“We should forget about small efficiencies, say about 97% of the time: premature optimization is the root of all evil. Yet we should not pass up our opportunities in that critical 3%. A good programmer will not be lulled into complacency by such reasoning, he will be wise to look carefully at the critical code; but only after that code has been identified.” - Donald Knuth.
fast-furiuos gathers code (R, Matlab/Octave), models and meta-models I needed in my Machine Learning Lab but I didn't found on the shelf.
fast-furious has been built in interpretable languages like R, Matlab/Octave, Python (hence, it does not require compilation) and (Mac) OSX, Windows, Linux are fully supported.
- Octave or Matlab is mandatory for fast-furious model implementations (regularized neural networks, regularized linear and polynomial regression, regularized logistic regression). If you are using only these fast-furious models Octave or Matlab installed on your machine is the only requirement. Currently, I am working on matlab compatibility issues.
- R is mandatory for data process, feature engineering, model selection and model ensembling.
Installation is pretty easy and quick. You can choose
- to download the zip in the directory you like as fast-furious base dir and unzip
- or to use
in the directory you like as fast-furious base dir
git clone https://github.com/gtesei/fast-furious.git
R-Package installation is pretty easy and fast from github by using devtools::install_github
. Windows user will need to install RTools first.
Assuming you are launching your Octave/Matlab script in fast-furious base dir, you just need to call at the begin of your script the fast-furious
function to set up the enviroment. Typically, your script should look like this
%% setting enviroment
... here your stuff ...
For example, this is the code of fast-furious GO_Neural.m
script located on fast-furious base dir:
%% setting enviroment
%% load use cases and go
Once installed, you just need to load the package by using the R library
function. E.g. this is the code sketch for tuning, training, predicting and ensembling an XGBoost model on a binary classification problem.
controlObject = caret::trainControl(method = "repeatedcv", repeats = 1, number = 4 , summaryFunction = twoClassSummary , classProbs = TRUE)
l = ff.trainAndPredict.class (Ytrain=Ytrain ,
Xtrain=Xtrain ,
Xtest=Xtest ,
model.label="xgbTree" ,
best.tuning = TRUE,
verbose = TRUE,
removePredictorsMakingIllConditionedSquareMatrix_forLinearModels = F,
xgb.metric.fun = NULL,
xgb.maximize = TRUE,
metric.label = 'auc',
xgb.foldList = NULL,
xgb.eta = 0.02,
xgb.max_depth = 8,
xgb.cv.default = FALSE)
AUC.xval = max(l$model$results$ROC)
bestTune = l$model$bestTune
pred = l$pred
pred.prob = l$pred.prob
secs = l$secs
index = caret::createMultiFolds(y=Ytrain, controlObject$number, controlObject$repeats)
indexOut <- lapply(index, function(training, allSamples) allSamples[-unique(training)], allSamples = seq(along = Ytrain))
controlObject = trainControl(method = "repeatedcv",
## The method doesn't really matter
## since we defined the resamples
index = index,
indexOut = indexOut ,
summaryFunction = twoClassSummary , classProbs = TRUE)
ens = ff.createEnsemble(Xtrain = Xtrain,
Xtest = Xtest,
y = Ytrain,
caretModelName = 'xgbTree',
predTest = pred.prob,
bestTune = expand.grid(
nrounds = bestTune$early.stop ,
max_depth = 8 ,
eta = 0.02 ),
removePredictorsMakingIllConditionedSquareMatrix_forLinearModels = F,
controlObject = controlObject,
parallelize = TRUE,
verbose = TRUE ,
regression = FALSE,
### ...
objective = "binary:logistic",
eval_metric = "auc",
subsample = 0.7 ,
colsample_bytree = 0.6 ,
scale_pos_weight = 0.8 ,
max_delta_step = 2)
ensemble_pred_train = ens$predTrain
ensemble_pred_test = ens$predTest
Package neural
very fast 100% vectorized implementation of backpropagation in Matlab/Octave.
for basic use cases just run command line (fast-furious base dir)
>octave GO_Neural.m
for binary classification problems use
cost function wrapped intrainNeuralNetwork
. E.g. this is the code for fitting a neural neural network with 400 neurons at input layer, 25 neurons at hidden layer, 1 neuron (= binary classification) at output layer, 0.001 as regularization parameter, where trainset/testset has been already scaled and with the bias term added.% y must a 01 vector (e.g. [1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1] ) % train_data and test_data are the train set and test set %% 400 neurons at input layer %% 25 neurons at hidden layer %% 1 neuron at output layer NNMeta = buildNNMeta([400 25 1]); %% regularization parameter lambda = 0.001; %% train on train set [Theta] = trainNeuralNetwork(NNMeta, Xtrain, ytrain, lambda , iter = 100, featureScaled = 1); %% predict on train set probs_train = NNPredictMulticlass(NNMeta, Theta , Xtrain , featureScaled = 1); pred_train = (probs_train > 0.5); %% predict on test set probs_test = NNPredictMulticlass(NNMeta, Theta , Xtest , featureScaled = 1); pred_test = (probs_test > 0.5); %% measure accuracy acc_train = mean(double(pred_train == ytrain)) * 100; acc_test = mean(double(pred_test == ytest)) * 100;
for tuning parameters on classification problems (number of neurons per layer, number of hidden layers, regularization parameter) by cross-validation use the
function. E.g. this is the code for finding the best number of neurons per layer (p_opt_acc), the best number of hidden layers (h_opt_acc), the best regularization parameter (lambda_opt_acc), using cross validation on a binary classification problem with accuracy as metric on a train set (80% of data) and cross validation set (20% of data) not scaled.% y must a 01 vector (e.g. [1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1] ) % train_data and test_data are the train set and test set %% scale and add bias term [train_data,mu,sigma] = treatContFeatures(train_data,1); [test_data,mu,sigma] = treatContFeatures(test_data,1,1,mu,sigma); %% split and randomize [Xtrain,ytrain,Xval,yval] = splitTrainValidation(train_data,ytrain,0.80,shuffle=1); %% tuning parameters [p_opt_acc,h_opt_acc,lambda_opt_acc,acc_opt,tuning_grid] = findOptPAndHAndLambda(Xtrain, ytrain, Xval, yval, ... featureScaled = 1 , h_vec = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10] , ... lambda_vec = [0 0.001 0.003 0.01 0.03 0.1 0.3 1 3 10] , ... verbose = 1, doPlot=1 , ... iter = 200 , ... regression = 0 , num_labels = 1 ); %% train on full train set NNMeta = buildNNMeta([(size(train_data,2)-1) (ones(h_opt_acc,1) .* p_opt_acc)' 1]'); [Theta] = trainNeuralNetwork(NNMeta, train_data, ytrain, lambda_opt_acc , iter = 2000, featureScaled = 1); %% predict on train set probs_train = NNPredictMulticlass(NNMeta, Theta , train_data , featureScaled = 1); pred_train = (probs_train > 0.5); acc_train = mean(double(pred_train == ytrain)) * 100; %% predict on test set probs_test = NNPredictMulticlass(NNMeta, Theta , test_data , featureScaled = 1); pred_test = (probs_test > 0.5);
for multiclass classification problems use
cost function wrapped intrainNeuralNetwork
as well. E.g. this is the code for fitting a neural neural network with 400 neurons at input layer, 25 neurons at hidden layer, 5 neurons (= 5 class classification problem) at output layer, 0.001 as regularization parameter, where trainset/testset has been already scaled and with the bias term added.% y must be 1-based and, in this case a 12345 vector, (e.g. [1 2 5 4 3 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5] ) % train_data and test_data are the train set and test set %% 400 neurons at input layer %% 25 neurons at hidden layer %% 1 neuron at output layer NNMeta = buildNNMeta([400 25 1]); %% regularization parameter lambda = 0.001; %% train on train set [Theta] = trainNeuralNetwork(NNMeta, Xtrain, ytrain, lambda , iter = 100, featureScaled = 1); %% predict on train set probs_train = NNPredictMulticlass(NNMeta, Theta , Xtrain , featureScaled = 1); pred_train = (probs_train > 0.5); %% predict on test set probs_test = NNPredictMulticlass(NNMeta, Theta , Xtest , featureScaled = 1); %% measure accuracy acc_train = mean(double(pred_train == ytrain)) * 100; acc_test = mean(double(pred_test == ytest)) * 100;
for regression problems use
cost function wrapped intrainNeuralNetworkReg
. E.g. this is the code for fitting a neural neural network with 400 neurons at input layer, 25 neurons at hidden layer, 1 neuron at output layer, 0.001 as regularization parameter, where trainset/testset has been already scaled and with the bias term added.%% 400 neurons at input layer %% 25 neurons at hidden layer %% 1 neuron at output layer NNMeta = buildNNMeta([400 25 1]); %% regularization parameter lambda = 0.001; %% train on train set [Theta] = trainNeuralNetworkReg(NNMeta, Xtrain, ytrain, lambda , iter = 200, featureScaled = 1); %% predict on train set pred_train = NNPredictReg(NNMeta, Theta , Xtrain , featureScaled = 1); %% predict on test set pred_test = NNPredictReg(NNMeta, Theta , Xtest , featureScaled = 1); %% measure RMSE RMSE_train = sqrt(MSE(pred_train, ytrain)); RMSE_test = sqrt(MSE(pred_test, ytest));
for tuning parameters on regression problems (number of neurons per layer, number of hidden layers, regularization parameter) by cross-validation use the
function. E.g. this is the code for finding the best number of neurons per layer (p_opt_rmse), the best number of hidden layers (h_opt_rmse), the best regularization parameter (lambda_opt_rmse), using cross validation on a regression problem with RMSE as metric on a train set (80% of data) and cross validation set (20% of data) not scaled.%% scale and add bias term [train_data,mu,sigma] = treatContFeatures(train_data,1); [test_data,mu,sigma] = treatContFeatures(test_data,1,1,mu,sigma); %% split and randomize [Xtrain,ytrain,Xval,yval] = splitTrainValidation(train_data,ytrain,0.80,shuffle=1); %% tuning parameters [p_opt_rmse,h_opt_rmse,lambda_opt_rmse,rmse_opt,tuning_grid] = findOptPAndHAndLambda(Xtrain, ytrain, Xval, yval, ... featureScaled = 1 , h_vec = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10] , ... lambda_vec = [0 0.001 0.003 0.01 0.03 0.1 0.3 1 3 10] , ... verbose = 1, doPlot=1 , ... iter = 200 , ... regression = 1 ); %% train on full train set NNMeta = buildNNMeta([(size(train_data,2)-1) (ones(h_opt_rmse,1) .* p_opt_rmse)' 1]'); [Theta] = trainNeuralNetworkReg(NNMeta, train_data, ytrain, lambda_opt_rmse , iter = 2000, featureScaled = 1); %% predict on train set pred_train = NNPredictReg(NNMeta, Theta , Xtrain , featureScaled = 1); RMSE_train = sqrt(MSE(pred_train, ytrain)); %% predict on test set pred_test = NNPredictReg(NNMeta, Theta , Xtest , featureScaled = 1); RMSE_test = sqrt(MSE(pred_test, ytest));
for large datasets (e.g. 80GB train set on a machine with 8GB RAM) use
(wrapped intrainNeuralNetwork_Buff
) that is a buffered implementation of batch gradient descent, i.e. it uses all train observations in each iteration vs. one observation as stochastic gradient descent or k (k < number of observations on trainset) observations in each iteration as mini-batch gradient descent. E.g. this is the code for for fitting a neural neural network with 400 neurons at input layer, 25 neurons at hidden layer, 1 neuron (= binary classification) at output layer, 0.001 as regularization parameter, from filefoXtrain
for predictors (columns fromciX
), and from filefytrain
for labels (columns formciy
) and buffer equals to 10000 observations (= you load in memory 10000 observations each time).%% 400 neurons at input layer %% 25 neurons at hidden layer %% 1 neuron at output layer NNMeta = buildNNMeta([400 25 1]); %% regularization parameter lambda = 0.001; %% train (buffer = 10000 observations) %% from file <foXtrain> (columns from <ciX> to <ceX>) as train data %% from file <fytrain> (columns form <ciy> to <cey>) as labels [Theta_Buff] = trainNeuralNetwork_Buff(NNMeta,foXtrain,ciX,ceX, ... fytrain,ciy,cey, ... sep=',',b=10000, ... lambda, iter = 50 , ... featureScaled = 0 , ... initialTheta = cell(0,0) ); %% predict (buffer = 10000 observations) on train set pred_val_bf = NNPredictMulticlass_Buff(NNMeta,foXval,ciX,ceX,Theta_Buff,10000,',',0); %% predict (buffer = 10000 observations) on test set pred_train_bf = NNPredictMulticlass_Buff(NNMeta,foXtrain,ciX,ceX,Theta_Buff,10000,',',0);
for Neural Networks with EGS (= Extended Generalized Shuffle) interconnection pattern among layers in regression problesm use
cost function wrapped intrainNeuralNetworkRegEGS
function. E.g. this is the code for fitting a neural neural network with 400 neurons at input layer, 25 neurons at hidden layer, 1 neuron (= binary classification) at output layer, 0.001 as regularization parameter, where trainset/testset has been already scaled and with the bias term added.%% 400 neurons at input layer %% 25 neurons at hidden layer %% 1 neuron at output layer NNMeta = buildNNMeta([400 25 1]); %% regularization parameter lambda = 0.001; %% train [Theta] = trainNeuralNetworkRegEGS(NNMeta, Xtrain, ytrain, lambda , iter = 300, featureScaled = 1 ); %% predict on train/test set pred_train = NNPredictRegEGS(NNMeta, Theta , Xtrain , featureScaled = 1); pred_test = NNPredictRegEGS(NNMeta, Theta , Xtest , featureScaled = 1); %% measure MSE on train/test predictions MSE_train = MSE(pred_train, ytrain); MSE_test = MSE(pred_test, ytest);
Package linear_reg
very fast 100% vectorized implementation in Matlab/Octave
for basic use cases just run command line (fast-furious base dir)
>octave GO_LinearReg.m
for a performance comparison (=RMSE) among (fast-furiuos) Regularized Polynomial Regression, (libsvm) epsilon-SVR, (libsvm) nu-SVR, (fast-furiuos) Neural Networks on dataset solubility of AppliedPredictiveModeling run command line
>octave linear_reg/____testRegression.m
for fitting a linear regression model use
wrapped intrainLinearReg
function. E.g. this is the code for fitting a regularized liner regression model with trainset/testset not scaled and with regularization parameter set to 0.001.%% feature scaling (trainset/testset) [Xtrain,mu,sigma] = treatContFeatures(Xtrain,p = 1); [Xtest,mu,sigma] = treatContFeatures(Xtest,p = 1,1,mu,sigma); %% regularization parameter lambda = 0.001; %% train [theta] = trainLinearReg(Xtrain, ytrain, lambda , 200 ); %% predict pred_train =predictLinearReg(Xtrain,theta); pred_test = predictLinearReg(Xtest,theta); %% measure MSE mse_train = MSE(pred_train, ytrain); mse_test = MSE(pred_test, ytest);
for fitting a linear regression model using the normal equation instead of batch gradient descent use the
function. I recommend not to use the normal equation for large datasets. E.g. this is the code for fitting a regularized liner regression model using the normal equation with trainset/testset not scaled and with regularization parameter set to 0.001.%% feature scaling (trainset/testset) [Xtrain,mu,sigma] = treatContFeatures(Xtrain,p = 1); [Xtest,mu,sigma] = treatContFeatures(Xtest,p = 1,1,mu,sigma); %% regularization parameter lambda = 0.001; %% train [theta] = normalEqn_RegLin(Xtrain,ytrain,lambda); %% predict pred_train = predictLinearReg(Xtrain,theta); pred_test = predictLinearReg(Xtest,theta); %% measure performance mse_train = MSE(pred_train, ytrain); mse_test = MSE(pred_test, ytest);
for fitting a polynomial regression model use
as well. Just set up the degree of the polynomial trasformation you like in thetreatContFeatures
function. E.g. this is the code for fitting a regularized liner regression model with trainset/testset not scaled and with regularization parameter set to 0.001 and polynomial degree 5.%% feature scaling (trainset/testset) [Xtrain,mu,sigma] = treatContFeatures(Xtrain,p = 5); [Xtest,mu,sigma] = treatContFeatures(Xtest,p = 5,1,mu,sigma); %% regularization parameter lambda = 0.001; %% train [theta] = trainLinearReg(Xtrain, ytrain, lambda , 200 ); %% predict pred_train =predictLinearReg(Xtrain,theta); pred_test = predictLinearReg(Xtest,theta); %% measure MSE mse_train = MSE(pred_train, ytrain); mse_test = MSE(pred_test, ytest);
for tuning parameters (on regression problems) (degree of polynomial trasformation, regularization parameter) by cross-validation use the
function. E.g. this is the code for finding the best degree of polynomial trasformation (p_opt_RMSE), the best regularization parameter (lambda_opt_RMSE), using cross validation on a regression problem with RMSE as metric on a train set and test set already scaled.[p_opt_RMSE,lambda_opt_RMSE,RMSE_opt,grid] = ... findOptPAndLambdaRegLin(solTrainX, solTrainY, solTestX, solTestY, ... p_vec = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 20]' , ... lambda_vec = [0 0.001 0.003 0.01 0.03 0.1 0.3 1 3 10]' , ... verbose = 1, initGrid = [] , initStart = -1 , iter=1000); printf('>>>>> found min RMSE=%f with p=%i and lambda=%f \n', RMSE_opt , p_opt_RMSE , lambda_opt_RMSE );
for large datasets (e.g. 80GB train set on a machine with 8GB RAM) you can use the
function that is a mini-batch gradient descent implementation, i.e. it uses k observations (k < number of observations on trainset) in each iteration. E.g. this is the code for for fitting a linear regression model with 0.001 as regularization parameter, from filefoXtrain
for predictors (columns fromciX
), and from filefytrain
for labels (columns formciy
) and buffer equals to 100 observations (= you load in memory 100 observations each time and you use only these for complete a gradient descent iteration).%% regularization parameter lambda = 0.001; %% train (buffer = 100 observations) %% from file <foXtrain> (columns from <ciX> to <ceX>) as train data %% from file <fytrain> (columns form <ciy> to <cey>) as labels [theta_mb] = trainLinearReg_MiniBatch(foXtrain,ciX,ceX,fytrain,ciy,cey,lambda, b=100, sep=',' , iter=200); %% predict pred_train = predictLinearReg_Buff(foXtrain,ciX,ceX,theta_mb,b=10000,sep=','); pred_test = predictLinearReg_Buff(foXtest,ciX,ceX,theta_mb,b=10000,sep=','); %% measure performance mse_train = MSE(pred_train, ytrain); mse_test = MSE(pred_test, ytest);
for large datasets (e.g. 80GB train set on a machine with 8GB RAM) you can use the
function that is a buffered implementation of gradient descent, i.e. it uses it uses all train observations in each iteration vs. one observation as stochastic gradient descent or k (k < number of observations on trainset) observations in each iteration as mini-batch gradient descent. E.g. this is the code for for fitting a linear regression model with 0.001 as regularization parameter, from filefoXtrain
for predictors (columns fromciX
), and from filefytrain
for labels (columns formciy
) and buffer equals to 100 observations (= you load in memory 100 observations each time but you use all train observations for complete a gradient descent iteration).%% regularization parameter lambda = 0.001; %% train (buffer = 100 observations) %% from file <foXtrain> (columns from <ciX> to <ceX>) as train data %% from file <fytrain> (columns form <ciy> to <cey>) as labels [theta_bf] = trainLinearReg_Buff(foXtrain,ciX,ceX,fytrain,ciy,cey,lambda, b=100, sep=',' , iter=200); %% predict pred_train = predictLinearReg_Buff(foXtrain,ciX,ceX,theta_bf,b=10000,sep=','); pred_test = predictLinearReg_Buff(foXtest,ciX,ceX,theta_bf,b=10000,sep=','); %% measure performance mse_train = MSE(pred_train, ytrain); mse_test = MSE(pred_test, ytest);
Package logistic_reg
very fast 100% vectorized implementation in Matlab/Octave
for basic use cases just run command line (fast-furious base dir)
>octave GO_LogisticReg.m
for fitting a logistic regression model use
wrapped intrainLogReg
function. E.g. this is the code for fitting a regularized logistic regression model with trainset/testset not scaled and with regularization parameter set to 0.001. Note: in this code sketch insteaf of using 0.5 as probability threshold I use theselectThreshold
that select the probability threshold maximizing F1-score.%% feature scaling (trainset/testset) [Xtrain,mu,sigma] = treatContFeatures(Xtrain,p = 1); [Xtest,mu,sigma] = treatContFeatures(Xtest,p = 1,1,mu,sigma); %% regularization parameter lambda = 0.001; %% train [theta] = trainLogReg(Xtrain, ytrain, lambda , iter = 200 ); %% predict probabilities probs_train = predictLogReg(Xtrain,theta); probs_test = predictLogReg(Xtest,theta); %% select threshold (instead of 0.5) on train data %% Note: this usually should be done by cross-validation thr = selectThreshold (ytrain,probs_train); %% predict labels pred_train = (probs_train > thr); pred_train = (probs_test > thr);
for fitting a logistic polynomial regression model use
as well. Just set up the degree of the polynomial trasformation you like in thetreatContFeatures
function. E.g. this is the code for fitting a regularized logistic regression model with trainset/testset not scaled, with regularization parameter set to 0.001 and polynomial degree 10.%% feature scaling (trainset/testset) [Xtrain,mu,sigma] = treatContFeatures(Xtrain,p = 10); [Xtest,mu,sigma] = treatContFeatures(Xtest,p = 10,1,mu,sigma); %% regularization parameter lambda = 0.001; %% train [theta] = trainLogReg(Xtrain, ytrain, lambda , iter = 200 ); %% predict probabilities probs_train = predictLogReg(Xtrain,theta); probs_test = predictLogReg(Xtest,theta); %% select threshold (instead of 0.5) on train data %% Note: this usually should be done by cross-validation thr = selectThreshold (ytrain,probs_train); %% predict labels pred_train = (probs_train > thr); pred_train = (probs_test > thr);
for tuning parameters (on classification problems) (degree of polynomial trasformation, regularization parameter) by cross-validation use the
function. E.g. this is the code for finding the best degree of polynomial trasformation, the best regularization parameter, using cross validation on a train set and cross-validation set already scaled. Best parameters are found for metrics F1-score, precision, recall.[p_opt_recall,lambda_opt_recall,p_opt_accuracy,lambda_opt_accuracy,p_opt_precision,lambda_opt_precision,p_opt_F1,lambda_opt_F1,grid] = ... findOptPAndLambdaRegLog(Xtrain, ytrain, Xval, yval) printf('>>>>> metric: F1 - found optimum with p=%i and lambda=%f \n', p_opt_F1 , lambda_opt_F1 ); printf('>>>>> metric: precision - found optimum with p=%i and lambda=%f \n', p_opt_precision , lambda_opt_precision ); printf('>>>>> metric: recall - found optimum with p=%i and lambda=%f \n', p_opt_recall , lambda_opt_recall );
Please, refer to fast-furious R-Package PDF manual.
Most parts of fast-furious are based on the following resources:
- Stanford professor Andrew NG resources: 1, 2
- J. Friedman, T. Hastie, R. Tibshirani, The Elements of Statistical Learning, Springer, 2009
- Max Kuhn and Kjell Johnson, Applied Predictive Modeling, Springer, 2013
Other resources:
- G. James, D. Witten, T. Hastie, R. Tibshirani, An Introduction to Statistical Learning, Springer, 2013
- Hadley Wickham, Advanced R, Chapman & Hall/CRC The R Series, 2014
- Paul S.P. Cowpertwait, Andrew V. Metcalfe, Introductory Time Series with R, Springer, 2009