NOTICE: This repo is being repurposed and will host the CNCF Chinese Translation Workforce project. Consequently, the contents of k8smeetup/ will be moved here, and the previous contents of the master
branch will be located in the file.
The release-1.1-cn
branch is still currently; however, it will be deprecated once the open issue and pull request authors have been properly notified and those issues/PRs have been closed.
The workflow for the CNCF Chinese Translation Workforce is documented here:
Changes are coordinated via the WeChat Group (for instant communication) and a worksheet, which includes the article index, work assignment, internal reviewer assignees and status, is tracking the progress:
Individual contributions are being tracked as well in a weekly manner:
Welcome! We are very pleased you want to contribute to the Kubernetes documentation.
You can click the Fork button in the upper-right area of the screen to create a copy of this repository in your GitHub account called a fork. Make any changes you want in your fork, and when you are ready to send those changes to us, go to your fork and create a new pull request to let us know about it.
Once your pull request is created, a Kubernetes reviewer will take responsibility for providing clear, actionable feedback. As the owner of the pull request, it is your responsibility to modify your pull request to address the feedback that has been provided to you by the Kubernetes reviewer. Also note that you may end up having more than one Kubernetes reviewer provide you feedback or you may end up getting feedback from a Kubernetes reviewer that is different than the one originally assigned to provide you feedback. Furthermore, in some cases, one of your reviewers might ask for a technical review from a Kubernetes tech reviewer when needed. Reviewers will do their best to provide feedback in a timely fashion but response time can vary based on circumstances.
For more information about contributing to the Kubernetes documentation, see:
- Contributing to the Kubernetes Documentation
- Creating a Documentation Pull Request
- Writing a New Topic
- Review Issues
- Staging Your Documentation Changes
- Using Page Templates
- Documentation Style Guide
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