Oleh Ivaniuk
Ivan Marynych
Mykhailo Vasylenchuk
What's Changed
- Bootstrap5 by @glckfndr in #537
- feature/upgrade rails by @AndriyAndriyovuch in #553
- feature/upgrade ruby by @AndriyAndriyovuch in #552
- Update README.md by @obniavko in #555
- fix/minor_improvements by @AndriyAndriyovuch in #551
- Update README.md by @loqimean in #557
- feature/uniquness_for_product by @AndriyAndriyovuch in #546
- closes #558 fix wrong error message by @DmytroStoliaruk in #560
- fix/remove_useless_files_&_fix_flash by @AndriyAndriyovuch in #577
- 512 favicon validations by @dafeys in #567
- Remove irrelevant parameters in the URI address by @iambrozjak in #581
- 453 calculator page images size by @kisiohlova in #569
- 563 remove duplicate line in the config/initializers/simple_form_bootstrap.rb by @kisiohlova in #575
- feature/change Search button style by @obniavko in #572
- Remove duplicate line from config/database.yml.sample by @obniavko in #573
- fix Delete button on Calculators page by @iryna-borniak in #580
- #570--Products-page]-The-product-page-opens-after-clicking-on-the-"Delete"-button by @fh0enix in #576
- Site Settings rouring error by @DmytroStoliaruk in #574
- Add hover effect for "How to use less" button by @obniavko in #582
- 384 create index action using feature flags by @Natali-Kotelnitska in #583
- feature/add menu items to the navbar by @obniavko in #586
- 613 rails-db by @dafeys in #622
- fix-rails-db by @dafeys in #665
- feat/add selected country to the input by @obniavko in #619
- Fix/Add max length validations for the 'First Name' and 'Last Name' fields by @obniavko in #667
- fix/ Routing error when changing the language version on a Sign up page by @obniavko in #676
- Update Ukrainian locale by @obniavko in #678
- Fix "To main" button by @iambrozjak in #589
- 610 fix buttons size on categories/new by @iryna-borniak in #630
- 595 fix revert button by @dafeys in #639
- Add underline to abbr elements with title attribute by @fh0enix in #648
- 616 tooltip text by @kisiohlova in #652
- 633 change calculators table styles by @kisiohlova in #661
- 633 admin calculators search by @kisiohlova in #683
- Fix incorrect label on button, incorrect label in Ukrainian localization by @iambrozjak in #685
- Fix incorrectly displayed labels on sign up form#621 by @fh0enix in #631
- fix error messages by @iryna-borniak in #650
- fix calculator name width on calculators/new by @iryna-borniak in #677
- Fix favicon dissapears #532 by @fh0enix in #638
- fix Choose File input width by @iryna-borniak in #566
- Fix site settings button label by @DmytroStoliaruk in #647
- 644 sign up incorrect error message by @DmytroStoliaruk in #664
- Enable Password Visibility by @Natali-Kotelnitska in #649
- 686 admin burger menu by @DmytroStoliaruk in #691
- 658 Fix 500 error on messages page by @dafeys in #700
- Fix buttons by @obniavko in #698
- 660 error messages when singup with empty fields by @dafeys in #689
- remove remaining webpacker files by @kisiohlova in #697
- The actual information has been added to the page "Contact us". by @iambrozjak in #699
- 584 sandbox by @DmytroStoliaruk in #603
- Fix/ Add translation for "Sum" hint by @obniavko in #719
- add a dropdown by @iryna-borniak in #671
- Fix-uk-locale-pluralize-in-old-calculator by @fh0enix in #672
- Change-Flash-messages-and-Toastr-messages-to-Toastify-JS-notifications by @fh0enix in #692
- Buttons border radius by @kisiohlova in #715
- Fix/category input by @obniavko in #716
- Fix papertrail warning by @dafeys in #718
- Fix "Update product" button text by @obniavko in #730
- Fix/ Add Ukrainian translation for Search placeholder and button by @obniavko in #729
- Fix: error messages when creating new Category with empty 'Name' field by @dafeys in #732
- Fix/ 'Password' label is not required by @obniavko in #736
- Add "Back" button to Show User/ Edit User page by @obniavko in #708
- Fix: fix header buttons alignment by @Natali-Kotelnitska in #721
- Fix/ Look of "Back" button by @obniavko in #738
- add auth icons, locales, fix UI by @iryna-borniak in #739
- Fix/ Negative value of Sum by @obniavko in #737
- Redesign about us page by @iambrozjak in #666
- Fix error when clicking on table header by @obniavko in #706
- Fix/ Remove duplicate error notification by @obniavko in #754
- Add "Back" button to Show Message page by @obniavko in #761
- Fix/ Remove dots in the notification messages by @obniavko in #749
- Fix 'Actions' blocks appearance by @obniavko in #758
- Fix/ Incorrect calculator title error translation by @obniavko in #742
- Edit product creation by @iambrozjak in #759
- [Products] [Add product] Resolve Validation Error for Sum Range. by @Natali-Kotelnitska in #769
- fix delete button on users page by @iryna-borniak in #693
- Fix association in Category model for prices by @kisiohlova in #781
- Fix/ Categories with the same name can be created by @obniavko in #763
- Fix/ Priority block is not aligned by @obniavko in #776
- Fix/ Entered data and error messages are duplicated after an attempt to create the product with invalid data by @obniavko in #748
- Add a Search Bar to the Categories page by @obniavko in #771
- Add a Search Bar to the Messages page by @obniavko in #780
- Add a Search Bar to the Users page by @obniavko in #774
- Fix/ Gray table background color by @obniavko in #777
- Feature/Add Footer to the Admin page by @Natali-Kotelnitska in #797
- Fix/ Incorrect timezone when message from user is received by @obniavko in #794
- Added a container to the page About by @iambrozjak in #802
- Add a Search Bar to the Products page by @obniavko in #786
- Fix/ Slug transliteration by @obniavko in #798
- 695 main page burger menu by @DmytroStoliaruk in #800
- 720 fix revert btn by @iryna-borniak in #775
- [Users/Categories/Messages page] Move search form to partial by @obniavko in #812
- Add titles using meta-tag gem by @iambrozjak in #815
- 814 main page header is not centered by @DmytroStoliaruk in #821
- Fix/ Diaper calculator images by @obniavko in #830
- New Diaper Calculator rebuild by @dafeys in #765
- Add Pagination Functionality to Admin Section by @Natali-Kotelnitska in #831
- Redesign of containers on the Contact us page by @iambrozjak in #828
- [Products]: Refactor Forms to Turbo Streams: Fix Translation. by @Natali-Kotelnitska in #832
- [Login Form]: refactor the styles for login form. by @Natali-Kotelnitska in #840
- Refactor diapers error messages validations by @dafeys in #852
- Fix meta title on Products Page by @iambrozjak in #851
- update default state of show_calculators_list (disable) by @DmytroStoliaruk in #854
- Fix/ Hover tranisition time by @obniavko in #841
- Fix Site Settings UI issues by @dafeys in #849
- Improve the drop-down menu in new calculator design by @dafeys in #869
- Fix/ Remove ability to edit calculator slug by @obniavko in #842
- Restyle 'Reset Password' Page. by @Natali-Kotelnitska in #862
- Fix Category Removal on "Edit Product" Page by @Natali-Kotelnitska in #855
- Fix/ En/Uk locales files are not matched by @obniavko in #870
- delete 'log in', 'sing up' links from main page by @DmytroStoliaruk in #845
- Add title "Diaper calculator" by @iambrozjak in #867
- Fix error messages on 'Calculators' page by @iambrozjak in #871
- Changes to the "Improved drop-down menu in the new calculator design" have been returned by @iambrozjak in #872
- Hide 'devise/shared/links' partial in login page HTML by @Natali-Kotelnitska in #873
- Next Release coming soon! by @loqimean in #874
New Contributors
- @obniavko made their first contribution in #555
- @DmytroStoliaruk made their first contribution in #560
- @dafeys made their first contribution in #567
- @iambrozjak made their first contribution in #581
- @kisiohlova made their first contribution in #569
- @iryna-borniak made their first contribution in #580
- @fh0enix made their first contribution in #576
- @Natali-Kotelnitska made their first contribution in #583
Full Changelog: v3.0.0...v4.0.0