PyTorch implementation of the paper:
- Title: Planning Multiple Epidemic Interventions with Reinforcement Learning
- ArXiv: arxiv:2301.12802
Combating an epidemic entails finding a plan that describes when and how to apply different interventions, such as mask-wearing mandates, vaccinations, school or workplace closures. An optimal plan will curb an epidemic with minimal loss of life, disease burden, and economic cost. Finding an optimal plan is an intractable computational problem in realistic settings. Policy-makers, however, would greatly benefit from tools that can efficiently search for plans that minimize disease and economic costs especially when considering multiple possible interventions over a continuous and complex action space given a continuous and equally complex state space. We formulate this problem as a Markov decision process. Our formulation is unique in its ability to represent multiple continuous interventions over any disease model defined by ordinary differential equations. We illustrate how to effectively apply state-of-the-art actor-critic reinforcement learning algorithms (PPO and SAC) to search for plans that minimize overall costs. We empirically evaluate the learning performance of these algorithms and compare their performance to hand-crafted baselines that mimic plans constructed by policy-makers. Our method outperforms baselines. Our work confirms the viability of a computational approach to support policy-makers.
- EpiPolicy Epidemic Simulator (included with this repository)
- Python 3.8/3.9
- Pytorch
- stable-baselines3
- gym
- Numba
Note: For installing all requirements use --> pip3 install -r requirements.txt
EpiPolicy is a population-based epidemic simulator and policy aid that allows users to customize its compartmental model to capture different epidemic scenarios for epidemics like COVID-19. Its user interface makes it easy to define various interventions such as social distancing, school closure, vaccination, and disease-specific interventions. EpiPolicy aids policy makers by simulating and constructing locale-specific intervention schedules that reduce disease burden, and minimize social and economic costs.
More information on EpiPolicy:
# clone project
git clone
# Install requirements (preferably in a virtual environment)
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
# Run PPO/SAC on multiple scenarios in EpiPolicy
python3 <RL_algorithm>.py --gym-id <scenario_name>
# Example: run PPO on SIR_A
python3 --gym-id SIR_A
# Example: run SAC on SIRV_B
python3 --gym-id SIRV_B
# To reproduce the results in the paper --> Refer/Use plots.ipynb
Note: We used the following seeds: 0, 1, 2, 3
python3 --gym-id <SCENARIO>
[--exp-name] [--learning-rate] [--seed]
[--total-timesteps] [--torch-deterministic]
[--cuda][--track] [--wandb-project-name]
[--wandb-entity] [--capture-video]
[--policy_plot_interval] [--num-envs]
[--num-steps] [--anneal-lr] [--gae]
python3 --gym-id <SCENARIO>
[--exp-name] [--learning-starts] [--seed]
[--total-timesteps] [--target-entropy-scale]
Code for baselines is in plots.ipynb
Planning Multiple Epidemic Interventions with Reinforcement Learning
title={Planning Multiple Epidemic Interventions with Reinforcement Learning},
author={Mai, Anh and Gupta, Nikunj and Abouzied, Azza and Shasha, Dennis},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2301.12802},
EpiPolicy: a tool for combating epidemics
title={EpiPolicy: a tool for combating epidemics},
author={Mai, Anh Le Xuan and Mannino, Miro and Tariq, Zain and Abouzied, Azza and Shasha, Dennis},
journal={XRDS: Crossroads, The ACM Magazine for Students},
publisher={ACM New York, NY, USA}
Planning Epidemic Interventions with EpiPolicy
title={Planning Epidemic Interventions with EpiPolicy},
author={Tariq, Zain and Mannino, Miro and Le Xuan Anh, Mai and Bagge, Whitney and Abouzied, Azza and Shasha, Dennis},
booktitle={The 34th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology},
We acknowledge [] for a Clean Implementation of RL Algorithms