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2021 05 14 container wg

Sebastian Schmittner edited this page Oct 29, 2021 · 1 revision

Indy Docker Container WG

2020-05-14 4. Meeting


  • Sebastian (EECC)
  • Levin (EECC)
  • Niclas (Spherity)

State of the Art

Our repo:

  • Sebastian is still the only contributor. Are there issues using github for our WG?

  • Github repo structure cleaned up into run/buil/minutes + minimal READMEs + ghcr builds

  • Niclas offered to improve the build actions, which would be great since we are currently using an outdated docker build and push action

  • Sebastian: On Docker experiments

    • Buster and Ubtuntu18 based containers build sucessfully. GS1 is running the buster container currently in the test network
    • Vulnerability Scan of the buster container by Robin has provided a vulnerability with 1 "critical" and 7 "high" severity issues that should be investigated.
  • At the last indy contributors call, Sebastian has shared that we are working on the images and got some very positive feedback

  • Niclas quickly checked the node_control_tool

  • General state of indy node with regard to a production ID Union Network:

    • Upstream/OSS development is apparently lacking resources to keep up with the maintenance
    • AP6 might have to plan for investing some developer resources into indy_node itself in order to
      • Get the currently urgend maintenance done
      • Cleanup technical dept to reduce future maintenance cost/effort

Next Steps

  • Open ToDos (see github issues):

  • High Level Overview over the goals and state of the art of the WG in README in github

  • Niclas to improve github actions

  • Check Robin's vulnerability scan

  • Check/Contact Bcgov:

Next Meeting

  • Weekly Fri 9:00-10:00 for the next few weeks
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