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Building MADlib from Source

Rahul Iyer edited this page Jul 1, 2015 · 18 revisions

Please read all sections marked with **. All others are optional and provide background information.

Building and Installing from Source

** Run-time Requirements (required read):

  • None (except the C++ Standard Library)

** Build-time Requirements (required read):

  • PostgreSQL 9.2/9.3/9.4, HAWQ 1.2/1.3 or Greenplum 4.2/4.3 (make sure pg_config can be found in your $PATH)

  • CMake >= 2.8.4

  • Internet connection to automatically download MADlib's dependencies if needed (Boost, Eigen). See configuration options below.


  • For generating user-level documentation (using make doc, see below):

    • doxygen >= 1.7.3, flex >= 2.5.33, and bison >= 2.4 to generate the user-level API reference in HTML format
    • A recent LaTeX installation for generating the formulas in the user-level documentation.
    • graphviz >= 2.28 to generate graphs for the doxygen documentation
  • For generating developer-level documentation (using make devdoc, see below):

    • doxygen, flex, and bison as above
    • git >= 1.7 to download/update the local MathJax installation, which is used for displaying formulas in the developer-level documentation
  • For generating a complete installation package (RPM, Package Maker, etc.; see below):

    • PostgreSQL 9.2, 9.3, 9.4
    • HAWQ 1.2, 1.3
    • Greenplum 4.2, 4.3
    • All requirements for generating user-level documentation (see above)

** Build instructions (required read):

From the MADlib® root directory, execute the following commands:

cd build/

To build the user-level documentation using doxygen, run:

make doc

The developer documentation can be built by running make devdoc instead.

Optionally, install MADlib with

make install

If your are missing a required library, the ./configure or make step will notice. Refer to your operating system's manual for instructions how to install the above prerequisites.


  • To speed things up, run make -j X instead of make where X is the number of jobs (commands) to run simultaneously. A good choice is the number of processor cores in your machine.
  • MADlib depends on the linear-algebra library Eigen. We always copy it into the MADlib build directory during the build process.

Building an installation package (RPM, Package Maker, ...)

To create a binary installation package, run the following sequence of commands:

cd build
make doc
make package

To create a complete installation package (for all supported DBMSs, equivalent to what is offered on the MADlib web site), make sure that the build process is able to locate the DBMS installations. For complete control, run ./configure with arguments -D<DBMS>_PG_CONFIG=/path/to/pg_config for all <DBMS> in POSTGRESQL_9_2, POSTGRESQL_9_3, POSTGRESQL_9_4, HAWQ_1_2, HAWQ_1_3, GREENPLUM_4_2, and GREENPLUM_4_3.

Configuration Options:

Depending on the environment, ./configure might have to be called with additional configuration parameters. The way to specifiy a parameter <PARAM> is to add a command-line argument -D<PARAM>=<value>.

The following provides an overview of the most important options. Look at build/CMakeCache.txt (relative to the MADlib root directory) for more options, after having run cmake the first time.

  • CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE (default: RelWithDebInfo)

    Debug, Release, RelWithDebInfo, or MinSizeRel

  • CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH (default: empty)

    List (separated by ; without trailing space) of additional search paths (for each ${PREFIX_PATH} in ${CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH}, binaries are searched for in ${PREFIX_PATH}/bin, headers are searched for in ${PREFIX_PATH}/include, etc.)

    For instance, if Boost header files are located under a non-standard location like /opt/local/include/boost, run ./configure -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/opt/local.

  • CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX (default: /usr/local/madlib)

    Prefix when installing MADlib with make install. All files will be installed within ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}.

  • <DBMS>_PG_CONFIG (for <DBMS> in POSTGRESQL_9_2, POSTGRESQL_9_3, POSTGRESQL_9_4, HAWQ_1_2, HAWQ_1_3, GREENPLUM_4_2, and GREENPLUM_4_3, default: empty)

    Path to pg_config of the respective DBMS. If none is set, the build script will check if $(command -v pg_config) points to a PostgreSQL/Greenplum installation.

    Note: If no GREENPLUM<...>_PG_CONFIG is specified, the build script will look for /usr/local/greenplum-db/bin/pg_config.

  • LIBSTDCXX_COMPAT (default: empty)

    If GNU gcc is used to build MADlib and link against the GNU libstdc++, this option may be used to set the maximum version of libstdc++ acceptable as a runtime dependency (not supported on Mac OS X). E.g., if MADlib should require no more than the libstdc++ shipped with gcc 4.1.2, call ./configure with -DLIBSTDCXX_COMPAT=40102.

    The current minimum value supported for option LIBSTDCXX_COMPAT is 40102, and the latest version of gcc supported when setting this option is gcc 4.6.x.

    Setting this option will enable workarounds in src/utils/libstdcxx-compatibility.cpp.

  • BOOST_TAR_SOURCE (default: empty)

    If no recent version of Boost is found (>= 1.46), Boost is downloaded automatically. Alternatively, the path to the (possibly gzip'ed) tarball can be specified by calling ./configure with -DBOOST_TAR_SOURCE=/path/to/boost_x.tar.gz

  • EIGEN_TAR_SOURCE (default: empty)

    Eigen is downloaded automatically, unless the you call ./configure with -DEIGEN_TAR_SOURCE=/path/to/eigen_x.tar.gz, in which case this tarball is used.


For GPDB, connecting to segment with the following options can be useful: PGOPTIONS='-c gp_session_role=utility' psql -p $SEGMENT_PORT

For debugging it is helpful to generate an IDE project (e.g., XCode) with cmake and then connect to the running database process:

  1. Generate XCode project with CMake (in MADlib root directory): mkdir -p build/Xcode && cd build/Xcode && cmake -G Xcode ../..
  2. Add an executable in XCode that points to the postgres binary you use to run madlib (e.g., /usr/local/bin/postgres)
  3. Do a select pg_backend_pid(); in psql
  4. Run a madlib function so that the progress load symbols from
  5. Choose "Run" -> "Attach to Process" -> "Process ID..." in XCode and enter the process ID obtained in psql

For GDB:

  1. $ gdb /path/to/postgres
  2. Do a select pg_backend_pid(); in psql
  3. Run a madlib function so that the progress load symbols from
  4. $ attach $PG_BACKEND_PID ($PG_BACKEND_PID from 2.)
  5. run the query that trigger the bug
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