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[OUTDATED] No modpacks appear to import!

Paul Makles edited this page Oct 23, 2017 · 2 revisions


First of all, you are probably not going to succeed at linking a already existing modpack if you have this problem. You first are going to want to go to import a modpack, which can be found here: (after going into create a modpack)

Create Modpack + Solder

Now, you may notice that there are no modpacks that you can import. To fix this, press F12 / CTRL + SHIFT + I or the key to open the dev menu on your browser. Now select the select a modpack dropdown and edit as html. Now in between the select tags add this code, where solderjstestm is your modpack name:

hacking technic site xdxdxdxd

Here is a demonstration:

haha yes