Tools for automating the Vivado project partial reconfiguration flow. Developed as part of my bachelor thesis.
- Download the release package and extract the contents into your Vivado project folder
- Include all your VHDL files into the project (preferably into the sources_1 file set)
- Annotate your component instantiations with
myRegion01: primaryModule
port map (
clk => clk,
A => A,
Y => Y_i2
- Run "source prMagic.tcl" to load scripts
- Run prm_main now to setup partial reconfiguration
- Edit code and annotations, go back to 5.
- Floorplan the partitions
- Use Vivado as you would normally
- Nothing but VHDL is supported in the hierarchy (no Verilog, IP-blocks, etc.)
- Keep every modules top level entity in a separate file
- Do not use the same entity in different partitions
- No entity instantiations for primary modules of partitions
- Aliases and libraries are not supported for module name resolution