Releases: ita-social-projects/ZeroWaste
Releases · ita-social-projects/ZeroWaste
What's Changed
- Add external link icons to all links on the customer's website by @lbeketl in #501
- Zer 197 create tests for price by @PaulKovalyk in #306
- Feat: Add 'Under Construction' page by @Natali-Kotelnitska in #904
- Fix Zeitwerk::NameError for Users::RegistrationsController by @Natali-Kotelnitska in #912
Full Changelog: v4.2.0...v4.3.0
What's Changed
- Prohibition on entering "+" and "-" characters in the 'Sum' field by @iambrozjak in #882
- Changed view button "To main". by @iambrozjak in #887
- Docs: update readme by @dafeys in #889
- 884 header width as main container by @DmytroStoliaruk in #885
- Removing jQuery by @Natali-Kotelnitska in #895
- feature: add breadcrumbs on public side by @dafeys in #894
- Develop by @loqimean in #900
Full Changelog: v4.1.0...v4.2.0
What's Changed
- Update styles burder menu by @DmytroStoliaruk in #880
- Fix Session Timedout Message Duplication by @Natali-Kotelnitska in #844
- [Products] [Add product] Resolve Validation Errors for Sum Field. by @Natali-Kotelnitska in #876
- Test refactoring to use let by @dafeys in #875
- Category name translation based on site locale by @dafeys in #881
- New minor release by @loqimean in #883
Full Changelog: v4.0.0...v4.1.0
Oleh Ivaniuk
Ivan Marynych
Mykhailo Vasylenchuk
What's Changed
- Bootstrap5 by @glckfndr in #537
- feature/upgrade rails by @AndriyAndriyovuch in #553
- feature/upgrade ruby by @AndriyAndriyovuch in #552
- Update by @obniavko in #555
- fix/minor_improvements by @AndriyAndriyovuch in #551
- Update by @loqimean in #557
- feature/uniquness_for_product by @AndriyAndriyovuch in #546
- closes #558 fix wrong error message by @DmytroStoliaruk in #560
- fix/remove_useless_files_&_fix_flash by @AndriyAndriyovuch in #577
- 512 favicon validations by @dafeys in #567
- Remove irrelevant parameters in the URI address by @iambrozjak in #581
- 453 calculator page images size by @kisiohlova in #569
- 563 remove duplicate line in the config/initializers/simple_form_bootstrap.rb by @kisiohlova in #575
- feature/change Search button style by @obniavko in #572
- Remove duplicate line from config/database.yml.sample by @obniavko in #573
- fix Delete button on Calculators page by @iryna-borniak in #580
- #570--Products-page]-The-product-page-opens-after-clicking-on-the-"Delete"-button by @fh0enix in #576
- Site Settings rouring error by @DmytroStoliaruk in #574
- Add hover effect for "How to use less" button by @obniavko in #582
- 384 create index action using feature flags by @Natali-Kotelnitska in #583
- feature/add menu items to the navbar by @obniavko in #586
- 613 rails-db by @dafeys in #622
- fix-rails-db by @dafeys in #665
- feat/add selected country to the input by @obniavko in #619
- Fix/Add max length validations for the 'First Name' and 'Last Name' fields by @obniavko in #667
- fix/ Routing error when changing the language version on a Sign up page by @obniavko in #676
- Update Ukrainian locale by @obniavko in #678
- Fix "To main" button by @iambrozjak in #589
- 610 fix buttons size on categories/new by @iryna-borniak in #630
- 595 fix revert button by @dafeys in #639
- Add underline to abbr elements with title attribute by @fh0enix in #648
- 616 tooltip text by @kisiohlova in #652
- 633 change calculators table styles by @kisiohlova in #661
- 633 admin calculators search by @kisiohlova in #683
- Fix incorrect label on button, incorrect label in Ukrainian localization by @iambrozjak in #685
- Fix incorrectly displayed labels on sign up form#621 by @fh0enix in #631
- fix error messages by @iryna-borniak in #650
- fix calculator name width on calculators/new by @iryna-borniak in #677
- Fix favicon dissapears #532 by @fh0enix in #638
- fix Choose File input width by @iryna-borniak in #566
- Fix site settings button label by @DmytroStoliaruk in #647
- 644 sign up incorrect error message by @DmytroStoliaruk in #664
- Enable Password Visibility by @Natali-Kotelnitska in #649
- 686 admin burger menu by @DmytroStoliaruk in #691
- 658 Fix 500 error on messages page by @dafeys in #700
- Fix buttons by @obniavko in #698
- 660 error messages when singup with empty fields by @dafeys in #689
- remove remaining webpacker files by @kisiohlova in #697
- The actual information has been added to the page "Contact us". by @iambrozjak in #699
- 584 sandbox by @DmytroStoliaruk in #603
- Fix/ Add translation for "Sum" hint by @obniavko in #719
- add a dropdown by @iryna-borniak in #671
- Fix-uk-locale-pluralize-in-old-calculator by @fh0enix in #672
- Change-Flash-messages-and-Toastr-messages-to-Toastify-JS-notifications by @fh0enix in #692
- Buttons border radius by @kisiohlova in #715
- Fix/category input by @obniavko in #716
- Fix papertrail warning by @dafeys in #718
- Fix "Update product" button text by @obniavko in #730
- Fix/ Add Ukrainian translation for Search placeholder and button by @obniavko in #729
- Fix: error messages when creating new Category with empty 'Name' field by @dafeys in #732
- Fix/ 'Password' label is not required by @obniavko in #736
- Add "Back" button to Show User/ Edit User page by @obniavko in #708
- Fix: fix header buttons alignment by @Natali-Kotelnitska in #721
- Fix/ Look of "Back" button by @obniavko in #738
- add auth icons, locales, fix UI by @iryna-borniak in #739
- Fix/ Negative value of Sum by @obniavko in #737
- Redesign about us page by @iambrozjak in #666
- Fix error when clicking on table header by @obniavko in #706
- Fix/ Remove duplicate error notification by @obniavko in #754
- Add "Back" button to Show Message page by @obniavko in #761
- Fix/ Remove dots in the notification messages by @obniavko in #749
- Fix 'Actions' blocks appearance by @obniavko in #758
- Fix/ Incorrect calculator title error translation by @obniavko in #742
- Edit product creation by @iambrozjak in #759
- [Products] [Add product] Resolve Validation Error for Sum Range. by @Natali-Kotelnitska in #769
- fix delete button on users page by @iryna-borniak in #693
- Fix association in Category model for prices by @kisiohlova in #781
- Fix/ Categories with the same name can be created by @obniavko in #763
- Fix/ Priority block is not aligned by @obniavko in #776
- Fix/ Entered data and error messages are duplicated after an attempt to create the product with invalid data by @obniavko in #748
- Add a Search Bar to the Categories page by @obniavko in #771
- Add a Search Bar to the Messages page by @obniavko in #780
- Add a Search Bar to the Users page by @obniavko in #774
- Fix/ Gray table background color by @obniavko in #777
- Feature/Add Footer to the Admin page by @Natali-Kotelnitska in
Oleh Ivaniuk
Ivan Marynych
Mykhailo Vasylenchuk
What's Changed
- Fix/pending migrations bug by @AndriyAndriyovuch in #412
- Update/GitHub ci by @AndriyAndriyovuch in #411
- Fix/pending migrations bug by @AndriyAndriyovuch in #413
- Update/user's model tests by @AndriyAndriyovuch in #410
- add factorybot and faker to seeds.rb by @AndriyAndriyovuch in #414
- Update Gemfile by @loqimean in #415
- minor fix by @AndriyAndriyovuch in #416
- Feature/add new calcucator design by @AndriyAndriyovuch in #417
- Add localization for the Ukrainian language in the calculator feature#419 by @lbeketl in #422
- Feature/add results new design by @AndriyAndriyovuch in #421
- Add Products button to Admin page by @glckfndr in #429
- added default value to site settings by @annakynutsya in #406
- Move controller specs to requests folder by @HoshkoS in #423
- fix/update develop CI by @AndriyAndriyovuch in #466
- Set the same size for buttons create and cancel in add and update categories pages by @kos-nastiia in #489
- wrong error message on page product when user try to create product without title by @Vlad1kent1 in #490
- Fix/seeds by @AndriyAndriyovuch in #524
- Fix button text by @HoshkoS in #507
- Validation and verification field length and formation for "Name" in "Categories" by @HoshkoS in #526
- fix/pending tests by @AndriyAndriyovuch in #502
- change of order by @Vlad1kent1 in #523
- Change maximum length of title field by @HoshkoS in #506
- feature/533_site_settings_design by @AndriyAndriyovuch in #536
- CRUD methods for users on admin side by @HoshkoS in #481
- Move tests lib specs from models folder to libs folder by @Vlad1kent1 in #509
- remove "Access Admin Menu" checkbox from site settings by @Vlad1kent1 in #521
- fix/duplicate_seeds by @AndriyAndriyovuch in #538
- Migrate from webpacker to importmaps by @kos-nastiia in #519
- FIX assets precompile error by @kos-nastiia in #539
- Upgrade to ruby 3 by @kos-nastiia in #540
- fix/update_webdrivers by @AndriyAndriyovuch in #544
- Fix/importmap_compile by @AndriyAndriyovuch in #542
- fix/527_highlight_header_tab by @AndriyAndriyovuch in #535
- feature/sorting_items by @AndriyAndriyovuch in #548
- Fix/design issues by @AndriyAndriyovuch in #547
- feature/revert site settings by @AndriyAndriyovuch in #545
- fix/user_attrbutes_null by @AndriyAndriyovuch in #549
New Contributors
- @lbeketl made their first contribution in #422
- @HoshkoS made their first contribution in #423
- @kos-nastiia made their first contribution in #489
- @Vlad1kent1 made their first contribution in #490
Full Changelog: v2.0.0...v3.0.0
Oleh Ivaniuk
Ivan Marynych
Mykhailo Vasylenchuk
What's Changed
- Changed order of the icons on calculators page by @kukurudz-nadia in #341
- Closes #331 - modify font of the button Calculate by @BarryLev in #340
- #zer325 changed link for button 'visit website' by @annakynutsya in #342
- centered button for all axis by @heroisaprinciple in #352
- Added dashboard controller, view and route for account namespace by @annakynutsya in #343
- Zer 351 correct data format by @kukurudz-nadia in #353
- ZeroWaste #362 Use vanilla js cocoon instead of jQuery version by @kukurudz-nadia in #365
- Zero waste 356 add priority field to category by @pratpasha in #357
- Replace styles by @BarryLev in #364
- removed folder test by @kukurudz-nadia in #371
- replaced capistrano by @kukurudz-nadia in #372
- Zer 344 correct the algorithm of drop down lists for years and months by @Arturbednarskiy in #386
- Added examples to the tests, created test for price model by @pratpasha in #377
- ZER-198 Add CRUD for SiteSettings in Admin by @popovycj in #308
- Zer 373 add resource and collection to calculators controller by @sofia2123ewwr in #375
- Zer 389 responsive header by @BarryLev in #391
- Zer 382 create sitemap html by @sofia2123ewwr in #392
- Create sitemap.xml by @pratpasha in #396
- create feature controller and some views by @annakynutsya in #378
- Replace app config by @BarryLev in #401
- Added tailwind css by @pratpasha in #405
- fixed flipper.rb by @annakynutsya in #404
- CRUD for Products by @heroisaprinciple in #358
- added check for flipper table by @annakynutsya in #409
New Contributors
- @kukurudz-nadia made their first contribution in #341
- @BarryLev made their first contribution in #340
- @heroisaprinciple made their first contribution in #352
- @pratpasha made their first contribution in #357
- @Arturbednarskiy made their first contribution in #386
- @sofia2123ewwr made their first contribution in #375
Full Changelog: v1.0.0...v2.0.0
Oleh Ivaniuk
Ivan Marynych
Mykhailo Vasylenchuk
What's Changed
- Develop by @mozulevskyi in #182
- Fix versions creation for calculations by @PaulKovalyk in #267
- ZER-176 Add space up and under Logo by @KERRAT in #270
- ZER-178 Fix declension of diaper when kid’s age is not chosen by @popovycj in #271
- ZER-145 Add UKR Localization for "Yes, I want to receive email messages" by @popovycj in #273
- chore(any_login) add gem any_login by @PaulKovalyk in #269
- ZER-184-Change-logo-and-button by @IrynaOmeliukh in #275
- ZER-182 fix(main.css.scss) taken away defect of darkening background image by @PaulKovalyk in #274
- fix automation tests for SignIn by @IrynaOmeliukh in #278
- Delete 'Well done!' from console by @KERRAT in #277
- ZER-180 fix defect of cross area in calculator by @PaulKovalyk in #272
- Zer 183 results display block values placing mobile version by @KERRAT in #280
- Add gem annotate by @PaulKovalyk in #284
- UI correction font words by @merkotanh in #281
- Test CodeCov by @popovycj in #289
- ZER-186-Fix-the-background-for-mobile-version by @KERRAT in #291
- Zer 171 update product price by @PaulKovalyk in #285
- ZER 147 Add minimum test coverage to CI (CodeCov Integration) by @popovycj in #293
- ZER-185 Change text in drop down lists in data input block by @popovycj in #279
- Zer 157 translate button is named not correctly when user is not logged in by @IrynaOmeliukh in #276
- Zer 187 stage project on render by @KERRAT in #294
- ZER-167 Fix automation tests for SignIn by @oleksii-r-s in #240
- Merge Develop into master by @loqimean in #300
- ZER-195 improve product price and category relations by @PaulKovalyk in #299
- Add better rubocop configs by @loqimean in #304
- Mege "master" into "develop" branch by @loqimean in #305
- Revert "UI correction font words" by @IrynaOmeliukh in #303
- ZER-196 Refactor diaper_calculators_controller by @popovycj in #302
- change admin to account by @IrynaOmeliukh in #301
- fix staging by @KERRAT in #307
- ZER-Correction buttons on the right side by @PaulKovalyk in #314
- Remove useless ukr_language helper by @popovycj in #316
- add space between buttons and fixed background by @PaulKovalyk in #321
- Develop by @loqimean in #322
- Zer 164 v2 change UI design for data entry section web and mobile by @KERRAT in #298
- Fix custom colors for bootstrap by @KERRAT in #334
- delete unneeded controller by @KERRAT in #336
New Contributors
- @mozulevskyi made their first contribution in #182
- @PaulKovalyk made their first contribution in #267
- @IrynaOmeliukh made their first contribution in #275
- @merkotanh made their first contribution in #281
Full Changelog: v0.9.9-early...v1.0.0
What's Changed
- Create LICENSE by @Ivaniuk in #1
- ZER-2 Diaper Calculator: Setup environment by @IvanShvets42 in #2
- Add migration createFields by @ochupa in #3
- ZER-10 Create product_types table by @haliapats in #5
- ZER-9 Create products table by @Har4enkoO in #6
- ZER-18 Test environment setup by @ochupa in #7
- ZER-11 Add migration createCalculators by @PavloMS in #4
- ZER-9 added uuid cheking to products table by @Har4enkoO in #8
- ZER-18 add configs to rails_helper.rb by @IvanShvets42 in #12
- ZER-27 Add migrations to change uuid default to gen_random_uuid() by @ochupa in #13
- ZER-15 Create Calculator model by @VictoriaBryz in #11
- ZER - 26.1 Setup Rubocop pre-commit hook by @aboriiisova in #16
- ZER-13 Create ProductType model by @aboriiisova in #15
- ZER-14 Create Product model by @IvanShvets42 in #17
- ZER-16 Create Field model by @ochupa in #9
- ZER 16.1 Create Field model [improved] by @ochupa in #20
- ZER-22 Create Select model by @Har4enkoO in #19
- ZER-21 Create NamedValue model by @PavloMS in #14
- ZER-25 Create Calculation model by @VictoriaBryz in #21
- ZER-23 Create Range_field model by @haliapats in #22
- ZER-24 Create Value model by @aboriiisova in #23
- ZER-27 Update README with relevant information by @aboriiisova in #24
- ZER-31 Localize Field model by @ochupa in #25
- ZER-33 Localize NameValue model by @ochupa in #26
- ZER-32 Localize Calculator model by @VictoriaBryz in #30
- ZER-37 Localize Calculation model by @VictoriaBryz in #31
- ZER-3 Calculator: create a main page (FE) by @Har4enkoO in #18
- ZER-30 Localize ProductType model by @aboriiisova in #27
- ZER-36 Localize RangeField model by @haliapats in #29
- ZER-29 Localize Product model by @aboriiisova in #28
- ZER-39 Setup Capybara by @ochupa in #33
- ZER-35 Localize Value model by @PavloMS in #35
- ZER-34 Localize Select model by @Har4enkoO in #34
- ZER-35 Localize Value model by @Har4enkoO in #36
- ZER 38 Investigate and fix Rubocop verification issue by @Har4enkoO in #39
- ZER-41 Create Staging and Uat environments by @ochupa in #40
- ZER-17 Implement simple formula field evaluating by @PavloMS in #43
- ZER-20 Create POST /api/v1/calculators/PERMALINK/compute API endpoint by @IvanShvets42 in #42
- ZER-40 Add 'slug' field to 'calculators' table by @VictoriaBryz in #37
- ZER-47 Backfill product_types table by @ochupa in #45
- ZER-43 Install and configure Devise by @aboriiisova in #44
- ZER-42 Add enum setting for Field model by @VictoriaBryz in #46
- ZER-28 Localize main page by @haliapats in #41
- ZER-48 Backfill products table by @VictoriaBryz in #48
- ZER-17 Implement simple formula field evaluating by @PavloMS in #47
- ZER-53 Create a login page by @VictoriaBryz in #50
- ZER-51 Create 'SINCE' external function by @ochupa in #49
- ZER-56 Session expiration functionality by @VictoriaBryz in #55
- ZER-55 Password reset functionality by @IvanShvets42 in #54
- ZER-57 Create a registration form by @PavloMS in #56
- ZER-44 Create 'IN' external function by @aboriiisova in #52
- ZER-19 Create CalculatorResolver by @ochupa in #51
- ZER-6 Create calclator value entry page by @haliapats in #53
- ZER-61 Sign Out link is not working by @IvanShvets42 in #57
- ZER-53.1 Create tests for login page by @VictoriaBryz in #58
- ZER-62 Create database.yml.docker by @IvanShvets42 in #60
- ZER-60 Create Users page for admins by @ochupa in #59
- ZER-54 Add validation and authorization to a login page by @aboriiisova in #63
- ZER-63 Move IN function usage from RangeField to Calculation by @ochupa in #61
- ZER-64 Extend CalculatorResolver to get nested dependencies by @ochupa in #64
- ZER-49 Return results of calculation in compute API by @ochupa in #65
- ZER-65 Fix precompile rake error by @ochupa in #66
- ZER-66 Move User Sessions controller under Users namespace by @IvanShvets42 in #67
- ZER-68 Create a migration to create diapers calculator by @IvanShvets42 in #68
- ZER-50 Add Capybara test for Sign Out by @IvanShvets42 in #69
- ZER-59 Add login page for Admin user by @haliapats in #62
- ZER-58 Add validation and error messaging to the registration page by @aboriiisova in #71
- ZER-46 Add Capybara test for Sign Up page by @andriibureviy in #78
- Zer-70 Replacing all non-active record classes by @olenochka123 in #79
- ZER-52 - Add Capybara test for Password Reset page by @halyna-m in #74
- ZER-67 Rename AdminsController by @Nazarii-Makohin in #75
- ZER-69 Background images are not displayed by @nkdevcoyg in #80
- ZER-73 by @halyna-m in #82
- background_changed by @nkdevcoyg in #83
- Zer 53.1 - Edited legacy code: visit login Capybara test by @halyna-m in #81
- Move Api::V1::Calculators Controller under V2 by @andriibureviy in #85
- ZER-76 - Add view user page on Admin side by @halyna-m in #86
- ZER-79 - Added Create Calculator page on admin side by @halyna-m in #89
- Add deployment by @vpuchak in #91
- Zer-78 Add an export button above user list on Admin side by @andriibureviy in #92
- ZER-84 - Added Google sign in by @halyna-m in #95
- Try to fix credentials by @maksymst in #96
- Fix ZER-84 - Modified all credentials by @halyna-m in #97
- Zer-80 by @olenochka123 in #100
- add 2 files Function Dipers_per_month.rb, and Spec to common function… by @xSSinnerx in #87
- Zer 71 by @MaksymBrehin in #90
- Make sure compute endpoint returns calculated values by @maksymst in