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Build interface

Basic introduction

This repo serves for setting up the interface between the Kuka robot and PC (input device). In general, it consists of following works:

  • UDP networking between Kuka robot and PC (input device) that processes the message sent from Kuka robot is established.
  • Then the message is stored in shared memory for efficient use by another process, which operates on the message to extract the actual robot pose and sends it to controller and Unity simulator.
  • Meanwhile, the same message is also processed in order to extract the ipoc part.
  • Then the received control signal from controller would be stored in another shared memory and then read from it so that the control signal would finally be combined with the extracted ipoc part and sent back to the robot together.

To better understand this workflow, you can refer to this schematic diagram or the manual one.

Source Files in Service

Executables Source files Description
kuka_interface_server_node kuka_server_real_time.cpp Transmit raw data (incl. robot pose) from Kuka robot to PC (input device) and then processed data (incl. control signal) from PC (input device) back to Kuka robot based on UDP networking
process_robot_msg_node process_robot_msg_shm_first.cpp Read messages in the first shared memory created in kuka_interface_server_node and extract robot pose part for sending to controller and Unity simulator
controller_node dummy_controller.cpp Set up a dummy controller to subscribe to robot pose and publish dummy control signal
subscribe_ctrl_signal_node subscribe_ctrl_signla_shm_second.cpp Receive control signal and write it to the second shared memory



Toolset: Microsoft Visual Studio 2019

Build systems: catkin

Debugger: LLDB

Essential libraries

  1. Boost
  • Boost with from version "1.73.0" onwards (tested)
  1. XML parsing lib
  • XercesC with version "3.2.3" (Note:To get the code to run in order, please use XercesC with version greater than 3.x) (deactivated currently)
  • Regex (STL library) (activated currently for its real-time performance)
  1. ROS
  • ROS Noetic Ninjemys


Build packages - Preparation for running ros nodes

  1. Command git clone to pull from git repo
  2. Command cd kuka_interface_ws to enter the workspace
  3. Command catkin_make under this workspace to build any catkin projects found in the "src" folder, which correspond to "process_msg_ki" in our case
  4. Command catkin_make install to copy only the exes to the "install" directory
  5. Source your new setup.bat file under the same workspace using: devel\setup.bat (Windows) instead of source devel/setup.bash (Linux)
  6. Open a new terminal and command roscore in order for ROS nodes to communicate. Helpful link to understand roscore

Running ros nodes

There are three ways to run all essential ros nodes:

  1. Use Windows GUI to start up nodes respectively
    1. Navigate to "install" dir which was automatically created in the previous step when you commanded catkin_make install
    2. Navigate to "lib/process_msg_ki" where all essential exes are placed
    3. Double click "kuka_interface_server_node.exe" which will then wait for the incoming message from robot
    4. Double click "process_robot_msg_node.exe" next
    5. Double click "controller_node.exe" next
    6. Double click "subscribe_ctrl_signal_node.exe" at last
    7. Wait for robot sending messages
  2. Use rosrun to start up nodes respectively
    1. Command rosrun process_msg_ki kuka_interface_server_node under the same workspace in a new terminal
      1. Note: this node is in charge of establishing the UDP networking, writing msg into shared memory, extracting IPOC, reading control signal from another shared memory and finally combining IPOC & control signal and sending them back together to the robot.
    2. Command rosrun process_msg_ki process_robot_msg_node under the same workspace in a new terminal
      1. Note: this node is in charge of decomposing the message into the desired actual robot pose and publishing it
    3. Command rosrun process_msg_ki controller_node under the same workspace in a new terminal
      1. Note: this node, as a dummy controller, is in charge of subscribing to the actual robot pose and publishing the control signal (corrected positions of robot)
    4. Command rosrun process_msg_ki subscribe_ctrl_signal_node under the same workspace in a new terminal
      1. Note: this node is in charge of subscribing to the control signal and writing it into shared memory
    5. Wait for robot sending messages
  3. Use roslaunch to start up nodes collectively
    1. Command roslaunch process_msg_ki input_device.launch to start up all essential nodes plus dummy controller (as testing node) (Note: roslaunch will also start roscore if no master has been set. )
    2. Wait for robot sending messages

Note: Currently the external connection with robot by udp networking is activated no matter when launching node separately or launching node collectively. To test it on your laptop or similar, which means internal connection, please alter two places:

  1. "kuka_server_real_time.cpp": (Line 94) from param = "external"; to param = "local";
  2. "input_device.launch": (Line 3) from <param name="param" value="external" /> to <param name="param" value="local" />

Tip: template command line for running a separate ROS node with ROS parameter: rosrun <package> <node_name> _param:=...

Check the ROS nodes' communications

Open another new terminal, and command rostopic list to find the running topic specified by you in code, and then command rostopic echo <your_topic> to display Messages published to <your_topic>. Or command rostopic hz <your_topic> to display the frequency of publishing Messages.

Usage without using ROS w.r.t. some functionalties of this project

  1. Command git clone to pull from git repo

  2. Open this repo as a project with CLion; Configure the CMake and Toolchains of CLion so that the toolchain for building this project is Visual Studio since the dependencies - Boost and Xerces C++ - are built using Visual Studio. kuka_interface

  3. mkdir build

  4. cd build

  5. cmake ..

    or cmake -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" .. when visual studio is to be selected as compiler

    or cmake -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<install path> .. when the program should be released and the install dir should be specified. Then don't forget to navigate to the dir of <install path>

  6. cmake --build .

  7. ./build_interface_server run in one console under ./build/ directory when running on a POSIX platform; .\build_interface_server run in one console under .\build\Debug directory when running on a WINDOWS platform

  • run means non-debugging mode, while debug means debugging mode activated.
  1. ./build_interface_client in one console under build/ directory when running on a POSIX platform; .\build_interface_client in one console under .\build\Debug directory when running on a WINDOWS platform (Note: this client is a simulated robot under testing.)


Why can't the compiler like Visual studio or gcc and c++ managed by MinGW find the "sys/socket.h" and other related header files?

Answer: Such header files are specific to POSIX platform, which are not supported by WINDOWS. As an alternative for networking programming on Windows, which is probably the only one, you may refer to WinSock (sockets api on windows), which supports UDP ad TCP networking.

Local network setup (for simulation of connection between robot and computer)

In the mode of two-computer-ethernet-connection,

  1. Connect two computers with one router with two internet cabels respectively
    1. Check whether the ethernet connection of Windows computer is activated like this image shows, that the ethernet (main) other than e.g. ethernet 3 is activated
  2. Set ip addresses for each computer respectively, e.g. "" for PC 1 and "" for PC 2; And set the same subnet mask for each computer, typically ""
    1. Note: It is necessary to keep the network segments for both ip addresses the same - the example ip addresses and subnet masks can achieve that
  3. Command ping on PC1's terminal and command ping on PC2's terminal to check the connection between these two computers under the ethernet
    1. If there is the loss of 0%, it indicates the success; Otherwise, it fails. To troubleshoot it, you can try commanding ipconfig to see the ipv4 address if it is the same as you set
    2. Or check if it is related with internet firewall - try closing internet firewall when you want to connect these two computers
  4. After successful check, it is then able to connect two computers using given code of udp network programs in socket. To be noted, the server.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr("") or server.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY)should be applied other than server.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY for the server ip address. The reason is that sockaddr_in requires value of ip address to be in network-byte order, while INADDR_ANY is an unsigned long int in host byte order. As a result, this constant needs to be explicitly converted by using the function htonl, which deals with 32-bit values (htons handles 16-bit values).


  • Instead of manually making a build directory in th current directory, commanding cmake -Bbuild -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" .. is also an option for this purpose.

Clion and ROS

  • Please refer to this link to check how to setup ROS for Clion.
  • When editing the path value for any environment variable in CMakeLists.txt, please adere to UNIX or LINUX typing style instead of Windows style even if you are developing under Windows OS. Example: "D:/SUMOLibraries-main/xerces-c-3.2.3/src" instead of "D:\SUMOLibraries-main\xerces-c-3.2.3\src", otherwise you would encounter path parsing problem.


Repo for ros workspace of kuka interface setup






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