 4

# Run the bench
h bench run --name dify-${NAME} Configuration example is a Rust-based LLM backend that can be configured in a similar way to the other services:


# config
h mistralrs model microsoft/Phi-3.5-mini-instruct
h mistralrs type plain
h mistralrs arch phi3
h mistralrs isq ""
h mistralrs args --no-paged-attn

# Bench config
h bench model $(h mistralrs model)
h bench api $(h url -i mistralrs)
# Reset, just in case
h bench variants ""

# The rest of the config is identical to the llama.cpp example
# h bench judge mistralai/mistral-nemo
# h bench judge_api
# h bench judge_key $OPENROUTER_KEY
# h bench tasks $TASKS
# h config set bench.parallel 4

# Run the bench
h bench run --name mistral-${NAME}

vLLM Configuration example


h vllm model meta-llama/Meta-Llama-3.1-8B-Instruct
h vllm args --quantization fp8 --max-model-len 2048

h bench model $(h vllm model)
h bench api $(h url -i vllm)
h bench variants ""

# The rest of the config is identical to the llama.cpp example
# h bench judge mistralai/mistral-nemo
# h bench judge_api
# h bench judge_key $OPENROUTER_KEY
# h bench tasks $TASKS
# h config set bench.parallel 4

h bench run --name vllm-${NAME}

Reproducible output example

In order to make output reproducible, ensure to:

  • set temperature to 0
  • use identical seed between runs

Both can be set using the variants command:

harbor bench variants --temperature 0 --seed 42 <other-variants>

Note that even with these settings set, reproducibility will depend on the LLM Backend and its implementation.

Harbor Boost

Example recipe to benchmark built-in Harbor Boost service.

# We're benchmarking the ollama+boost setup
harbor up boost ollama

harbor bench model llama3.1:8b
# "g1-" and "rcn-" are a prefixes from the Harbor Boost.
# This test will run the same tasks against the base and the boosted models
harbor bench variants --model llama3.1:8b --model g1-llama3.1:8b --rcn-llama3.1:8b
harbor bench api $(h url -i boost)

harbor bench run --name boost-l3.1
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